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After years of promises followed by manufacturing delays, a major automaker finally appears on the verge of beginning sustained exports from China to the United States.


The Volvo Car Corporation announced at the Detroit auto show on Monday that it planned to begin shipping a midsize sedan from Chengdu in the next several months. Volvo, which a Chinese investor bought from the Ford Motor Company in 2010, said it would ship 1,500 to 2,000 cars to the United States this year, with increases in subsequent years based on demand.

在週一的底特律車展上,沃爾沃汽車集團(Volvo Car Corporation)宣佈將在未來幾個月開始出售一款在成都生產的中型轎車。2010年被中國投資者從福特汽車公司(Ford Motor Company)手中買下的沃爾沃稱,今年將向美國交付1500到2000輛汽車,接下來幾年裏會根據需求增加數量。


Volvo already makes the same model, the S60 Inscription sedan, for the Chinese market, albeit under a different name, the S60L. It sells about 26,000 cars there, so Volvo can add production for the American market at a modest cost.

沃爾沃此前已經在中國市場開售這款S60 Inscription轎車,不過名稱爲S60L。它在這裏的銷量約爲2.6萬輛,因此沃爾沃爲美國市場增產的成本不高。

Li Shufu, a self-made automotive tycoon, owns a controlling stake in Geely Auto and separately owns Volvo through his personal holding company. Mr. Li has talked for a decade of exporting cars from China to the United States, and Geely Auto has repeatedly said that it would like to undertake its own exports.


These plans have been consistently delayed. Geely initially struggled with quality issues and the Chinese government had warned its automakers not to export until they were completely ready to meet Western quality and safety standards. The global financial crisis and the long slowdown it produced in the American auto market further delayed Geely and Mr. Li.


Volvo already has a reputation for quality and for safety, making it easier for Mr. Li to allay the Chinese government’s concerns. Several years ago, China’s commerce ministry set 2015 as its goal for China to begin exporting cars to the West.


China is already a huge supplier of low-cost auto parts to assembly plants and car repair shops in the United States. But its exports of fully assembled cars have been negligible, even as China has emerged as the world’s largest auto market and largest assembler of cars.


A big reason for the country’s slowness in exporting cars to the United States lies in the dominance in the Chinese market of joint ventures between multinationals, like Volkswagen, General Motors and Ford, and their state-owned Chinese partners. The multinationals have been wary of antagonizing powerful unions in their home countries — the United Automobile Workers in the United States and its counterparts in Germany in particular — by bringing in Chinese cars. And the state-owned manufacturers are too reliant on the multinationals’ designs and technology to export cars to the West on their own.

中國向美國出口汽車的進展之所以如此緩慢,主要是因爲中國市場是以跨國合資企業爲主導,比如大衆(Volkswagen)、通用汽車(General Motors)和福特(Ford),以及它們的中國國有企業合作伙伴。一直以來,跨國公司因爲怕得罪各自國內勢力強大的工會——尤其是美國的全美汽車工人聯合會(United Automobile Workers)以及德國的相應組織——不敢引入中國產汽車。而國有車廠又過分依賴跨國公司的設計和技術,無法向西方出口自己生產的汽車。

Volvo does not have these constraints. At the same time, beginning exports to the United States could give Mr. Li a considerable increase in prestige within China, even as Geely has been facing challenges at home.


Several large Chinese cities have joined Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in recent months in limiting the issuance of new car license plates in response to severe air pollution and chronic traffic jams. Geely and other indigenous producers, like BYD, of inexpensive, often utilitarian cars have lost market share as buyers have chosen costlier models from multinationals when they are able to obtain scarce license plates through auctions or lotteries.


Yale Zhang, the managing director of Automotive Foresight, a consulting firm in Shanghai, said that the S60 Inscription was fairly big for a midsize sedan and thus was a better choice for exports to the United States than to Europe.

上海諮詢公司汽車市場預測(Automotive Foresight)總監張豫(Yale Zhang)說,S60 Inscription在中型轎車中是比較大的,因此出口到美國比到歐洲更理想。

“Chinese consumers, like U.S. consumers, like something bigger, so exporting this to the United States makes sense,” Mr. Zhang said.


Other automakers and various consulting firms have said that factories in China can match quality levels in the West when producing cars according to the designs and procedures of multinationals. Chinese brand automakers have lagged on quality, although they are closing the gap; they have tended to design high-quality parts, but still lack the engineering expertise to integrate the many systems required for a modern car.


Volvo, which is still based in Sweden, said that its Chengdu factory was just as good as its European factories. “Levels of installed technology and equipment are the same as the company’s European facilities, as are the working environment, safety and environmental performance standards,” Volvo said.


The company also announced at the Detroit show that it would introduce two other models in the American market this year, both made in Ghent, Belgium: the S60 Cross Country, a sedan with some of the same rugged designs as the company’s Cross Country wagons, and the XC90 R-Design, a seven-seat sport utility vehicle.

在底特律車展上,公司還宣佈今年將向美國市場推出另外兩款車,都在比利時根特生產,分別是S60 Cross Country,一款借鑑了沃爾沃Cross Country旅行車的堅固設計的轎車,以及XC90 R-Design,一款七座越野車。