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自戀沒藥治 相處需謹慎大綱

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自戀沒藥治 相處需謹慎

Does this sound like anyone you know?


- Highly competitive in virtually all aspects of his life, believing he (or she) possesses special qualities and abilities that others lack; portrays himself as a winner and all others as losers.

—— 在人生的方方面面都很爭強好勝,總覺得他(她)擁有什麼特別的能力和品質是別人沒有的;總表現得好像個贏家,其他人都是輸家。

- Displays a grandiose sense of self, violating social norms, throwing tantrums, even breaking laws with minimal consequences; generally behaves as if entitled to do whatever he wants regardless of how it affects others.

—— 表現出超強的自我意識,違背社會規範,脾氣暴躁,即使違犯法律也沒有嚴重後果,平時表現得好像自己有特權做任何事,不管對別人會有什麼影響。

- Shames or humiliates those who disagree with him, and goes on the attack when hurt or frustrated, often exploding with rage.

—— 羞辱那些有不同意見的人,如果自己感覺受傷害或是受到挫折,經常憤怒地爆發,攻擊對方。

- Arrogant, vain and haughty and exaggerates his accomplishments; bullies others to get his own way.

—— 傲慢、虛榮、自大,會誇大自己的成就,威嚇別人按自己說的做。

- Lies or distorts the truth for personal gain, blames others or makes excuses for his mistakes, ignores or rewrites facts that challenge his self-image, and won’t listen to arguments based on truth.

—— 爲了個人利益而撒謊或扭曲事實,責怪他人,或爲自己的錯誤找藉口,無視或改造威脅到自己形象的事實,拒絕聽建立在事實基礎上的辯論。

These are common characteristics of extreme narcissists as described by Joseph Burgo, a clinical psychologist, in his book “The Narcissist You Know.” While we now live in a culture that some would call narcissistic, with millions of people constantly taking selfies, spewing out tweets and posting everything they do on YouTube and Facebook, the extreme narcissists Dr. Burgo describes are a breed unto themselves. They may be highly successful in their chosen fields but extremely difficult to live with and work with.

這就是臨牀心理學家約瑟夫·伯戈(Joseph Burgo)在他的《你身邊的自戀者》(The Narcissist You Know)中稱爲極端自戀者的人表現出的一些普遍特徵。儘管有人把我們今天所處的文化稱爲自戀文化,成千上萬人不停地自拍,沒完沒了地發tweet,把自己做的一切都曬到YouTube和Facebook上去,然而伯戈描述的那種極端的自戀者完全是另一路人。他們在自己選擇的領域內可能極爲成功,但是也非常難以相處或合作。

Of course, nearly all of us possess one or more narcissistic trait without crossing the line of a diagnosable disorder. And it is certainly not narcissistic to have a strong sense of self-confidence based on one’s abilities.


“Narcissism exists in many shades and degrees of severity along a continuum,” Dr. Burgo said, and for well-known people he cites as extreme narcissists, he resists making an ad hoc diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, as defined by the American Psychiatric Association.


The association’s diagnostic manual lists a number of characteristics that describe narcissistic personality disorder, among them an impaired ability to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others, grandiosity and feelings of entitlement, and excessive attempts to attract attention.


Dr. Giancarlo Dimaggio, of the Center for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy in Rome, wrote in Psychiatric Times that “persons with narcissistic personality disorder are aggressive and boastful, overrate their performance, and blame others for their setbacks.”

羅馬元認知人際治療所(Center for Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy)的賈恩卡洛·迪馬齊奧(Giancarlo Dimaggio)爲《精神病時報》(Psychiatric Times)撰文寫道,“自戀型人格失調的人有攻擊性,喜歡自誇,會誇大他們自己的表現,責怪他人拖了自己後腿。”

According to the Mayo Clinic, people with a narcissistic personality disorder think so highly of themselves that they put themselves on a pedestal and value themselves more than they value others. They may come across as conceited or pretentious. They tend to monopolize conversations, belittle those they consider inferior, insist on having the best of everything and become angry or impatient if they don’t get special treatment.

根據梅奧診所(Mayo Clinic)的說法,有自戀型人格失調的人把自己想得極爲重要,因而把自己捧上神壇,認爲自己比其他人更有價值。他們給人以自負或裝腔作勢的印象。他們傾向於壟斷談話,貶低他們認爲不如自己的人,堅持自己什麼事都要優先,如果沒有受到特殊對待就會感到憤怒或不耐煩。

Underlying their overt behavior, however, may be “secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation,” Mayo experts wrote. To ward off these feelings when criticized, they “may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person.”


Dr. Burgo, who sees clients by Skype from his home in Grand Lake, Colo., noted that many “grandiose narcissists are drawn to politics, professional sports, and the entertainment industry because success in these fields allows them ample opportunity to demonstrate their winner status and to elicit admiration from others, confirming their defensive self-image as a superior being.”


The causes of extreme narcissism are not precisely known. Theories include parenting styles that overemphasize a child’s special abilities and criticize his fears and failures, prompting a need to appear perfect and command constant attention.


Although narcissism has not been traced to one kind of family background, Dr. Burgo wrote that “a surprising number of extreme narcissists have experienced some kind of early trauma or loss,” like parental abandonment. The family lives of several famous narcissists he describes, Lance Armstrong among them, are earmarked by “multiple failed marriages, extreme poverty and an atmosphere of physical and emotional violence.”

伯戈醫生寫道,儘管自戀無法和某一種特定的家庭背景掛鉤,但是“有數量驚人的極端自戀者曾經經歷過早期的創傷或損失”,諸如父母遺棄等等。他描述的若干著名自戀者,包括蘭斯·阿姆斯特朗(Lance Armstrong)在內,他們的家庭生活都歷過“多次婚姻失敗、極度貧困,以及身體和情感暴力”。

As a diagnosable personality disorder, narcissism occurs more often in males than females, often developing in the teenage years or early adulthood and becoming more extreme with age. It occurs in an estimated 0.5 percent of the general population, and 6 percent of people who have encounters with the law who have mental or emotional disorders. One study from Italy found that narcissistic personality traits were present in as many as 17 percent of first-year medical students.


As bosses and romantic partners, narcissists can be insufferable, demanding perfection, highly critical and quick to rip apart the strongest of egos. Employee turnover in companies run by narcissists and divorce rates in people married to them are high.


“The best defense for employees who choose to stay is to protect the bosses’ egos and avoid challenging them,” Dr. Burgo said in an interview. His general advice to those running up against extreme narcissists is to “remain sane and reasonable” rather than engaging them in “battles they’ll always win.”


Despite their braggadocio, extreme narcissists are prone to depression, substance abuse and suicide when unable to fulfill their expectations and proclamations of being the best or the brightest.


The disorder can be treated, though therapy is neither quick nor easy. It can take an insurmountable life crisis for those with the disorder to seek treatment. “They have to hit rock bottom, having ruined all their important relationships with their destructive behavior,” Dr. Burgo said. “However, this doesn’t happen very often.”


No drug can reverse a personality disorder. Rather, talk therapy can, over a period of years, help people better understand what underlies their feelings and behavior, accept their true competence and potential, learn to relate more effectively with other people and, as a result, experience more rewarding relationships.
