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US secretary of state Rex Tillerson has used his lengthiest enunciation of US foreign policy yet to reassure Kim Jong Un that the US does not seek to topple North Korea’s supreme leader or his regime and that Washington would like to “sit down” for talks.

美國國務卿雷克斯?蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)闡明瞭美國的外交政策,希望讓金正恩(Kim Jong)相信,美國不尋求推翻朝鮮最高領導人或其政權,而且美國願意“坐下來”談判。這是蒂勒森闡明該問題所用時間最長的一次。

Mr Tillerson made the remarks on Tuesday in an unexpected and rare visit to reporters at the state department after months of uncertainty over the direction of US foreign policy, rampant apparent contradictions with President Donald Trump and a vacation that had stoked rumours he was considering resigning.

週二,蒂勒森令人意外、頗爲罕見地在國務院會見記者,發表了上述言論。此前,美國外交政策的方向在過去幾個月裏存在着不確定性,蒂勒森的意見明顯跟總統唐納德?特朗普(Donald Trump)非常矛盾,休假助長了他在考慮辭職的傳聞。

Senior defence and diplomatic officials have already said the US wants to avoid war with North Korea given its likely devastating impact, but Mr Tillerson made public in the clearest terms yet what officials have deliberated for months in private: that the US does not seek to topple Mr Kim or send US troops to invade. Those statements will probably appeal to both Pyongyang and Beijing and bolster the US position.


“We are not your enemy?.?.?.?but you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us, and we have to respond,” he said. “And we hope that at some point they will begin to understand that and we would like to sit and have a dialogue with them.”


North Korea has topped Mr Trump’s foreign policy agenda since the onset of his presidency but has fast approached crisis proportions after the regime launched its first two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last month — a potential nuclear capacity experts worry could come within range of US territory.


Efforts to stem Pyongyang’s nuclear programme via a combination of tightening and expanding economic sanctions plus pressure via China have so far come to nought. China has instead backed a dual-track approach that would see North Korea and the US engage in face-to-face talks.


Mr Tillerson acknowledged the US policy of what he called “peaceful pressure” has so far yielded little success, but said it was the “appropriate” thing to try. He stopped short of blaming China for inaction, however, saying “only the North Koreans are to blame”. He also said the US would engage in talks only if Pyongyang accepted de-nuclearisation as its goal, a condition that has proved an impossible hurdle to clear in the past.


While hawks advocate threatening Mr Kim’s existence as the only means to worry him enough to bring him to the negotiating table, Mr Tillerson appears to be calculating that the prospect of regime stability and long-term economic prosperity would be more alluring to the authoritarian leader.



In earlier apparent efforts to explore other avenues, Mr Trump has suggested he would “be honoured” to meet Mr Kim and once suggested, during his campaign, he might eat a hamburger with him.


Mr Trump has vacillated over the potential role of China, at times appearing to beseech it to handle North Korea — whose economy depends overwhelmingly on trade with Beijing — or expressing exasperation it has not done enough.


Relations with China are “at a bit of a pivot point”, Mr Tillerson said of America’s relationship with the world’s second-largest economy, referring to four decades of peace between the two countries. He said he hoped they could deal with their emerging differences, including over North Korea, “in a way that does not lead to open conflict”.
