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Break up can be tough. Sometimes, it's even hard for both sides—after all, breaking up is not easy to do. It hurts to throw away your story with someone—all the good memories and the dreams and plans you two had for the future. Mending a broken heart takes time and patience. But you must face the fact that your heart is broken. It doesn't matter if you wish things could be different or if you even regret something you did. It doesn't matter if you think you shouldn't have become that involved with that person or if you're angry and looking for revenge. The fact is: Your heart is broken! This relationship advice can help.
浪漫的關係可能會惡化,甚至可能最終以分手糟糕地結束。在這個“悲傷的結局”中最壞的事是,至少一人會心碎。渡過分手可能是困難的。有時,這甚至對雙方都是困難的——畢竟,分手不是件容易做到的事。忘記你與某人的故事令人傷心——所有你們的美好回憶、夢想和計劃。修補一顆破碎的心需要時間和耐心。但是你必須面對的事實是,你的心碎了。如果你想那本可不同,或者後悔你做過的某些事,沒關係。如果你認爲你根本不該與那個人發生關係,或者生氣和想要復仇,沒關係。事實是: 你的心碎了! 以下關係建議可以幫助你。

Even if the only thing you want to do is win your partner back - and by the way, if you're interested in doing this then I strongly recommend The Magic of Making Up - when a relationship is truly over, it's time to begin the healing process.

即使你唯一想做的事情就是贏得你的伴侶回來—順便說一下,如果你有興趣做這個的話我強烈推薦 The Magic of Making Up 這本書—如果一個關係確實結束了,是時候開始治癒了。

So now what? Are you going to sit and cry for the rest of your life or do you intend to do something? Was that ending your fault or are you not the one to blame? Is there something you can do to fix it? Is there something you should stop and think about so you can act in a better way the next time 'round? Is mending a broken heart even possible? Of course it is! Getting over a break up is possible. There are many things you can do to heal a broken heart! And the best thing is: It all depends on you! Here's how to forget someone in 8 steps.


Step 1

Cry out everything you have to cry about! When we get hurt, it's normal (and good) to cry. Don't ever think you're being weak for crying and don't feel embarrassed because of it! It's normal and it's good! When you cry, you let go of part of your anger and hurt so you can feel less heavy. You can lock yourself in a room, if you want to, and put on some sad let yourself feel the pain and cry so you can let it go. The main thing here is: Get rid of the pain! Just let her go!


哭出你想訴說的一切! 當我們受傷時,哭泣是正常的(也是好的)。永遠不要覺得哭泣讓你顯得弱小,或者覺得尷尬,因爲哭泣是正常的,哭泣是正確的!在你哭泣的時候,你部分的憤怒和傷害感會消失,因此你可以覺得不那麼消沉。你可以把自己鎖在一個房間裏,如果你想,還可以聽一些悲傷的音樂…但當你悲傷時,哭出來,以讓悲傷消失!重要的一點是:擺脫痛苦!讓痛苦離開!

Step 2

Get busy!

When you're trying to get someone out of your head, you need to put other things inside of it. In other busy! It doesn't matter how, you just need to get distracted. Go to a movie, watch a play, travel. It doesn't matter what are you going to do—the important thing is to find something to do. Find a hobby, find something you enjoy doing, something to keep your mind busy. If your mind is busy, it doesn't have time or space to think about the person you're trying to forget.




Step 3

Spend some time with your friends. Friends are always great to have in this kind of situation! Friends can make you feel good about yourself and get you distracted very easily. They will certainly make you laugh and make you see that you're way more important than you think! The only warning is: Ask them not to talk about the person you're trying to forget. If they start bringing the topic up in every conversation, you won't be able to forget, and instead of making you laugh, they're going to make you cry. So be honest and ask them not to talk about it!


多花些時間與你的朋友在一起。 在這種情形下,與一些朋友在一起總是最好的!朋友可以讓你對自我感覺良好,讓你容易分心。他們肯定會讓你發笑,讓你覺得你自己遠遠更重要!唯一的警告是:要求他們不要談論你正試圖忘記的那個人。如果他們的每段對話裏都有那個人,你就會很難忘記,這不會讓你笑,而會讓你哭。所以要誠實,並要求他們不要談論它!

雙語達人:8個步驟教你如何忘記一個人 第2張

Step 4

Avoid the person! Try not to go to places you know you can meet that person. When you're trying to forget someone and you two keep seeing each other, it can be even harder to get over it. If you meet him/her somewhere, be polite, but find an excuse to go away as fast as you can! If you work or study with him/her and you can't avoid seeing him/her, just try not to look and not to talk too much. Just be gentle and keep busy all the time so you won't have excuses to look at him/her or to chat.


避免遇到那個人! 儘量不去你知道你能遇到那個人的地方。當你試着去忘記一個人,你們兩個卻不停地看到對方,就會更難過去。如果你在某處見到他/她,要有禮貌,但要找到一個藉口使你儘快離開!如果你和他/她一起工作或學習,你不能避免見他/她,則試着不要去看太多,不要說得太多。保持禮貌和保持忙碌的狀態,於是你不會有藉口去看他/她或聊天。

Step 5

Go out and see some different faces! Being at home gives you more time to think about the relationship, which makes the process of working through the end of that relationship even more difficult. So even if you're not feeling excited or you're in a bad mood, just put on your best clothes, best shoes, best smile, call some friends and go somewhere nice where you can dance, drink, listen to some music. And the most important: See some different faces! When you go out, you notice that the person you're trying to forget is not the only one who's got a perfect smile and an amazing k god, there are other interesting people in the world!


走出去,看看不同的臉! 呆在家會有更多思考這段感情的時間,這會令情感的結束更加困難。因此,即使你沒有興奮或者不快,也要穿上最好的衣服,鞋子,帶上最燦爛的笑容,叫上一些朋友一起去個好地方,在那裏你可以跳舞、飲酒、聽音樂。最重要的是:看看不同的臉!當你出去時,你會發現,你試圖忘記的人不是唯一一個有完美微笑和美妙聲音的人…感謝上帝,世界上還有其他有趣的人!

Step 6

Avoid every kind of romantic thing! If you're trying to forget someone, you'd better not watch romantic movies or listen to romantic makes you feel bad and you will certainly remember the person you're trying to forget. It doesn't matter if it's a song you love or if it's playing on the change the station or do something else. Put on some happy songs, dancing songs, watch some comedies, terror movies, just need to avoid the romantic things for now!


避免任何浪漫的事! 如果你想忘記某人,你最好不要看浪漫電影或者聽浪漫歌曲…它使你感覺糟糕,你肯定會想起你要忘記的人。如果恰好那是你喜歡的歌曲,或者正好在廣播中播放……就換個臺或者做別的事情。欣賞一些快樂歌曲,舞曲,看些漫畫,恐怖電影,等等…你只需要暫時避免浪漫的事!

Step 7

Take good care of yourself. Women tend to run for some kind of self-destruction when they're hurt. If we break up our perfect relationship, then we have no reason to get our nails done anymore and the only thing that gives us comfort is chocolate and sugar. That way, the only thing we do is to become less attractive and lessen our self-confidence. So if you're hurt, just try to use your pain for yourself instead of against you. Go to the gym, work out a lot, get your nails and hair whatever you can so you can feel more pretty and confident!


照顧好你自己。 當女性受到傷害時,她們總會做些自我毀滅的事情。我們結束了我們的完美關係,我們就沒有理由修剪指甲了,只有巧克力和糖會給我們帶來些安慰。如果這麼想,我們只會變得減少吸引力和自信。因此,如果你受傷了,就試圖用你的痛苦來幫助你,而不是對抗你。去健身房、多做些工作、修好指甲、剪好頭髮…做些可使你覺得漂亮,有自信的事!

Step 8

Accept the process! You can be really strong and it's still going to hurt. The process takes time and you have to accept that. You can't hope to forget in 2 days someone you loved for 2 you can't pretend to be strong if you feel like crying. Just face your pain and accept that it's not easy and it's going to take some time. When you're patient with yourself and your situation, things tend to get easier...


接受這個過程! 你確實可以變得很強大,雖然那依然痛苦。這個過程需要時間,而且你必須接受這個過程。別指望在2天裏忘記你愛了2年的人…如果你覺得想哭,你不能假裝強大。你只能去面對你的疼痛並且接受。這不是容易的,這將需要一段時間。如果你耐心地對待自己和自己的情況,會讓事情更容易過去……

Of course, forgetting someone is not easy to do nor is it easily explained in just 8 steps. But there are some things that make the process a lot smoother. As I said, it takes time and it's hard but I'm sure you can do it. The only thing that is really, really important is: It all depends on you! Don't ever forget that. If you want to forget someone, then you will, there is no doubt! Even if it takes a long time, even if you have to be really will be! In that kind of situation we usually find out that we are a lot stronger than we give ourselves credit for. So believe that — believe that, take a deep breath and move on! Your life's waiting for you, baby!
