
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語語法 > 賓語從句中必須注意的that使用問題


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在通常情況下,引導賓語從句的連詞that 是可以省略的。如:
I know (that) she is under thirty. 我知道她不到三十歲。
I think (that) Diana will pass the exam. 我想戴安娜考試會及格的。
She says (that) she is coming to London next week. 她說她下週要來倫敦。

但在以下幾種特殊情況,引導賓語從句的連詞that 不能省略:

1. 當爲了強調把that引導的賓語從句可位於句首時,that不能省略。如:
That she is a good girl I know. 她是一個好姑娘,我是知道的。
That he ever said such a thing I simply don’t believe. 我簡直不相信他曾說過這樣的話。

2. 當that從句與動詞被其他詞或從句隔開時,that一般不宜省略,以免造成語義混亂。如:
They told us once again that the situation was serious.他們又一次告訴我們說形勢是嚴重的。
The dealer told me how much he was prepared to pay for my car and that I could have the money without delay. 那個商人告訴我他準備出多少錢買我的汽車,並說我會立即收到款。

3. 當兩個或多個that引導的賓語從句並列使用時,即使省略了第一個從句的引導詞that,後面的that也不可省略。如:
He said (that) he couldn’t tell you right away and that you wouldn’t understand. 他說他不能馬上告訴你,你是不會理解的。(www.yygrammar.com)
He said (that) it wasn’t his business and that the government should do something about it. 他說這不關他的事,而是政府應該對這事想點辦法。
