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ing-bottom: 250%;">高一英語必修1知識點總結知識歸納


1. get sb interested in 使某人對……感興趣

2. the best way of doing sth/the best way to do sth 幹…最好的方法

3. care about 關心;憂慮

4. care for/to do sth 希望或同意做某事

5. give in 投降;讓步

6. make camp 野營;宿營

7. dream of doing 夢想做某事

8. persuade sb into/out of (doing) sth 說服某人做某事/不做某事

9. try to persuade sb to do 盡力說服某人做某事=advise sb to do sth

10. insist on sth/doing sth 一定要(某事);堅決主張

11. make up one's mind 下定決心

12. put up one's tents 搭起帳篷

13. set /break(beat)/hold a record 創造/打破/保持記錄

14. have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 夢見某人/某物/夢想……

15. dream of/about... dream a dream

16. be determined to do sth 決心幹某事 (表狀態)

17. determine sb to do sth 使某人下決心做某事(表動作)

18. sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉

sb be familiar with sb 某人與某人親密無間

19. A be similar to B A與B相似

20. read one's mind 看出某人心事

take one's mind off sth 轉移注意力

keep one's mind on sth 把注意力放在...

keep/bear sth in mind 記住...

She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重

21. give in to sb 對某人讓步

give away 贈送

give off 放出(液體、氣體、氣味、光、熱量)

give out 分發

give in 放棄



are to do sth 準備做某事

prepare 準備好

ead of 代替

4.a number of 大量的

sands of 成千上萬的

seemed that Shake with 使受震驚

e hands with sb.與某人握手

e down 安頓下來

bursting to do sth.急於做某事

t into/in 闖入

t with anger 勃然大怒

in ruins 成爲廢墟

ones hopes 使某人希望破滅

e sb 評價

e by/from 從...看來

honoured by 對...感到榮幸

honour to sb 敬重



down 平靜下來;鎮定下來

concerned about 關心;掛念

a list of 列出…

crazy about 對…着迷

rding to 根據…所說;按照

along with 與…相處;進展

in love 相愛;愛上

out 試驗;試用

up 合計

down 放下;記下;登記

sth. done 做…;使…被做;

e sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物

through 經歷;經受;

14.a series of 一連串的;一系列;一套

purpose 故意

order to 爲了…

in 參加;加入

unicate with 和…交流

to face 面對面地

er from 遭受…






