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China-Nestled among tiny farms in this rural outpost outside Shanghai is a huge, supersanitary chicken farm-a bold bet by Tyson Foods Inc. that it can thrive in China by overhauling a decades-old business model.

在上海周邊的農村地區散落的小農場中間,坐落着泰森食品公司(Tyson Foods Inc.)的一家超大型、極其清潔的養雞場。這是泰森食品的一次大膽押注,尋求通過徹底改變存在了幾十年的商業模式在中國市場獲得成功。

Instead of buying chickens from independent farmers, as Tyson long has done world-wide, the company is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build its own farms in China. The effort is aimed at making inroads in a crucial growth market by addressing one of the country's most vexing problems: food safety.


On a recent afternoon, 330,000 chickens graze in 16 ventilated buildings, each about the area of two Olympic swimming pools. Video cameras monitor the interiors, where the faint sound of chirps mix with the whir of big fans. Workers don sterilized uniforms and shoes. Every delivery truck entering the grounds is sprayed three times with disinfectant.


Tyson aims by 2015 to run 90 such farms in China and supply its processing plants here almost exclusively with company-raised broilers, as chickens raised for meat are called. Today the Springdale, Ark., company has 20 farms in China. Three years ago, none. The goal is to double production in China to three million birds a week for supermarkets and restaurants to help offset sluggish growth in the U.S.


'We just can't build the [chicken] houses fast enough, and we're going absolutely as fast as we know how to go,' says Tyson Chief Executive Donnie Smith.

泰森食品首席執行長史密斯(Donnie Smith)說,我們建雞舍的速度還不夠快,但我們的速度絕對已經在我們力所能及的範圍內儘可能地快了。

Tyson has competition. Chinese companies, such as KFC supplier Fujian Sunner Development Co. +0.09% , dominate the market and are expanding. Many are working to modernize their food-production system, sometimes with their own company farms. Acquiring new technology and safety practices was a reason for this year's $4.7 billion takeover of U.S.-based pork processor Smithfield Foods Inc. by China's Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.

泰森食品也面臨着競爭。包括肯德基(KFC)的供應商福建 農發展股份有限公司(Fujian Sunner Development Co.)在內的中國公司主宰着這一市場,而且規模也越來越大。很多公司都在努力實現食品生產體系的現代化,一些公司還建立了自己的養雞場。今年,中國的雙匯國際控股有限公司(Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.)以47億美元收購美國的豬肉加工商Smithfield Foods Inc.,原因之一就是要獲取新的技術和安全操作。

Tyson doesn't disclose its investment costs or revenue by country. But CLSA Americas LLC estimates that Tyson's China revenue was about $715 million in the fiscal year that ended in September and will reach $1.1 billion by fiscal 2015.

泰森食品不按國別披露其投資成本或營收。不過,CLSA Americas LLC估計,在截至今年9月份的這個財年裏,泰森食品在中國的營收大約爲7.15億美元,到2015財年將達到11億美元。

In the U.S., where Tyson is the largest meat processor by sales, the company contracts with 4,000 farmers to raise the chickens that Tyson processes. The farmers raise about 100,000 birds at a time, shouldering the risk and navigating the logistical hassles.


But that doesn't fly in China, which is dominated by small-scale farms. Small poultry farms, which may have only a few hundred birds each, are hard to monitor to prevent disease and deter excessive use of the feed additives that speed animal growth.


Such food-safety problems are hindering companies' efforts to tap a growing demand for meat in China's emerging middle class. China overtook the U.S. last year as the world's largest consumer of chickens. But since then, a new bird-flu outbreak and other health scares have triggered sharp declines in sales.


Yum Brands Inc., which counts on China for about half the company's $14 billion in global revenue, blamed consumer concerns over chicken for weaker sales at Yum's KFC outlets. The company cut ties this year with some small-scale suppliers after several vendors were investigated for using excessive levels of antibiotics.

百勝餐飲集團(Yum Brands Inc.)全球140億美元的收入中有大約一半來自中國。該公司將旗下肯德基(KFC)餐廳銷售額下降歸咎於消費者對雞肉的擔憂。由於調查發現一些供應商使用過量抗生素,該公司今年與一些小規模供應商斷絕了業務關係。

China's chicken market is central to Tyson's plan to increase its sales from international production by at least 12% annually over the next few years. Tyson, which generated $34 billion in global revenue for fiscal 2013, has processed chicken in China since 2001. Lately, though, the company hasn't turned a profit in the country because of its investments in new farms and processing plants. The company expects to be profitable in China by the fourth quarter of fiscal 2014.


After a decade of purchasing birds from independent farmers, Tyson determined it needed to take over production. 'It became apparent we have less control over product quality and safety when we buy chickens available on the open market,' says Malik Sadiq, the chief operating officer of Tyson's China division.

過去10年,泰森食品一直從獨立飼養場那裏收購家禽,現在該公司確定需要自己來飼養。該公司中國業務首席運營長薩迪克(Malik Sadiq)說:很明顯,當我們在公開市場上購買雞時,我們對產品質量和安全的控制不夠。

Tyson says that while operating farms raises costs, it also gives the company direct oversight of production, enabling it to use biosecurity measures. For example, its chicken houses are covered, unlike at many Chinese farms, protecting the animals from the droppings of migrating birds that can carry diseases such as bird flu.


Tyson hopes that safe products will help build its retail brand in a country where it is little known.


The payoff could be significant. Poultry sales here have been growing faster than those of pork, China's favorite meat, in part because chicken is less expensive. Retailers and fast-food companies are expanding and looking for safe suppliers. The bulk of Tyson's chicken sales in China today are to wholesalers and other meatpackers that use the meat in sausage and other products. About 20% of its sales by volume is for the fast-food sector.


Minnesota-based Cargill Inc. started processing chicken in China this past spring, opening its own farms and plants as part of a $250 million investment. And Illinois-based OSI Group Inc., a supplier to McDonald's Corp., said recently that it had expanded the poultry farms it operates in China through a joint venture.

總部設在明尼蘇達州的嘉吉公司(Cargill Inc.)今年春季開始在中國加工雞肉。作爲一項2.5億美元投資的一部分,該公司在中國開設了自己的飼養場和工廠。麥當勞(McDonald's Corp.)供應商、總部設在伊利諾伊州的OSI Group Inc.不久前表示,該公司通過一家合資企業擴大了其在中國經營的家禽飼養場。

Building farms is complicated and capital-intensive. Gaining rights to China's scarce agricultural land is difficult. Tyson must find plots without neighbors who raise poultry to mitigate the spread of disease. Government approval of leases can take months, if not years, according to industry executives.


Mr. Sadiq, the Tyson operating chief, says the tax revenue the company provides help its case with officials. But analysts say that provincial authorities generally give preference to local companies. When Tyson gets approval, it often pays compensation or rent to current farmers.


China's national government generally has supported the move to larger farms to modernize production and improve food safety. The government also has aided the commercial chicken industry by reducing the number of so-called wet markets, where live birds and other farm products are sold to consumers and where viruses can circulate easily.


Tyson has had to build roads and bridges and install electrical lines. Cargill is making similar investments, including building 30 miles of roads near its operations in Anhui, a relatively poor eastern province, and splitting the cost with the local government for installing 300 miles of electrical lines.


'Embarking on these projects in rural China requires just immense complexity,' says Christopher Langholz, who heads Cargill's animal-protein business in China.

嘉吉動物蛋白中國區總裁樑厚哲(Christopher Langholz)說,在中國農村開展這些項目極爲複雜。

Still, executives believe it will pay off. Retailers are selling upscale labels and imported foods to consumers who believe that such products are safer than what is available at traditional markets.


Tyson says its strategy already is winning more business from restaurant chains and retailers. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. 's chief executive for China, Greg Foran, says Tyson has helped minimize the retailer's risk by providing a safe, controlled supply.

泰森食品說,這一策略已經讓公司從連鎖餐廳和零售商那裏獲得了更多業務。沃爾瑪連鎖公司(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)中國業務首席執行長高福瀾(Greg Foran)說,由於泰森提供了安全可控的產品供應,沃爾瑪的風險降到了最低。

Tyson aims to expand retail sales to 20% of its volume in China from 10% today. But that will require building name recognition and persuading consumers to buy packaged breasts and wings instead of entire birds recently slaughtered at market-and to pay more for chicken billed as higher quality.


'Chinese customers don't pay,' says James Rice, a former vice president of Tyson's operations in China who now works for a Chinese liquor company. 'In China, 20% of customers have the purchasing power and the other 80% will buy the cheapest thing.'

泰森食品前中國區運營副總裁、現供職於中國某白酒企業的賴斯(James Rice)說,中國消費者不會花這個錢的;在中國,只有20%的消費者有購買力,其餘80%則是撿便宜東西買。

Macy Lu, a 40-year-old homemaker in Shanghai, says she bought Tyson chicken recently because the deboned and skinned thighs were more convenient than what she would have bought elsewhere. It was a 'bit more expensive,' she says, but she felt safer buying the Tyson chicken because of the production date on the label. 'If there is any problem, at least it's traceable.'

40歲的上海家庭主婦Macy Lu說,自己近來買的是泰森雞肉,因爲這些雞大腿無骨無皮,相較其它地方的雞腿更爲方便。她說,泰森雞肉是要稍微貴一點,但感覺更安全,因爲商標上有生產日期。她說,如果有任何問題,至少是可以追溯的。