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padding-bottom: 91.25%;">圖文閱讀:雙胞胎種出史上"最大南瓜"

According to the Daily Mail, on August 27, Ian and Stuart Paton, a pair of pumpkin-growing twin brothers, have grown some of the mammoth pumpkins in Pennington, r largest pumpkin has an incredible circumference of almost 16 feet and amazingly grows more than 30 pounds every day.
英國每日郵報8月27日報道,來自漢普郡潘林頓市的一對雙胞胎伊恩•佩頓和斯圖亞特•佩頓,種出很多個巨型大南瓜。 迄今爲止他們種出最大令人難以置信的南瓜是周長16英尺,每天以30英鎊的速度生長着。