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金融英語專業術語 C

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call (option) 買方期權,看漲期權.

call and put options 買入期權和賣出期權.

call for funds 控股,集資

call loan transaction 短期拆放往來.

call market 活期存款市場

call money 拆放款.

call options on an equity 權益(證券)的買入期權.

call-options 認購期權.

cancellation 取消

cancellation money 解約金.

cap 帶利率上限的期權.

capital assets 資本資產.

capital lease 資本租賃.

capital market 信貸市場,資本市場

capital resources 資本來源

capital surplus 資本盈餘

capital transfer 資本轉移

capital turnover rate 資本週轉率

card issuing institution 髮卡單位.

carefully selected applicant 經仔細選定的申請人.

cargo insurance 貨物保險.

cash 現金,現款.v.兌現,付現款.

cash a cheque 支票兌現.

cash account 現金帳戶

cash account 現金帳戶.

cash account 現金帳戶

cash advance 差旅預支款.

cash against bill of lading 憑提單付現.

cash against documents(C.A.D.) 憑單付現,憑單據付現金=document against cash.

cash and carry 付現自運;現金交易和運輸自理;現購自運商店.

cash and carry wholesale 付現自運批發.

cash assets 現金資產.

cash audit 現金審覈

cash audit 現金審覈,現金審計.

cash balance 現金餘額,現款結存.

cash basis 現金制

cash basis 現金制,現金基礎.

cash basis accounting 現金收付會計制

cash basis accounting 現金收付會計制.

cash before delivery(C.B.D.) 空貨前付款,付款後交貨,付現款交貨.

cash bonus 現金紅利.

cash book 現金簿;現金帳;現金出納帳.

cash boy 送款員.

cash budget 現金預算

cash budget 現金預算.

cash card1 (銀行)自動提款卡.

cash card2 現金卡.

cash claim 現金索賠.

cash collection basis 收現法,收現制.

cash credit 活期信用放款,現金付出.

cash credit slip 現金支出傳票.

cash currency 現金通貨.

cash cycle 現金循環,現金週期.

cash day 付款日.

cash debit slip 現金收入傳票.

cash department (商業機構中的)出納部=counting-house.

cash deposit 現金存款;保證金.

cash deposit as collateral 保證金,押金.

cash desk (商店,飯館的)付款處.

cash disbursements 現金支出.

cash discount (c.d.) 現金折扣,付現折扣=settlement discount.

cash dispenser (美)自動提款機=cashomat.

cash dividend 現金股利

cash down 即付,付現.

cash equivalent value 現金等值,現金相等價值.

cash flow 資金流動

cash flow 現金流動.

cash flow stream 現金流(量).

cash holdings 庫存現金

cash holdings 庫存現金.

cash in advance (c.i.a.) 預付現金.

cash in bank 存銀行現金,銀行存款.

cash in hand (商行的)手頭現金,庫存現金=cash on hand.

cash in transit 在途現金,在運現金.

cash in transit policy 現金運送保險單.

cash in treasury 庫存現金.

cash invoice 現購發票.

cash items 現金帳項,現金科目.

cash journal 現金日記簿.

cash liquidity 現金流動(情況);現金週轉.

cash loan 現金貸款.

cash management services 現金管理業務

cash market 現金交易市場,現貨市場,付現市場.

cash nexus 現金交易關係.

cash on arrival 貨到付現,貨到付款.

cash on bank 銀行存款;銀行付款;現金支票付款.

cash on deliver (C.O.D) (英)交貨付款,現款交貨=collect on delivery.

cash on delivery (COD) 交割付款

cash order(C/O) 現金訂貨.

cash paid book 現金支出簿.

cash payment 現金支付

cash payment 現金付款,現付.

cash payments journal 現金支出日記帳.

cash position 頭寸

cash position 現金狀況,現金頭寸.

cash price 現金售價,現金付款價格.

cash purchase 現購,現金購買.

cash railway (商店中的)貨款傳送線.

cash ratio 現金比率.

cash receipts (CR) 現金收入.

cash receipts journal 現金收入日記帳.

cash records 現金記錄.

cash register 現金登記機,現金收入記錄機,收銀機.

cash remittance 匯款單;解款單.

cash remittance note 現金解款單,解款單.

cash requirement 現金需要量.

cash reserve 現金儲備(金).

cash resources 現金資源,現金來源.

cash resources (reserves) 現金準備

cash sale 現售,現金銷售=sale by real cash.

cash sale invoice 現銷發票,現售發票.

cash settlement 現金結算,現匯結算.

cash short and over 現金尾差,清點現金餘差;現金短溢.

cash slip 現金傳票.

cash statement 現金報表,(現金)庫存表.

cash ticket 現銷票,門市發票.

cash transaction 現金交易.

cash verification 現金覈實,現金覈查.

cash voucher 現金憑單;現金收據.

cash with order (c.w.o., C.W.O.) 訂貨時付款,訂貨付現,落單付現.

cash without discount 付現無折扣.

cash yield discount 現金獲利率,現金收益率.

cash-and-carry arbitrage 現貨持有套利.

cashier 出納員,收支員.

cashier's cheque (C.C.) 銀行本票=cashier's order.

central rate 中心匯率(一國貨幣對美元的匯率,並據此計算對其他貨幣的匯率)

certificate of balance 存款憑單

Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 大額定期存款單

certificated security 實物證券

certificates of deposit (CDs) 大面額存款單

certifying bank 付款保證銀行

change hands 交換,換手.

chartered bank 特許銀行

chattel 動產.

chattel mortgage 動產抵押.

chattel mortgage 動產抵押.

chattel mortgage bond (美)動產抵押(公司)債券.

chattel personal (私人)動產.

chattel real 準不動產(土地權等).

check certificate 檢驗證明書.

check deposit 支票存款

check list (覈對用的)清單.

check sheet 對帳單.

checking account 支票帳戶.

checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款

checking reserve 支票現金儲備.

checkstand (超級市場的)點貨收款臺.

cheque (payable) to bearer 來人支票,不記名支票.

cheque book 支票簿.

cheque book stub 支票簿存根.

cheque card 支票卡.

cheque collection 支票兌取.

cheque collector 支票兌取人.

cheque crossed 劃線支票.

cheque crossed generally 普通劃線支票.

cheque crossed specially 特別劃線支票.

cheque deposit 支票存款.

cheque drawer 支票出票人.

cheque holder 支票執票人.

cheque only for account 轉帳支票.

cheque payable at sight 見票即付支票.

cheque protector 支票銀碼機.

cheque rate 票據匯兌匯率,票匯價格=sight rate ,short rate.

cheque register 支票登記簿.

cheque returned 退票,退回的支票.

cheque signer 支票簽名機.

cheque stub 支票存根.

cheque to order 記名支票,指定人支票.

China Investment Bank 中國投資銀行

circulation risks 流通風險.

circulation tax (turnover tax) 流轉稅.

city bank 城市銀行

claim a refound 索賠.

clean collections 光票託收

clearing bank 清算銀行

clearing house 清算所.

clearinghouse 清算公司,票據交換所.

close out 平倉,結清(賬).

closed and mortgage 閉口抵押.

closing order 收市價訂單.

closing rate 收盤價

closing transaction 平倉交易

collar 帶利率上下限的期權.

collateral loan 抵押借款.

collecting bank 託收銀行

collecting bank 託收銀行

collecting bank 代收行

collection instructions 委託(託收的)單據

collection items 託收業務,託收項目

collection of trade charges 託收貨款

collection on clean bill 光票託收

collection on documents 跟單託收

collection order 託收委託書

collection risk 託收風險

collection risks 託收風險.

collection service 託收服務

collective-owned enterprise bonus tax 集體企業獎金稅.

collective-owned enterprise income tax 集體企業所得稅.

commercial and industrial loans 工商貸款

commercial deposit 商業存款

commercial paper 商業票據

commercial paper house 經營商業票據的商號

commercial risk 商業風險.

commercial terms 商業條件.

commission 佣金

commodity futures 商品期貨.

commodity insurance 商品保險.

common collateral 共同擔保.

common fund 共同基金

common stock 普通股

common trust fund 共同信託基金

compensatory financing 補償性融資.

competitive risks 競爭風險.

composite depreciation 綜合折舊.

compound interest 複利

compound rate 複利率

compound rate deposit 複利存款

comprehensive insurance 綜合保險.

condominium 公寓私有共有方式.

confirming bank 保兌銀行

congestion area 震盪區

congestion tape 統一自動行情顯示

conservatism and liquidity 穩健性與流動性

consortium bank 銀團銀行

constructure risk 建設風險.

consumer financing 消費融資.

contingent risks 或有風險.

contract money 合同保證金.

contract size 合約容量.

contracts of difference 差異合約.

contractual value 合同價格.

controlled rates 控制的匯率

converge 集聚,(爲共同利益而)結合一起.

conversion 匯兌,兌換

convertible currency 可兌換的貨幣

cooling-off period 等待期

cooperative financing 合作金融.

cornering the market 操縱市場

corners 壟斷.

corporate deposits 法人存款

correspondent 代理行

cost of maintenance 維修費.

counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策

counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策

counter-inflation policy 反通貨膨脹對策

cover 彌補,補進(賣完的商品等).

cover 彌補(損失等);負擔(開支);補進(商品或股票等);保險.

coverage 承保險別;保險總額;範圍保險.

coverage ratio 償債能力比率.

cover-note 暫保單;投保通知單.

credit 信用,信貸.

credit account (C.A., C/A) 賒帳=open account2

credit agreement 信貸協定.

credit amount 信貸金額;賒帳金額;信用證金額.

credit analysis 信用分析.

credit balance 貸方餘額,結欠,貸餘.

credit bank 信貸銀行

credit beneficiary 信用證受益人.

credit business 賒售,信用買賣.

credit buying 賒購.

credit capital 信貸資本.

credit cards 信用卡

credit control 信用控制

credit control 信用控制

credit control 信用控制

credit control instrument 信用調節手段

credit control instrument 信用調節手段

credit control instrument 信用調節手段

credit expansion 信用擴張

credit expansion 信用擴張

credit expansion 信用擴張

credit extending policy 融資方針

credit extending policy 融資方針

credit extending policy 融資方針

credit facility 信用透支.

credit limit 信用額度.

credit restriction 信用限額.

credit risk 信用風險.

credit union 信用合作社

creditor bank 債權銀行

crop up (out) 出現,呈現.

cross hedge 交叉套做.

cross hedging 交叉保值.

cum dividend 附息

cum rights 含權

cumulative preferred stock 累積優先股

currency futures 外幣期貨.

currency futures contract 貨幣期貨合約.

current fund 流動基金

current futures price 現時的期貨價格.

current ratio 流動比率

current ratio 流動比率

current ratio 流動比率

customize 按顧客的具體要求製作.

customs duty(tariffs) 關稅.