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The World Bank pledged up to $200m in emergency funding to help fight the Ebola virus in west Africa, as the death toll in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea mounts.

隨着埃博拉病毒在利比里亞、塞拉利昂和幾內亞造成的死亡人數日益增高,世界銀行(World Bank)承諾將向西非提供總計2億美元緊急資金,以抗擊埃博拉。

Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, said the funds would provide “critically needed support for the response to stop further transmission of Ebola” within the three nations, which“would prevent new infections in neighbouring at risk countries”.

世行行長金墉(Jim Yong Kim)表示,該基金將“爲阻止埃博拉病毒(在這三國)繼續傳播提供急需的支持”,這些援助“或能阻止相鄰的高風險國家出現新的感染”。


The financial package comes days after the World Health Organisation and the west African countries most affected by the epidemic asked for immediate support.

就在世行提出這一財政援助計劃幾天前,世界衛生組織(World Health Organisation)和受傳染最爲嚴重的西非國家都曾請求緊急援助。

The African Development Bank has also promised emergency funding, with a package of about $60m. Donald Kaberuka, head of the AfDB, said the countries affected needed immediate support to build up their health systems.

非洲開發銀行(African Development Bank)也已承諾提供大約6000萬美元的緊急資金援助。非洲開發銀行行長唐納德•卡貝魯卡(Donald Kaberuka)表示,那些受影響的國家急需緊急援助,以建設醫療衛生系統。

The death toll from the Ebola virus outbreak in west Africa has climbed to 887, according to figures released by the WHO on Monday that suggest the epidemic is spinning out of control. In only two days, between July 31 and August 1, the WHO said 61 deaths and more than 100 new cases were reported.


The World Bank said it would redirect some money already allocated to the three countries into the immediate Ebola crisis and, in addition, would seek permission from its board to tap the so-called emergency crisis window, which was set up several years ago to help poor countries hit by natural disasters.


World Bank officials said some of the money would support the WHO in the near term, and beyond that it would help the three countries’ health systems.


“This outbreak is moving faster than our efforts to control it,” she added.


Margaret Chan, WHO director-general, said last week “if the situation continues to deteriorate, the consequences can be catastrophic in terms of lost lives, but also severe socio-economic disruption and a high risk of spread to other countries”.
