
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語學習方法 > 託福聽力對話及講座中的考點原則——人物考點


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首先,我們來看這個考點常常以什麼樣的形式出題。 一般情況會有以下幾種方式:

1. Why does the professor/student mention _(這裏通常是人名或某一人物)?

2. What does the man imply/ say about _ (同上)?

大家可以看到,這兩種問題方式其實與例子考點的方式非常相似, 第一種是考所提及內容目的,第二種是所提到內容的細節,所以大家理解時與例子考點一樣來理解便可。



( TPO 22 Conversation 2)

第三個問題爲:What does the man say about his grandmother’s music career?

A: She studied both classical music and jazz in school.

B: She planned a career as a jazz musician.

C: She performed jazz music for most of her career.

D: She now performs both classical music and jazz.

這篇對話的主要內容是圍繞着學生祖母的音樂會所展開,那麼grandmother 這個任務就是個重點,這裏的考的大家所提及內容的細節點。好,現在我們來看看關於其music career的細節內容原文是怎樣的。

Student: I see. Ok. Um...I have an idea.

Professor: Ok.

Student: Well, as you read in my paper, my grandmother performs classic music.

Professor: Yes.

Student: That’s her true love. But for most of her career, she performed jazz. She originally studied to be a classical pianist. But jazz was in its heyday back then, and when she got out of conservatory, she was invited to join a jazz orchestra. And the opportunity was just too good to turn down.

從原文中我們可以得知關於這個學生祖母的演藝生涯是有一個轉折點的,她由之前學習classical pianist轉爲在jazz orchestra演出,所以這道題是雙重考點的結合。因此排除干擾項,我們的答案爲C。


(TPO33 Conversation 1)

第三個問題:What does the man imply about the custodian?

A: The custodian is not usually responsible for making repairs.

B: The custodian did not follow correct procedures.

C: The custodian needs permission before making repairs.

D: The custodian had reported the problem earlier.


Employee:Well, OK. There’s a couple of things we can do. I can have a custodian take a look at it and see if he can do something.

Student: Actually, I asked the custodian yesterday to take a look. But he said he couldn’t find anything wrong. He said that some of the other rooms have lost heat also and that if we’d come here you guys would fix it.

Employee: Oh, he did? That’s weird, because I would have... Well, the custodians themselves are usually supposed to report any problems right away. OK. In that case, then what you need to do is ... Here, fill out this form.

可以看到,當兩人提及這個看門人時,學生提到了關於其的具體細節內容就是已經幫學生檢查過了,而他找不到具體問題在哪,所以他讓學生來找工作人員。而工作人員對學生所提到的這些內容的所回答的語氣則表明了他的態度,他覺得這個看門人這樣做很weird, 所以答案選B。


(TPO 40 Conversation 1)

第二個問題:Why does the professor mention a student in another class?

A: To describe an interesting topic for a project

B: To explain the cause of her initial confusion

C: To point out that she has not received e-mails from all her students yet

D: To indicate that has several students doing projects about restaurants


Professor: Wait. I thought you were gonna come up with a hypothetical business plan for an amusement park. Isn’t that what you emailed me last week? I could’ve , I’m thinking of Tom from another class. Tom Benson. Sorry. Sorry.

這道題考的是老師提及這個學生的原因或目的,從原文來看老師以爲來找他的這個學生是寫友樂園計劃的,後來反應過來是自己弄混了,想到了另一個班上學生Tom. 所以答案應該選B,解釋老師一開始的困惑。

綜合上述幾個例子,我們可以發現, 只要對話中出現了人名或人物的時候,同學們是需要額外留意的,不僅需要留意所提及的原因及目的,也要注意對此人物所展開話題的細節內容。希望以上內容能給大家的託福聽力備考帶來一些幫助。



1. basic understanding (基本理解)50%

2. pragmatic understanding (實際理解)25%

3. connecting information (連接信息)25 `%

而這三個方面如果再詳細的分析的話,可以看出具體是考察 6 種技能:

1. identifying the topic and main idea (主題)

2. listen for details (主要細節)

3. determining attitude and purpose (態度,目的,重放題較多)

4. making inferences and predictions (推斷題)

5. categorization information (分類)

6. summering a process (過程)


一、用結構聽力法記筆記任何一篇文章的時候,我們要注意如下的 10 點主要結構,每個結構都對應上述的考察點:

1 主題 2 定義 3 因果 4 過程 5 例子 6 轉折 7 強調 8 列舉 9 比較 10 總結因此我們要根據這 10 點去記筆記,具體怎麼記呢?下面我們按講座和對話分別講解。

4.2 講座的結構

1. 主題:什麼是主題?主題要記下來嗎?怎樣記主題?

首先,老師在講座開頭可能會這樣直接告訴你,“今天我要講。。。Today, I will be talkingabout…”這樣的開頭是友好的,你很容易就找到主題。但是有些教授就會東扯西扯的。


Last time, we talked about…, today, we will be discussing…


We’ve been talking about…Today, let’s discuss…



Continuing…Today, we will…



1,give out——分給人們,分發

-The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesn't it?

2,give credibility to——相信

-did you hear about jam(擁擠,堵塞) Jim——你聽說有關Jim的事了嗎

I wouldn't give that rumor any credibility

3,give sb a ride——讓某人搭車

-Can I give you a ride over there?

4,give up——放棄,投降,屈服

-You are not going to give it up, are you?

--I think I am going to give up playing table tennis I lost again today Just because you lost, is there any reason to quit

5,give someone a break——行行好吧, 用於口語(與人方便)

-Give me a break; I am nervous enough as it is? 行行好吧,我已經夠緊張的了

6,go ahead——開始做某事

-Do go ahead before with your dessert? 吃點甜點吧


第一步:Maintain your composure and your confidence(保持冷靜和自信)。要想徹底聽懂託福聽力的內容,或與老外進行無障礙交流,首先要對自己有信心,千萬不要因爲沒聽懂一兩個單詞而慌了手腳。這種良好的心理素質對提高聽力能力相當關鍵。

第二步:Make pictures and images(學會形象化記憶)。聽力的過程中要學會把抽象的語言轉變成形象的圖畫,並反映在腦海之中。有了動態圖象的幫助,纔有利於抓住語言的主要信息而非旁支末節。

第三步:Model every thing(善於模仿)。不要盲目追求題海戰術,不斷地找新題目來練,而應該把注意力放在聽過的題目上,進一步分析、研究,並認真模仿聽力題目中的各種語音、語調、語氣、習語、俚語等。

第四步:Magnify the meaning and usage of the words and patterns(掌握多義詞)。口語的最大特點是一詞多義,這也是導致一些考生明明聽出了是哪個詞,卻仍然搞不懂其在題目中確切含義的重要原因。因此,在平時練習中要注意掌握聽力題目中常用詞彙和句式的其他用法。

第五步:Mine the cultural background and the way of English thinking behind the language(瞭解美國文化背景和思維方式)。語言是文化和思維的載體,努力挖掘聽力題目中的美國文化背景和思維模式,就能在聽力過程中變被動爲主動。

第六步:Memorize them(不斷記憶)。託福聽力題中一些語言點的重現率很高,考生需要將他們加以背誦和記憶。背的越多,就意味着熟悉度越高,同時也培養了良好的英語語感。