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to be armed to the teeth 武裝到牙齒(該典故出自從前南美的北海岸的海盜,他們除了兩手都持武器外,在牙齒間還要咬一把刀。)

Time is money. 時間就是金錢(比"一寸光陰一寸金"流行)

to shed crocodile tears 掉鱷魚眼淚 as cold as ice 冰冷

to trim the sail to the wind看風使帆

Too many cooks spoil the broth. 廚子多了煮壞湯。

Blood is thicker than water. 血濃於水。


有些習語直譯後,仍不能把原意清楚準確地表達出來, 就可採用直譯加註釋法。例如:

a bull in a china shop公牛闖進瓷器店──肆意搗亂

to shed crocodile tears流鱷魚眼淚──假慈悲

People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss.

The favors of Government are like the box of Pandora, with this important difference; that they rarely leave hope at bottom.

The best fish swim (are) near the bottom.好魚居水底——有價值的東西不能輕易得到。

Fish begins to stink at the end.魚要腐爛頭先爛——上樑不正下樑歪。

If two ride on a horse, one must ride behind.兩人騎一匹馬,總有一人坐在後面——兩人蔘加的事只能一人為主。

The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.隔牆的蘋果最甜——這山看著那山高。

Don't forget to cross your t's.寫時不要忘記 t上面那一橫——一言一行都不要馬虎草率。套譯


Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 寧為雞首,不為牛後。

Some prefer turnips and others pears.蘿蔔白菜,各有所愛。(比譯為"有人喜歡蘿蔔,有人喜歡梨"更能為中國讀者所理解和接受。 )

as lean as a rail 骨瘦如柴 (如 直譯為"瘦得像個橫杆",則不符合中國人習慣。)

clean hand 兩袖清風

It was by no means a bed of rose. 這決不是安樂窩。

He cries wine and sells vinegar. 掛羊頭,賣狗肉。

as pale (or white) as ashes( or sheet or death) 面如土色

as red as rose 豔如桃李

as clear as daylight 洞若觀火

All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人終成眷屬。

He robs Peter to pay Paul. 拆東牆補西牆。

Diamonds cut Diamonds. 棋逢對手,將遇良才。英雄惜英雄

Pay on the spot and borrow a lot; pay slow and you'll get no dough.好借好還,再借不難。




Look at the chaps in politics and business, whose whole lives were passed in skating on thin ice, and getting knighted for it.
試看那些政治上和商業上的傢伙們, 他們整個兒的生活都是在風險中度過的,可是都因此封了爵。(to skate on thin ice 若直譯為"如履薄冰",則會產生謹慎從事的聯想, 有違原意。)

to come like a dog at a whistle 一呼即來

Hilter was once as proud as a peacock. 希特勒曾是一個不可一世的傢伙。

Mary and her mother are as like as two peas.瑪麗和她媽媽長得一模一樣。(而不是"像兩顆豌豆一樣相似")


She likes to rubber-neck. 她愛問長問短。

start a hare 話離本題

to bring down the house 全場喝彩

plain sailing 一帆風順

to show one's clean heels 逃之夭夭

to go on a wild goose chase 枉費心機

as greedy as a wolf 貪得無厭

Every bean has its black. 人皆有短處。


這種譯法既能保持原文的比喻形象, 同時又能明白清楚地表達寓意。例如:

laugh off one's head笑掉了牙

break the earth破土動工

wash off one's hands洗手不幹

There is no rose without a thorn.

Every flow has its ebb. 潮有漲落日, 人有盛衰時。

A rolling stone gathers no moss. 滾石不生苔, 轉業不聚財。

I had won 0 at poker that ordinarily would have burned a hole in my pocket,but I couldn't shake an overwhelming sadness.

Every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.俗話說, 衣櫃裡面藏骷髏, 見不得人的事兒家家有。



throw in the sponge 認輸,投降 (注:若拳擊運動員的副手把擦身用的海綿拋向空中,則表示這個運動員認輸因而不進入下一輪比賽。)

pour oil on troubled waters 平息風波,息事寧人(注:傳說航海遇到風浪時,若把油倒進海里,可起到使海浪平息的作用。)

open sesame 敲門磚, 過難關的祕訣(注:《天方夜談》中的《阿里巴巴與四十大盜》故事說:一個山洞內藏有無數的金銀財寶,但洞門緊閉,必須用咒語"開門芝麻"才能開啟。)

Good wine needs no bush. 酒好客自來。(注:英國從前流行一種風俗,人們常在商店的門口外掛某種東西作為該店經營某種商品的標誌, 掛常春藤ivybush標誌的常為酒店。)