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Wudang Mountain,also called Taihe Mountain,is awell-known sacred mountain to Taoists in China. Itstands aloft in Danjiangkou,Shiyan City,HubeiProvince,overlooking the vast water of DanjiangkouReservoir in the front,and joining ShennongjiaForest Reserve at the back,covering an area of about 400 square kilometers. The highestpeak is the Heavenly Pillar Peak,rises 1 612 meters above the sea nd it there arealtogether 72 peaks,24 streams,11 caverns,3 ponds,9 springs,10 pools,9 wells,and 9terraces,to form this beautiful and grand view of Wudang Mountain.

武當山又名太和山,位於湖北省十堰市丹江口境內,是中國著名的道教聖地。武當山面臨碧波萬頃的丹江水庫,背倚蒼莽的神農架原始森林,整個景區面積約400平方公里。武當山主峯爲海拔1 612米的天柱峯,周圍鄰里的衆多風景名勝,尤其是二峯、二十四澗、十一洞、三潭、九泉、十池、九井、九臺等的景色非常美麗壯觀。

The large scale of its architectural complex was planned by the emperor himself,and theconstruction was supervised by imperial officials specially assigned for the project. The sitesof the buildings were decided by gemancy experts,and the master craftsmen of the nationwere summoned for the construction under the supervision of the minister efore the complex is grand and imperial,brilliant and glorious,withfeatures that none is to its 8 main palaces around the center Golden Summit,thecomplex as a whole looks with the majesty of a royal architecture of religion.


The most distinguishing feature of Mount Wudang is the large Taoist architectural ng full use of the terrain featuring towering mountains and deep valleys,more than 20 000 rooms were built in spots where they most harmoniously blended with the nearby woods,rocks and streams so that the man-built structures and natural elements complimented eachother. That is also the "oneness of heaven and man" and the "way of nature" Gold Hall,built in 1416 on the top of the Heavenly Pillar Peak,is the largestcopper structure existing in the country. It is 5 .54 meters tall and 5.R meters wide. The wallswere cast separately,but precisely and well knit. All the statues of god and sacrificial vesselsare made of copper. Although 500 odd years have past,they still glitter as before.

武當山最具特色的景點是那片道教建築羣。這些建築充分利用了武當山的自然風貌,依山就勢,宛若天成,讓人體會到道家‘天人合一,道法自然”的玄妙神奇之意。兩萬多間房屋星羅棋佈于山上的從林、岩石或溪水之中,顯得十分和諧自然,使這些人類建築和自然風光融爲一體。其中,建於1416年的金殿,高高地站立在天柱峯頂,是我國現存最大的銅質建築它高5.54米,寬5. 8米,幾向牆壁分開澆鑄,但卻吻合得極爲精確細緻這裏所有的塑像和祭壇都由銅來澆鑄,雖然時隔500餘年,卻仍像從前樣栩栩發光。

The complex consists of buildings of three dynasties,Yuan,Ming ,and Qing,but thosepreserved to the present are mostly built in Ming Dynasty. Specifically,the survived buildingsmainly include the four palaces of Taihe Palace,South Peak Palace,Purple FirmamentPalace,and Sage Encounter Palace,the remains of Jade Heaven Palace and Five DragonsPalace, as well as Yuanhe Temple,Revelation Temple and numbers of nunneries,shrines ave temples,altogether over 200 in number,with a total building floor of about 50 000square meters on an area of about 1 000 000 square meters.


The religious relics kept in the palaces and temples also enjoy a fame far and wide. There are 1 486 statues of bronze,iron,wood,or stone,nearly 1 000 of which were made before MingDynasty. There are 409 sites of cliff face inscriptions carved in Song,Yuan,Ming,and QingDynasties. And there are 682 religious tools or ceremonial appliances as well as various Taoismpaintings and classics. All these beautiful artifacts,tens of thousands in number,constitutethe most charming scenes of human culture. In addition,Wudang Mountain is also the cradleof the Wudang Kung Fu,a martial art from Wudang Taoism that is one of the main schools ofChinese martial art.

武當山宮觀裏的各種宗教文物聞名遐邇,保存着銅、鐵、木、石各類造像l1486件,其中明代以前製品近1 000件,宋、元、明、清摩崖碑刻409處,法器、供器682件以及圖書經籍等。數以萬計的精美文物構成了武當山最具魅力的人文景觀。此外,武當道教中產生的武當武術爲中華武術的重要流派之一。

In 1994,the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO inscribed the building groups of WudangMountain into World Heritage List as a cultural heritage of the whole world.


Wudang Mountain is considered as the cradle of theLofty God of Xuan-wu. Wudang Taoism held toaustere cultivation and the alchemy of internalelixir. By "alchemy of internal elixir",they mean touse one's body as the burner to refine his "jing(vitalenergy)" arid "chi(life force)"as the raw rnedicineswith his "shen(spirit、"as the burning material. Oncethe three are refined and melted together to formthe " golden pill of holy medicine",that means he has obtained the prefect revelation and willbecome an immortal.


Wudang Kung Fu is also called "internal Kung Fu",developed and continuously perfected bythe Taoist masters of all times as a means of self defense and keeping health. It advocatespracticing but not showing one's kung fu,hence uplifting the martial art to a supreme realmof ideology.


Wudang Taoist music is also referred to as "Wudang Melody" takes in the gems of both theimperial court music and the folk music,therefore has not only the boldness andmassiveness of the ancient Ba-Chu music,but the elegance and charm of the court lyrical chanting is particularly unique,which is the purest and oldest feature of the earliestWudang Taoist music.
