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Without us even realizing it, smartphones have taken over our lives. Most of us can’t go much longer than 10 minutes before we check our phones and if we find ourselves without the device, we can feel more than a little lost. There was a time, however, before smartphones even existed.


hing Gigs Without Being Compelled To Film

Before smartphones took over our lives, we actually watched concerts with our eyes. Now, seeing anything that isn’t framed by a miniature screen just feels wrong.

ng And Failing To Date Other People

Dating without the help of the smartphone was a very real and painful situation. The sheer terror of actually having to approach a real person, in real life, is utterly unthinkable and we can all let out a sigh of relief for the invention of dating apps.

ing Genuinely Lost

Before access to online maps was a regular part of our world, we faced the very real danger of getting lost and having no idea how to get out. The fact that more of us didn’t vanish off the face of the earth is frankly a miracle.

ng Proper Mixtapes, On Real Tapes

If we wanted to express how we felt to another person, we had to go to all of the effort of finding real CDs and somehow, recording all of the best bits onto another blank disc. That was love. Now, we’re just all a bit lazy.

ning Phone Numbers Off By Heart

If we wanted to call our beloved out of the blue, we had to commit their digits to memory. The fact that we managed to memorize all of our essential numbers is an incredible feat and should be celebrated.

ring Your Embarrassing Questions

If you wanted to find out more about a weird spot on your back, or look into a trashy celebrity’s early life, you normally just let it go. Finding out information required a lot of effort and unless you really wanted the truth, you normally forgot all about it.

dling Your Thumbs On The Toilet

A trip to the toilet used to be a blank spot in the day. With nothing to look at but white walls and the ground, most of us took up thumb twiddling as a bathroom pastime.


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  • 2韓語每日一說:不要總是提及死亡,沒有比死亡還要確定的東西,這在人類的歷史上從沒有過例外。我們沒有必要去刻意迎接那些一定會到來的東西,在死亡來臨之前沉迷於生活之中吧,我們不就是爲了生活而走到了現在嗎?
  • 3看漫畫學西語:生活中令人哭笑不得的事情,原來我們都這樣做過!
  • 4教師分享 學生們爲我們做過的最暖心的事
  • 515招教學生族這樣省錢:我們都經歷過的窮學生時代
  • 6英語每日一說:是的,生活中我們都在尋求對某些事情的掌控。也許,我們想掩蓋複雜隱情的遺骸,或減輕放手時的痛楚,或抹去孩子犯下的過錯。但有時,真正改變我們生活的唯一辦法就是徹底放手,不管代價如何。
  • 7這句話英文怎麼說(生活篇) 第487期:我的手機沒電了
  • 8每日一句口語 第1205期:我們賴以生存的東西太多,而爲之生活的東西太少
  • 9我的生活被手機綁架了
  • 10西班牙語每日一句:我們對待生活的態度,決定了生活對我們的態度
  • 11愛生活愛自己:7種生活方式 妹紙們這樣就很美
  • 12這句話怎麼說(生活篇) 第339期:我坐前座 這句話|生活|前座
  • 13教師分享:學生們爲我們做過的最暖心的事
  • 14每日一句口語 第1188期:決定我們一生的不是我們的能力,而是我們的選擇
  • 15另類攝影:手機變成我們生活的攝魂怪(雙語)