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curriculum is too hard for me.I guess I will have a hard time finding a job when I are not encouraged to exchange ideas with other students.I hate the force-feeding approach to sometimes what they teach in class is over my teachers are so strict. It seems very few Chinese teachers encourage their students to explore areas that are beyond academic extracurricular activities can be time-consuming.I have a heavy class load this canteen food is cafeteria food is 's important to be bilingual rstanding English enables you to understand the English-speaking cultures ing English novels and online magazines is an excellent way to boost your ish abilities give you a competitive edge and improve your chances of can travel the world with few language barriers if we speak good are considered “left behind" if you can't speak ning a foreign language takes time and e're plenty of test-taking techniques. But as a matter of fact, there're no shortcuts to learning a foreign language.

反方這門課程對我來說太難了。我想在畢業之後找到一份工作會很艱難。我們與其他學生交流想法是不被鼓勵的。我反感填鴨型的教學方式。但有時候我聽不懂他們在課堂上講的內容。我的老師非常嚴格。似乎只有很少的中國老師鼓勵其學生去探索超出其學生課程界限的領域。但是課外活動是非常耗時間的。我這學期的課也負擔很重。食堂裏的飯菜極其之難吃。自助餐廳裏的飯菜極其之難吃。在如今,成爲通曉兩門語言的人是非常重要的。正方懂英語能夠幫助你更好地理解英語文化。讀英文的小說和網絡雜誌是擴大詞彙量的好方法。英語能力能讓你擁有競爭優勢並且增加你被錄用的機會。如果我們英語說得很好,那麼我們在環遊世界的時候就不會遇到多少語言障礙了。反方如果你不會說英語的話,你就會被視作“落伍”了。學一門外語既耗時間又耗精力。應付考試有很多應試技巧。但實際上,學習外語卻沒什麼捷徑。翻譯by 憑欄觀瀾
