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As productions across the entertainment landscape shut down in a collective effort to flatten the curve of novel coronavirus contractions, some TV shows are finding creative ways to contribute to healthcare facilities during the crisis by looking into their props and costume collections for potentially life-saving supplies.


Grey's Anatomy and Station 19, both Grey's Anatomy universe shows have made donations of supplies in this trying time for hospitals. Station 19 donated N95 masks to the local fire station while Grey's is donating their backstock of gowns and gloves to local Los Angeles hospitals.


"At Station 19, we were lucky enough to have about 300 of the coveted N95 masks, which we donated to our local fire station. They were tremendously grateful. At Grey's Anatomy, we have a backstock of gowns and gloves which we are donating as well," showrunner for both shows Krista Vernoff said in a statement to TV Guide. "We are all overwhelmed with gratitude for our healthcare workers during this incredibly difficult time, and in addition to these donations, we are doing our part to help them by staying home."

這兩部劇的執行製片人Krista Vernoff在發給TV Guide的聲明中說:“在拍攝《19號消防局》時,我們很幸運地囤了300只大家急需的N95口罩,已經捐給了當地的消防站。他們表示非常感激。而拍攝《實習醫生格蕾》時,我們存了白大褂和手套,也捐出去了。在目前極其困難的時期,我們對醫療工作者充滿感激之情。除了捐贈物品之外,我們會待在家裏,儘自己的一份力去幫助他們。”


TV Guide has also learned that The Good Doctor, which wrapped production in Vancouver earlier this month, is in talks with the local government about donating any needed supplies from set. The exact amount of the supplies was still being worked out at press time.

TV Guide也瞭解到,本月早些時候在溫哥華完成拍攝的《好醫生》正在與當地政府溝通,要捐贈劇組內能用得上的物資。截止發稿時還在計算具體的捐贈數量。

The Atlanta-based medical drama donated gowns, masks, and gloves to Grady Memorial Hospital to kick off this noble trend. Dr. Karen Law, a rheumatologist at the hospital, thanked the generous cast and crew with an Instagram post which detailed the donation.

這部亞特蘭大的醫療劇向格雷迪紀念醫院捐贈了白大褂、口罩和手套,開創了這一風潮。該醫院的風溼病學家Karen Law醫生在Instagram上公佈了捐贈的具體細節,對慷慨的劇組人員表示感激。

The Rookie showrunner Alexi Hawley has pitched in too! "Raided The Rookie hospital set," Hawley tweeted. "With the season wrapped, we didn't have a ton, but I figured every little bit helps. Donated to UCLA Med."

《菜鳥老警》製片人Alexi Hawley也有所行動!Hawley在推特上說:“我打劫了《菜鳥老警》的醫院劇組。本季完結了,我們沒有太多物資,但我認爲能幫上忙就好。已經捐給了加州大學洛杉磯分校醫學中心。”