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大學生英語辯論賽話題集錦(MP3+中英字幕) 第47場:網上經營是不是一個好的選擇

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Running business on the Internet is a good choice.


Usually, it takes a lot of money to start a business. For running business on the Internet, no big investment is involved. You also need not have an office or buildings to maintain or any kind of additional expenses. You do not have to lead a hectic life everyday. You can do whatever you want during your spare time.


大學生英語辯論賽話題集錦(MP3+中英字幕) 第47場:網上經營是不是一個好的選擇



Running business on the Internet is not a good choice.


Many people say that making money online is a scam, because they just can't make money. Even if it is not a scam and it can earn money, it is not worth making money in that way. Watching computer for a long time is really bad for people's health, especially for people's eyes. Besides, if a person devotes himself to running business on the Internet, he will not make new friends in real life, which is harmful for the development of his interpersonal skills.



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