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職場社交英語 Lesson 42:撤資

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職場社交英語 Lesson 42:撤資

SCENE① C 艾文跌跌撞撞進了文斯的隔間

ing-bottom: 66.88%;">職場社交英語 Lesson 42:撤資


Vince: I just talked with the venture capitalists. If we don't follow Zina's timeline, they'll pull the plug.

文斯: 我纔跟我們的投資方談過。若我們不照吉娜的時間表進行,他們就撤資。

Elvin: Well, they're going to find out real soon that her timeline is impossible.

艾文: 好啊,他們很快就會發現,她的時間表是不可能的。

Vince: Maybe not. Zina got Vikam to 1) put up money for three new programmers. They start tomorrow.

文斯: 或許不會。吉娜讓“維康”出錢請了三個新的程序設計師。他們明天就開工

Elvin: Are we just going to let her 2) hijack the company?

艾文: 我們就這樣讓她在公司奪權?

Vince: For now, Zina is calling the shots.

文斯: 目前是由吉娜來發號施令。

Elvin: I can't believe this is happening.

艾文: 我不相信有這種事。

Vince: 're still 3) dripping blood on my desk.

文斯: 嗯……你的血還在往我的桌上滴。


A: Do you like rainy days?


B: I like listening to the sound of dripping water.


【pull the plug 撤資】

pull the plug的字面意義是“拔插頭”,用在醫院中就是指“拔除長期陷入昏迷的病患的維持生命系統”,以讓他安樂死。

A: That car accident was terrible. Did Joe ever make it off life support?


B: His injuries were too serious. His family decided to pull the plug.


【Call the shots 發號施令】

開槍的時候,要有人喊口令,於是乎call the shots 就是指“發號施令”,以表示做決策以及作主控制的意思。

A: Josie is good at calling the shots.


B: And that is why the company has been so successful.


1) put up 提供金錢

2) hijack (v.) 劫持(車,船,飛機)

3) drip (v.) 滴落