
首頁 > 英語閱讀 > 雙語新聞 > 聯合國呼籲廢除艾滋病患者禁止進入SPA和公共浴室的禁令


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Beijing (AFP) - The United Nations' AIDS agencyMonday condemned a draft Chinese regulation to ban HIV-positive people fromspas and public bathhouses, as campaign groups expressed outrage over theproposal.


The proposed Ministry of Commerce rule is thelatest instance of longstanding discrimination against HIV-positive people inChina.


A draft was posted online by China's StateCouncil, or cabinet, and orders spas and similar establishments to prominentlydisplay signs prohibiting "people with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDSand infectious skin diseases".


Hedia Belhadj, China country coordinator forUNAIDS, said Monday it was concerned by the provision and called for it to beremoved.

Hedia Belhadj,聯合國艾滋病規劃署的中國協調人週一說,關注這一條款,要求取消。

She pointed out there is no risk of transmissionof HIV in a spa or bathhouse setting. "UNAIDS recommends that restrictionspreventing people living with HIV from accessing bath houses, spas and othersimilar facilities be removed from the final draft of this policy,"Belhadj told AFP.

她指出,在SPA和公共浴室裏沒有傳播HIV的風險。“聯合國艾滋病規劃署建議,防止HIV攜帶者禁入公共浴室、SPA和其他類似場所的限制應該在政策的最終草案中移除。” Belhadj對法新社說。

She urged that "any other policiespreventing people living with HIV from accessing public or private servicesalso be revised". UNAIDS estimates that there are 780,000 peopleliving with HIV in China. Chinese campaign groups blasted the proposedrule, which is open for public consultation until next month.


"The only value of this draft law is indiscriminating against those with AIDS," Yu Fangqiang, director of theNanjing-based anti-discrimination NGO Justice for All, told AFP. His organisation and five other domestic NGOsare seeking to collaborate on a response, he added. "This law must be changed. All the HIV NGOsknow this new rule, and they want to fight it," Yu said.

“這一草案的唯一價值就是歧視艾滋病患者,” 南京反歧視非政府組織的領導 Yu Fangqiang對法新社說。他補充道,他的組織和其他五個非政府組織正在尋求聯合起來做出反應。“法律必須更改。所有HIV非政府組織都知道這一新規則,並且他們打算反對它,”Yu說。