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As we all know, “Lanting”, means the blue hall in Chinese. People naturally associate the blue color with the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality, and it accords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress. It shows that we will adopt an inclusive approach, pool together the wisdom of various sectors and deepen dialogue and exchanges. It also means that we will take a global perspective, keep pace with the times and work together for development.

There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troubles and could hardly offer any reason for optimism. Despite the various problems and challenges due to reasons both of the past and present, peace, stability, cooperation and development represent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. What has happened shows that the Asia Pacific is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region.


在翻譯四字格的時候,一定要注意四個字中詞與詞之間的關係。比如和諧共存,是偏正結構,即和諧的共存,所以可以用和諧的形容詞,harmonious, 因此譯成 harmonious coexistence。開放共贏,是並列關係,即開放和共贏,可譯成openness and win-win progress. 人文薈萃,可採用偏正結構,即豐富的人力資源以及文化多樣性,rich human resources and cultural diversity。前景光明也可採用英語中較多出現的偏正結構,即光明的前景,bright prospects。另外,還有四個字表示一個意思的,比如包容永珍,即包容性,inclusiveness, 海納百川,也是包容性的意思,即inclusiveness或者an inclusive approach。


文中出現了不少常見的口譯搭配,比如深化對話與交流,把握時代脈搏,共謀發展大計。首先,對應的動詞我們應該熟悉,如深化,可翻譯為deepen, strengthen, intensify。把握這個詞,需要根據上下文去推導,此處它的賓語是時代脈搏,因此把握即為與...保持同步的意思,可翻譯為keep pace with。共謀,即將智慧集聚到一起,可翻譯為pool together the wisdom。


漢語從習慣上傾向於在一個名詞之後再加一個名詞作為總結。比如不穩定的局面,局面作為不穩定的的總結。而英語的習慣是不加名詞總結的,因此如果翻譯成the situation of instability, 則顯得累贅,不地道,應直接譯為instability, 這個特性在本文中得到體現的是時代脈搏這個四字格,不少考生會翻譯成the impulse of the times, 或者the feature of the times, 事實上無論是直譯的impulse, 還是意譯的feature, 都是不必要的,因此直接翻譯成the times是一個比較理想的選擇。


在第二段中出現了一個並列的結構作為句子的主語:謀和平、維穩定、求合作、促發展是..., 其中四個名詞賓語和平,穩定,合作容易翻譯,分別為peace, stability, cooperation,development接下來不少考生便開始搜尋對應的動詞,即謀,維,求。謀就是思考,可以翻譯成come up with, map out, 維就是維護,可以翻譯成safeguard, maintain, 求就是追求,可以翻譯成seek, ensure, 促就是促進的意思,可翻譯成promote, enhance, facilitate等。對應的把動詞和名詞組合在一起不失為一種方法,但另外一種更為地道的處理方式就是運用英語的名詞串聯,即從邏輯上看,謀、維、求,促都是追求的意思,因此只需要用一個seek來串聯四個個賓語。還有一種方式就是利用英語的靜態性來對應漢語的動態性,即名詞對應動詞,直接把四個三字格翻譯成peace, stability,cooperation and development,去動詞化,也是相當地道的。


