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美國公開UFO檔案 揭祕外星人造訪美國

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美國公開UFO檔案 揭祕外星人造訪美國

Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw a UFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico.


A declassified document from 1949 tells how three men, on patrols miles apart, each reported seeing a UFO break up over mountains north of Salt Lake City.


Among them is a 1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico.

其中還有一份特工 蓋• 豪特爾 在1950年的陳述,爲外星人駕駛UFO在新墨西哥州的羅茲威爾失事墜毀的說法提供了證據。

He wrote that the flying saucers were "described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter."


美國公開UFO檔案 揭祕外星人造訪美國 第2張

In a statement that is reminiscent of the hit 1990s TV programme The X-Files, he went on to describe the alien life forms inside the UFOs.


"Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall," he wrote.


The bodies were "dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a mannersimilar to the blackout suitsused by speed flyers and test pilots."


A gent Hottel suggested that the UFOs had crashed in New Mexico because high-powered government radar had interfered with their operating systems.

蓋• 豪特爾認爲,這幾架UFO已經在新墨西哥州墜毀,因爲政府在附近架設的高能雷達干擾了飛碟的控制系統。