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Some children are given a weekly or monthly allowance, while others must find their own ways to earn pocket money.

Experts say it's best to help children learn the value of money, savings and work while they are young. There are many ways for children to earn pocket money rather than ask parents for money directly.

Parents can let their children work on some projects at home, like pulling weeds from the garden or cleaning the garage, and pay them for their work. Also children can pick up rubbish such as bottles and cans, and pass them to a recycling store to exchange money.





文中的pocket money就是“零用錢”的意思,第一段中的allowance也解釋爲“零用錢”。在英文中,還有一些與pocket相關的詞彙搭配,如:out of pocket(拮据的,賠錢的)、pocket dictionary(袖珍詞典)、pick pocket(扒竊)等。

文中還有一些短語,我們在日常生活中也會經常用到,如:pull weeds(拔除雜草)、clean the garage(打掃車庫)、pick up rubbish(撿垃圾)等。