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職場社交英語 Lesson 51:你得要沉得住氣

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職場社交英語 Lesson 51:你得要沉得住氣

SCENE① C 文斯與艾文在男洗手間裏

ing-bottom: 66.88%;">職場社交英語 Lesson 51:你得要沉得住氣


Vince: That's right. Once the contract with is final, we'll 1) deal with Zina.

文斯: 沒錯。只要跟的合約一簽下來,我們就來對付吉娜。

Elvin: I can't wait to see the 2) expression on her face when we 3) dump her.

艾文: 我等不及要看她被我們甩掉時,臉上的表情了。

Vince: Don't jump the gun. She's in the driver's seat right now. You have to be patient.

文斯: 別高興得太早。現在還是她在作主。你得要沉得住氣。

Elvin: Don't worry. I'm patient, but 4) vengeance will be mine.

艾文: 別擔心。我很沉得住氣,不過此仇不報非君子。

Vince: Settle down, Elvin. If you're not careful, you'll 5) give our plan away. Zina's smart, you know.

文斯: 穩住,艾文。你要是不小心,就會泄露我們的計劃。吉娜可是很聰明的。

Elvin: OK. A couple of deep breaths. OK. I'v fine.

艾文: 好。深呼吸幾口氣。好了。我沒事了。


A: How do you know he was lying?


B: I could tell from the expression on his face.


【jump the gun 如意算盤打太早】

jump the gun 的原意,是指在賽跑的時候,在鳴槍之前就偷跑了出去,而在使用上,就是指事情尚未有定論,就信心滿滿而沾沾自喜地妄下斷語,猶如中文“高興得太早,如意算盤打得太早”的意思。

A: So, when are we going to get married?


B: Whoa! Let's not jump the gun. This is only our first date.


【be in the driver's seat 控制全局】

be in the driver's seat 意指“坐在駕駛座上”,坐在這個位置的人,理當是在“控制全局,掌控一切”。

A: Chris is happy as long as he can be in the driver's seat.


B: All men are like that.


1) deal with 處理

2) expression (n.) 表情

3) dump (v.) 拋棄,傾到(垃圾)

4) vengeance (n.) 報復,復仇

5) 泄露(祕密)