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so…that 、such…that、so that的用法和區別

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下面是小編整理的一些關於so…that 、such…that、so that的用法和區別, 希望能讓大家更好地認識so…that 、such…that、so that的這幾個短語,提高英語水平。

so…that 、such…that、so that的用法和區別

  一、 so... that...句型中的so是副詞,常常用來修飾形容詞或副詞,意思是“如此/這麼……以致於……”

1. 常用句型爲:主語+謂語+so+adj. / adv. + that從句。

The boy ran so fast that I couldn't catch him.

He was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

2. so+形容詞+a(n)+單數名詞+that從句。例如:

She made so good a meal that we all ate far too much. 她做的飯菜那麼好吃,結果我們都吃得太多了。

It was so good an exhibition that I went to see it several times. 展覽是那麼好,結果我就去看了好幾次。

It was so fine a day yesterday that we all went out for a picnic. 昨天天氣很好,我們都出去野餐了。

3. so+many / much / few / little(少)+名詞+that從句。



I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over. 我跌了那麼多跤,全身跌得青一塊,紫一塊的。

There was so much work to do that everybody got bored. 有這麼多的事要做,人人都感到厭煩了。

There was so little water in the jar that it was not enough for all of us. 缸裏的水太少,不夠我們這些人用的。


  二、 在such... that...句型中,such修飾名詞,意思也是“如此……以致於……”。such…that…引導四種不同的句子結構:

1. such+a(n)+形容詞+單數名詞+that從句。例如:

This is such a good book that all of us like it very much. 這是一本很好的書,我們大家都喜歡讀一讀。

It was such a fine day that nobody wanted to stay at home. 天氣這麼好,沒有人願意呆在家裏不出去。

It was such an interesting film that I saw it twice. 這是一部很有意思的電影,我看了兩次。

2. such+形容詞+複數名詞+that從句。例如:

He had such long arms that he could almost touch his knees. 他的胳膊很長,幾乎就能夠到他的膝蓋。

They are such good students that the teacher likes them. 他們都是很好的學生,老師喜歡他們。

3. such+(形容詞)+不可數名詞+that從句,例如:

It was such fine weather yesterday that we went swimming. 昨天天氣很好,我們去游泳了。

4. one (no, any, all, many, some, several, 等)+such+可數名詞+that從句。例如:

There are many such good books that I can’t decide which one to choose. 有這麼多的好書,我無法決定選擇哪一本。

He gave us several such examples about the phrase that we understood it pretty well. 關於這個短語,他舉了好幾個這樣的例句,我們終於完全弄懂了。

  三、so that 既可以引導目的狀語從句又可以引導結果狀語從句.

引導目的狀語從句時可譯爲"爲了" ,引導結果狀語從句時可譯爲"以便"

如:I speak loudly so that all the students can hear me clearly.(目的狀語從句)

Maria likes the woolen dress so that she decides to buy it immediately .(結果狀語從句)

(1) so that引導目的狀語從句時,表示“以便;爲了”,從句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情態動詞或助動詞;引導結果狀語從句時,從句中一般不用can和may等詞。

(2) So that引導的目的狀語從句之前不用逗號,而so that引導的結果狀語從句與主句之間往往有逗號相隔開(即略作停頓),意思是“因此;所以”。請比較:

He worked hard at his lessons so that he could gain high grades in the exams.他努力學習功課,爭取考試能獲得好成績。

He worked hard at his lessons, so that he gained high grades in the exams.他努力學習,結果考試獲得了好成績。


1. 她非常誠實,大家都信賴她。

She is so honest that everybody trusts her.

→She is such an honest girl that everybody trusts her.

→She is so honest a girl that everybody trusts her.

2. “so…that+含肯定意義的從句”可轉換爲“…enough to…”。例如:

He is so old that he can go to school. →He is old enough to go to school. (他到了上學的年齡。)

3. “so…that+含否定意義的從句”可轉換爲“not…enough to (do sth)”或“too…to (do sth)”。例如:

He is so young that he can”t look after himself. →He is not old enough to look after himself. / He is too young to look after himself. (他年齡太小,自己照顧不了自己。)

4. 可將so和such移至句首,再將主句的主、謂語倒裝,以示強調。例如:

It is so hot that we don”t want to go out. → So hot is it that we don”t want to go out. (天氣太熱,我們不想出去。)

He made such an excellent speech that everyone admired him. →Such an excellent speech did he make that everyone admired him. (他作了如此精彩的演講,人們都欽佩他。)

5. so many / much…that…可轉換爲such a lot of…that…。例如:

There are so many people in the room that we could not get in.

→There are such a lot of people in the room that we could not get in. (房間里人太多,我們進不去。)

6. so few / little…that…可轉換爲such a few / a little…that…。例如:

So few people came that the meeting had to be put off.

→Such a few people came that the meeting had to be put off. (人來得這麼少,會議不得不推遲。)


英語裏可以用to, in order to,so as to或so that,in order that來表示目的。區別是:

1) to, in order to,so as to引導的是目的狀語短語,構成簡單句;

2) so that, in order that 引導的是目的狀語從句,構成複合句,並且從句中謂語動詞常與can, could, may, might等情態動詞連用。如:

He got up early to /in order to/ so as to catch the first bus.


Speak clearly so that everybody can understand you.



1)so that 和 in order that的區別:

so that引導的從句只能放在主句之後,而in order that引導的從句既可放在主句前也可放在主句後。另外,so that還可引導結果狀語從句,意爲“因此,結果”,但in order that不能。例如:

He was very humorous so that we liked him very much. 他非常幽默,因此我們非常喜歡他。