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這句話怎麼說(時事篇) 第334期:薄熙來案在濟南開庭審理

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這句話怎麼說(時事篇) 第334期:薄熙來案在濟南開庭審理



BEIJING - Bo Xilai, former Communist Party of China chief of Chongqing Municipality, stood trial in open court Thursday on charges of taking bribes, embezzlement and abuse of power at the Jinan Intermediate People's Court in East China's Shandong province.


stand trial in open court是公開受審;on charges of是被控……罪名。
公開審理還可以用to be heard in public/open court來表達。
7月25日,薄熙來案由山東省濟南市人民檢察院(Jinan People's Procuratorate)向濟南市中級人民法院提起公訴(public prosecution)。
起訴書(indictment)指控,被告人薄熙來利用其職務上的便利(take the advantage of his position),爲他人謀取利益(seek gains for others),收受賄賂(accept bribes),貪污公款(embezzle public money),嚴重損害了國家和人民的利益(seriously harm the interests of the state and people)。依法應當以受賄罪(take bribes)、貪污罪(embezzlement)、濫用職權罪(abuse of power)追究刑事責任(criminal responsibility),並予以數罪併罰(joinder of punishment for plural crimes)。
2012年9月,因薄熙來涉嫌嚴重違紀(serious discipline violations),中共中央政治局會議決定給予薄熙來開除黨籍、開除公職處分(expel Bo from the CPC and his public office),對其涉嫌犯罪問題及犯罪問題線索移送(transfer to)司法機關(judicial organs)依法處理。
