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1. consist of = be made up of 由……組成 (沒有進行時)

e.g. The UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

=Great Britain and Northern Ireland make up the UK.

2. 區別:

? separate ... from (把聯合在一起或靠近的人或物分離出來)

? 把…分開 (把整體分爲若干部分)

e.g. The teacher divided the class into two groups.

The Taiwan Strait separates Taiwan from Fujian.

3. debate about sth.

e.g. They debate about the proposal for three days.

debate /argue/ quarrel

4. clarify: vt./vi. (cause sth. to )become clear or easier to understand澄清;闡明;清楚;明瞭

e.g. I hope what I say will clarify the situation.

Can you clarify the question?

5. be linked to = be connected to /be joined to 連接

【習慣用語】★ link A to B 將A和B連接起來

6. refer to


e.g. When he said “some students”, do you think he was referring to us?

2) 參考;查閱;詢問

e.g. If you don't understand a word you may refer to your dictionaries.

Please refer to the last page of the book for answers.

3) 關係到;關乎

e.g. What I have to say refers to all of you.

This rule refers to everyone.

reference: n. 參考 e.g. reference books 參考書

7. to one's surprise (prep)

“to one's + 名詞” 表 “令某人……”

常見的名詞有 “delight, disappointment, enjoyment, astonishment 等

e.g. I discovered, to my horror, that the goods were entirely unfit forsale.

To John's great relief they reached the house at last.

8. ... found themselves united peacefully

“find +賓語+賓補( adj; adv; v-ing; pp; 介詞短語;不定式)”

e.g. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoking in thekitchen.

You'll find him easy to get along with.

They found themselves trapped by the bush fire.

When I woke up, I found myself in hospital.

I called on him yesterday, but I found him out.

9. get sth done =have sth done 使某事被做…….

e.g. I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come.

get + n. + to do

get + n. + doing

You'll get her to agree.

I'll get the car going.

get done: 用於意想不到、突然或偶然發生,意爲“被…….”

e.g. Be careful when you cross this very busy street.

10. break away (from sb / sth) 脫離;破除…

e.g. It is not easy for him to break away from bad habits.

The man broke away from his guards.

break down (會談)破裂,失敗;(汽車等)出故障;(人的健康狀況)變得惡劣;(情感)失控

e.g. His car broke down on the way to work this morning.

His health broke down under the pressure of work.

He broke down and wept when he heard the news.

Talks between the two countries have completely broken down.

? break in 闖入;打岔

? break off 中斷,折斷

? break into 闖入

? break out 爆發;發生

? break up 驅散;分散,拆散

11. as well as 不僅…而且;既…又…

e.g. He is a teacher as well as a writer.

The children as well as their father were seen playing football in thestreet.

12. convenience: n.方便;便利(convenient: adj. )

e.g. We bought this house for its convenience.

13. attraction: (attract: v.)

1). 吸引;引力(不可數 n.) e.g. attraction of gravitation 重力

2). 吸引人的東西;喜聞樂見的東西;精彩節目(可數 n.)

He can't resist the attraction of the sea on a hot day.

A big city offers many and varied attractions.

What are the principle attractions this evening?

14. influence

1) v. 對…產生影響 e.g. What influence you to choose a career in teaching?

2)可數n. 產生影響的人或事 e.g. He is one of the good influences in the school.

3) (不可數n.) 影響 e.g. A teacher has great influence over his pupils.



point upset ignore calm down cheat list share a series of crazy purposedare thunder entire(~ly) trust according to power suffer recover suitcasesituation disagree be concerned about walk the dog set down face to face be/gettired of get along with fall in love make a list communicate with


1)add vt/vi加;添加;增添

add up合計 加起來,但在口語中有時用於否定句,表示“莫名其妙,不說明問題”。

add up to 總計共達,所有一切都說明,總而言之。

add sth(to sth)把……加到……裏去。

add to 增加,擴建。

add 表示“繼續說,補充說”。




2)cheat v 欺騙;作弊 n 騙子;作弊者;騙人的事

cheat sb of sth cheat sth out of sb 從某人處欺詐某物

cheat on/at/in 作弊,欺詐

3)list v 將事物列於表上;編事物的目錄 n 名單;目錄;一覽表

make a list of 造表,列……表

take…off the list 從表上去掉……

stand first on the list 居首位,列前茅

as listed above 如上所列


share in 分享,分擔,共用

share sth with sb 和某人共用/共享某事物

share out 分配,分發;得到股息,升股息

share(n.)in/of 一分,部分

4)trust vi/vt 信任,信賴;依賴

trust in 相信,信任,信仰

trust to 依靠(運氣等),依賴

trust that… 希望,想

5)suffer vt/vi 遭受,受到,蒙受;受痛苦,受折磨,受懲罰,受損傷

suffer from 受……傷害;患……病痛

注意:suffer 和 suffer from 都不能用於被動語態

6)calm vt/vi/adj. 使平靜;使鎮定。平靜的,鎮靜的,沉着的。

calm down 平靜下來,鎮定下來





be concerned about 擔心,關心

as/so far as…be concerned 關於,至於,就某人而言

have no concern for 毫不關心

concern oneself in/with/about sth 忙於,從事;關心,關切

have a concern in 和……有厲害關係

be concerned in/with 參與,與……有關

8)separate v/adj 分開,和……分手;單獨的,分開的,不同的

separate…from 使……和……分離


lose one’s reason 失去理智,發狂

by reason of 由於

bring sb to reason 說服某人理智些

within reason 合理

without reason 不合理

listen to reason 聽從道理

reason sb into/out of sth 以理說服某人做/不做某事


beyond /out of one’s power 力所不及的,不能勝任的

=not within one’s power

in power 當權的,握有政權的

come into power掌權,得勢


form / make a habit of doing=make it a habit to do sth 養成做某事的習慣

be in the habit of 有……的習慣

fall/get into a habit of 沾染(養成)……習慣

break(off)a habit=get out a habit 戒除一種習慣

form good habits 養成良好的習

out of habit 出於習慣

12)according to爲介詞短語,後跟名詞,代詞,不能很從句,表示“根據;按照;試……而定”。

according to其後引出的信息應來自別人或者別處,不能來自說話者自己。

according to其後不能跟opinion,view等名詞。

according as 相當於連詞,後跟從句,意爲“正像,根據,按照,如果”。

13)join in

區別join;join in;take part in;attend

join 參加某個組織或者團體(黨派,軍隊等),並且成爲其中的一員。

join in 參加正在進行着的活動,如遊戲,討論,辯論,談話等。

take part in 參加會議或者羣衆性的活動,並且在其中法會一定的作用。

attend 參加會議、儀式、婚禮、葬禮、上課、上學、聽報告等。重在強調“參與”的動作,不強調參加者的作用。






I dare say…我敢打賭說……

15)go through 經歷;經受;通過考試;經過;審閱;檢查

go with 伴隨,與……協調 go up 上升;建起;上漲 go over檢查,審查;複習,重溫

go out 熄滅;公佈;播出 go ahead 進行,進展;(with)贊同 go into從事,參加(某一行業);調查

16)get along with 同……相處;進展

get away 離開;逃避 get back 回來;拿回 get down 拿下;寫下 get in 進入;收穫

get down to 開始認真做…… get on/off 上/下車 get over 克服;戰勝 get across 被理解

get through 完成;通過;接通電話 get up 起牀 get it 明白,理解;猜中







18)no longer=not…any longer表示不再繼續或者再現過去某一時刻發生或存在而一直延續的動作/狀態時,常用於過去時、現在時或者將來時的句子中。

no more=not…any more 表示再也不重複過去反覆發生的動作時,常用於過去時或者將來時的句子中。

When he saw the toy,the baby cried no longer.當看到玩具時,那嬰兒不再哭了。

Now she wasn’t afraid any more..現在她再也不害怕了。

19)①settle down to 決心去做……,專心去做…… settle on/upon 決定……,選定……

②have trouble with 使傷腦筋,苦惱;跟某人鬧彆扭

ask for trouble 自討苦吃 be in trouble 在困境中,有糾紛 get sb into trouble 陷入困境

make trouble 惹麻煩 put sb to trouble 麻煩某人 take the trouble to do 費力做




















④直接引語如果是一般現在時。表示一種反覆出現或習慣性的動作,變間接引語,時態不變。⑤如果直接引語中的情態動詞沒有過去時的形式(例:ought to,had better, used to)和已經是過去時的形式時,(例:could, should, would, might)不再變。



1. defend against保衛…以免受

uduce sb tosb 向某人介紹某人

sb on somepart親吻某人的某個部位

defence 防禦,保障

ther with 與某人一起

likely to 很可能…;有希望…

h one’s hand out to sth 把手伸出來取某物

the contrary 相反

at sb 向某人點頭

t sbwith/by 通過…向某人問候

ess one’s feelings表達某人的感情

12. in general 總的來說;通常

a job fair 在求職會上

nervousabout 對…感到緊張

15. at ease 舒適;快活;自由自在

16. lose face丟臉

one’s back to 背對;背棄

one’s head away 把頭轉過去

willing to 渴望…. , 願意….

20. look upsetabout sth 對.. 感到沮喪


1. I saw several young people enter thewaiting area looking aroundcuriously.


2. The firstperson to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closelyfollowed by Julia Smithfrom Britain.第一個到達的是從哥倫比亞來的託尼?加西亞,隨後緊跟着的是英國的茱莉亞?史密斯。

3. She steppedback appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if indefense.


4. Not allcultures greet each other the same way, Nor are they comfortablein the sameway with

touching ordistance between people.


5. We can often bewrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that weunderstand each otheras well as we do.



erence n.偏愛;優先eg:Wine or beer?which is yourpreference?要葡萄酒還是啤酒?你比較喜歡哪一樣?

I have a preference for French films.我更喜歡法國電影。

相關鏈接:prefer噸更喜歡preferable adj.更好一些(和to連用) preferably ado.是用法拓展 apreference for偏愛…… show/gire(a)preference for偏愛……

have a preference of ,..寧要某物而不要另一物

in preference to優先於……;喜愛甚於……特別提醒;prefer是preference的動詞形式,其搭配爲:

prefer sth./doing sth./doing sth.喜歡……而不喜歡

prefer to do…rather than do…寧願幹……而不願幹……

gn v&n.設計;打算給……用 eg:

He is designing a house f6r his frl’end.他正給他的朋友設計房子。

The road was not designed for heavy lrucks.這公路不是爲重型卡車設計的。

用法拓展:design…f0 r…爲某人設計…… .

be dem。gned for/to do…目的是……,打算給……用 一

by design故意地 have designson/against…對……別有用心特別提醒:design當“目的是……;打算給……用”講時,多用於被動結構。

ng vi.屬於;是……成員 eg:She belongs to this school.她是這個學校的成員。 China belongsto the third world.中國屬於第三世界。

相關鍵接;belongings n.(復)所有物,財產用法拓展:belong to sb.屬於某人的特別提醒:

(1)belong to後面接名詞的普通格.不接所有格:後接代詞時用賓格,不用名詞性物主代詞。

(2)beIong to沒有被動語態,不用於進行時態。

ess vt.銘刻,給……極深印象;使感動eg: What impressed me is the beauty of thescenery there.使我印象深刻的是那兒美麗的風景。 The book tmpressed a lot ofpeople.那本書在很多人心中留下深刻印象。 My father impressed on me the importaflce ofwork.父親要我銘記工作的重要性。

相關鏈接:impression n.印象,感覺impressive adj.給人留下深刻印象的用法拓展:impress h.在……上印……tmpress sth.用……印…

be impressed by/at/with被深深打動 be impressed on曲.使某人銘記… make a…impressionon…對……留下…印象

itpe prep.不管,不顧;任憑eg:

He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.


He is very active despite his age.他年紀雖大.卻很活躍。

用法拓展:despile=in spite of儘管though(althougll)儘管.雖然特別提醒:①despitein spiteof但比in spite of更正式。②despite(in spite of)是介詞.後接名詞(動名詞.代詞)而though、although是連詞.連接句子。

③as con).引導一個讓步狀語從句.句子須部分倒裝。④whik conj“儘管”引導一個讓步狀語從句。

e vt嘗……味道 vi.嚐起來.吃起來 n情趣。鑑賞力eg;

can you taste anything strange in this soup?你嘗得出這湯有什麼怪味嗎?

The soup tastes delicious.這湯很可口。

The girl has a taste for music.這女孩對音樂感興趣。

相關鏈接:tasty adj.美味的,可口的 a tasty meaI一頓美餐用法拓展:have a taste for對……喜歡 to one'staste按口味.合口味特別提醒;taste作系動詞用後面須接形容詞作表語;無被動語態和進行時態。


up with用……裝滿 eg:

Birds fill up the spaces between the branehes of their nests with softmaterials.


相關鏈接:fuIl“adj.充滿的用法拓展:fill…with…用……裝滿……一be filled with be fuIl of裝滿……fillin…填入.填空

特別提醒:be filled with用……裝滿 fuIl of裝滿……,這兩個短語中特別注意介詞,不要用混。

.一aside把……置於一旁.留出,撥出 eg:

Ive set aside some money for this journey.我爲這趟旅行存了一些錢。

Let's set aslde our personal feelings.我們先暫時拋開個人情感。

用法拓展:put aside節省(錢,時間).儲存……備用

step aslde避開.退讓.站到一邊take aside把……叫到一邊


9.I can't stand.”我不能忍受……eg:she can't startd the pam.她無法忍受那種痛苦。

we can't stand being made fun of.我們無法忍受被別人嘲弄。

用法拓展:can't stand+n /pron 不能忍受……can'tstand+doing不能忍受……特別提醒:stand當”承受.忍受”講.通常用於否定句和疑問句,不可用於進行時,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞。


+0+0C with的複合結構 eg:

with the door open he sIept Iast m’ght.昨天晚上他開着門睡覺。

With the boy leadmg the had no difficulty finding his house.


用法拓展:with+賓語+形容詞 with+賓語十副詞with+賓語一介詞短語with十賓語+現在分詞 with十賓語+過去分詞with十賓語+不定式

特別提醒:with後面的賓語和賓補之間若是主動關係,用doing或to do;若是被動關係.則用done。



(1)create指“有目的地把原材料製成新產品”;也指“創造出原來不存在或與衆不同的事物”。 eg:

We've created a new building out of an old ruin.我們從舊廢墟上創建了一幢新樓。

(2)invent指“通過想像,研究,勞動,創造出前所未有的東西”,尤指“科技上的發明創造”。 eg:

Edison invented the light bulb.愛迪生髮明瞭電燈泡。

(3)make是最常用詞,指“用勞動創造、生產、形成或組成”某事物。 eg:

AIl kinds of machine tools are made in this factory.這家工廠製造各種機牀。

(4)produce指“通過勞動加工而生產產品”,尤指“工農業產品”。 eg:

We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.我們必須增產食品,減少進口。