
首頁 > 口語英語 > 實用生活英語口語 > 美語情景對話 第1301期:What is your daily routine? 你的日常生活是怎樣的?

美語情景對話 第1301期:What is your daily routine? 你的日常生活是怎樣的?

推薦人: 來源: 閱讀: 2.53W 次

Silvia: Hi, I'm Silvia. I'm from Guatemala and I'm here today with Paul. You're from Korea right?


Paul: Yeah, South Korea, yes.


Silvia: What's your daily routine?


Paul: I normally wake up at about eight. When I don't have my first period I wake up and I go for breakfast. I really, you know, make a huge meal. Cause I really don't have lunch that often. And then I usually go to school, study, maybe library if I don't have classes and then dinner and then I go to gym and do some exercise to work out and then maybe a few drinks and go to sleep. Yeah! What about you?


Silvia: About the same, but I don't have too many classes now, so I only have to go to school three times a week, so normally when I don't have school I'll just wake up really late so it's kind of breakfast and lunch combined normally, and I've been trying to go to the gym, but I cannot make it. I'm too lazy. It's kind of a boring routine. Like waking up, and if I have to go to school, I go to school. I go back home, make dinner, homework, go to bed, that's it practically.


Paul: Fun.


美語情景對話 第1301期:What is your daily routine? 你的日常生活是怎樣的?


1. wake up 醒;醒來;
例句:We can wake up a little earlier than usual and then get used to it.
2. work out 鍛鍊;健身;
例句:In order to keep a good figure my sister work out in the gym everyday.
3. kind of 稍微;有幾分;有點兒;
例句:It kind of gives us an idea of what's happening.



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