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HW:1、離江蘇省著名旅遊城市蘇州僅40公里之遙的古鎮周莊被稱之為“東方威尼斯”,每年以其典型的江南水鄉的景色吸引着無數海內外遊客紛至沓來。Zhouzhuang,an ancient town which is only 40 kilometres away from Suzhou,a wel-known tourist city in Jiangsu Province,is crouned as Oriental Venice,attracting countless people all of the world with its typical landscape of the south of Yangtze River.

2、中國是世界上四大文明古國之一,在5000年的歷史長河中,曾經以四大文明震驚全球。雖然在近代飽受侵略和戰爭的痛苦,但是由於中國人民的艱苦卓絕的努力和不懈的奮鬥,取得了令人矚目的發展和成就。China,one of the four cradles of ancient world with it Four Inventions in the 5000-year history,has gained tremendous feats/accomplishment with their arduous and unremitting efforts though sffered from the pains of aggression/invasion/intrusion and wars in the modern time.

二、1、(3)Terrorism:human bomb人體炸彈 suicide attack自殺式襲擊 kidnap綁架 hostage人質 transnational crime跨國犯罪 crack down upon嚴厲打擊 drug smuggling販毒 hijack劫機 murdur謀殺

There is a grand and arduous task and long way to go.任重而道遠。 jorint efforts共同努力

2、Domestic Politics (1)Economic restructuring (2)West Development

西氣東輸:pipeling natural gas from the west to the east 西電東送:transmission of elcetricity from the west to the east 南水北調:diversion(分流) of water from the south to the north 三峽工程:Three Gorges Project

Taiwan:authorities當局政府 straits海峽兩岸 negotiation談判協商 mainland大陸 reunification統一 separaist分裂的,分裂分子 division分裂 embrace懷抱 compatriot台灣同胞 patriotic愛國主義的 minority(enthnic groups)少數民族 prosperity繁榮 Taiwan independence台獨 one China and one Taiwan一中一台 one China and two systems一國兩制 血脈相連,血濃於水,一脈相承,情同手足:blood of brotherhood


1、Introduciton of schools,courses and edu BG 2、aims of edu 3、forms of edu 4、concepts of edu

1、School:normal師範 of science and techonology(engineering)理工 colleage專科學校 institute研究所attached/affiliated to附屬

上外SISU:Shanghai International Study University 華師大ECNU:East China Normal University 上財大SUFE:Shanghai Institute of Financial and Economy

year大學年級:freshman大一 sophomore大二 junior大三 senior大四

Course:required[AmE]/compulsory[BrE]必修 selective[AmE]/optional[BrE]選修

BG:certificate證書 diploma文憑:associate undergraduate(本科生)大專,postgraduate研究生 degree學位:bachelor's學士,master's碩士,doctoral博士,psot doctoral博士後,academician院士 credential能證明個人技能的文件總稱

MS:school,founded/attached/crouned as被譽為/characterized by,featuring以為特徵/covering/boasting,enjoying擁有/aiming to以為宗旨,ct

(1)software-faculty (2)hardware-teaching facilities,teaching building,multi-media,computerized library,well-equipped,state-of-the-art最尖端的,lab,canteen,dorm,stadium,gymnasium


2、Aim:cultivate,foster,nurtue培養 qualified personel人才 talent,gift天資 apititude稟賦 ingenious天才的 genious天才 all-round development in moval,intellectual,physical,aesthetic and labour edu德智體美勞全面發展

3、Form:9-year compulsory edu九年制義務教育 general higher edu全日制普通高等教育 distance遠程教育 evening school夜校 on-line網絡教育 edu on air電大 self-taught exam自學考試 correspondence函授 adult edu成人教育 credit point學分 score cheat be expelled開除 fail不及格 make-up exam補考 qualifying exam入學資格考試 college entrance exam高考 conpetitive競爭激烈的 eroll/recruit招生 admission錄取 boarding,residential寄宿 non-residential走讀