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中國寓言故事雙語版 第57期:小兒辯日

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ing-bottom: 71.12%;">中國寓言故事雙語版 第57期:小兒辯日

Once, Confucius went to the east to advocate his ideas, On the way he met two children arguing hotly with each other.


Confucius asked: "Children, what are you arguing about?"

孔子問: “孩子們,你們在辯論什麼呀?”

One child said: "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is nearer to us, and at noon, it is farther from us."

一個小孩說: “我認爲,太陽剛剛出山時,離我們近;到了中午,就離我們遠了。”

The other child argued: "I think when the sun rises from the hills, it is farther from us, but at noon it is nearer to us."

另一個小孩爭辯說: “我認爲,太陽剛出山時,離人遠;中午時離人近。”

One child said: "As is known to all, things far away look smaller and things nearer look bigger.

一個說: “衆所周知,遠的東西顯得小,近的顯得大。

When the sun rises, it is as big as the canopy on a carnage; at noon it is only as big as a plate or a dish.


Doesn't this show that when the sun rises, it is nearer to us?"


The other child said: "We all know that things nearby make us feel hot, and things far away make us feel cool.

另一個卻說: “大家知道,近的東西使人覺得熱,遠的使人覺得清涼。

When the sun comes out, the air is clear and clean; at noon it is as hot as putting the hand in hot water.


Doesn't this show that the sun is nearer to us at noon?"


The two children went on arguing endlessly.


Confucius was unable to judge who was right.


The two children laughed at him: "Who said you are learned and erudite?"
