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常用商務英語口語學習 第351期:售後服務(1)

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I understand why you.#39;re upset, sir.

ing-bottom: 131.96%;">常用商務英語口語學習 第351期:售後服務(1)

先生,我明白您爲什麼惱火。 I understand why you're upset, sir. 先生,我明白您爲什麼惱火。 Well then, do something about it! 那好,想想辦法吧! I am very sorry, sir. But,at the moment, there is really nothing I can do. As soon as my supervisor comes in,I will contact you. 非常抱歉,先生。可這會兒我的確無能爲力。我的上級一來, 我立刻就跟您聯繫。 I'm sorry to give you so much trouble. 抱歉給您添了這麼多麻煩。 I realize that we've started off badly, but I think you'll be pleased with the refinished work. 我知道我們開頭開得不好,但我想我們的返工結果會使您滿意的。 I expected a better standard. 我原以爲水平會比這高。 I realize that we've started off badly, but I think you'll be pleased with the refinished work. 我知道我們開頭開得不好,但我想我們的返工結果會使您滿意的。 I am very sorry you feel that way. 非常遺憾您這麼想。 I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs. 我想您一定會對這些設計的質量感到滿意的。 I hope that answers your questions. 我希望這能回答您的問題。 I really appreciate your assistance. 非常感謝您的協助。