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1. 黑龍江位於中國東北部,南連吉林省,西接內蒙古自治區。

Located in the northeastern part of China, Heilongjiang is bordered by Jilin to the south and Inner Mongolia to the west.


2. 黑龍江北部和東部位於中俄邊界,與俄羅斯爲鄰。

It also shares a China–Russia border with Russia to the north and east.


3. 該省省會哈爾濱也是黑龍江最大的城市。在中國省級行政區劃中黑龍江總面積位列第六位,人口排在第15位。

The capital and the largest city of the province is Harbin. Among Chinese provincial-level administrative divisions, Heilongjiang is the sixth-largest by total area and the 15th-most populous.


4. 黑龍江省得名於黑龍江(西方稱爲阿穆爾河),黑龍江是中國與俄羅斯的界河。

The province takes its name from the Heilong River (Chinese name of the Amur), which marks the border between the People's Republic of China and Russia.


5. 中國的最北端是黑龍江沿岸的漠河縣,最東端位於黑龍江與烏蘇里江交界處,都位於黑龍江省境內。

Heilongjiang contains China's northernmost point (in Mohe County along the Amur) and easternmost point (at the junction of the Amur and Ussuri rivers).


6. 黑龍江是中國最大的農業生產基地,也是一個重要的工業區,以石油、木材、煤炭、機械製造爲主。

Heilongjiang is China's largest agricultural base, as well as an important industrial area mainly based on oil, timber, coal and machinery manufacturing.


7. 黑龍江地形多樣,山地衆多,主要大興安嶺和小興安嶺。

Heilongjiang is a land of varied topography. Much of the province is dominated by mountain ranges such as the Greater Khingan Range and Lesser Khingan Range.


8. 省內最高點是大禿頂子山,海拔1690米,位於黑龍江與吉林的交界處。

The highest peak is Mount Datudingzi at 1,690 metres (5,540 ft), located on the border with Jilin province.


9. 大興安嶺有中國最大的現存原始林,也是中國重要的林業區。

The Greater Khingan Range contains China's largest remaining virgin forest and is an important area for China's forestry industry.


10. 該省主要是溼潤的大陸性氣候,不過在最北端的地區屬於亞北極氣候。

A humid continental climate predominates in the province, though areas in the far north are subarctic.


11. 冬季漫長寒冷,一月份平均氣溫爲零下15-31攝氏度,夏季短而溫暖,七月份平均氣溫爲18-23攝氏度。

Winters are long and bitter, with an average of −31 to −15 °C  in January, and summers are short and warm with an average of 18 to 23 °C in July.


12. 年均降雨量爲400-700毫米,主要集中在夏季。

The average annual rainfall is 400 to 700 millimetres, concentrated heavily in summer.


13. 全年天氣以晴朗爲主,春季鬆嫩平原和三平江平原風能資源豐富。

Clear weather is prevalent throughout the year, and in the spring, the Songnen Plain and the Sanpingjiang Plain provide abundant sources of wind energy.


14. 2006年通過了一項公路和高速路建設方案,計劃新修道路38,000公里,將黑龍江的公路總里程提高到230萬公里。

A road and highway proposal was accepted in 2006; the project plans to develop 38,000 kilometres of new roads and expand Heilongjiang’s total road network to 2.3 million kilometres.


15. 該省有60條鐵路線,全長月5,300公里,包括一段亞歐大陸橋。

There are 60 rail lines of around 5,300 kilometres including a section of the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge.


16. 2012年竣工的哈爾濱到大連的哈大高鐵從黑龍江省會哈爾濱途徑長春和瀋陽最後到達遼寧省大連市,設23個車站。

The Harbin–Dalian High-Speed Railway, completed in 2012, stretches from Harbin, Heilongjiang’s capital, to Dalian in Liaoning province via Changchun and Shenyang comprising 23 stops.


17. 該鐵路年客運量到2020年將達到3700萬人次,到2030年達到5100萬人次。

It is expected to transport 37 million passengers per year by 2020 and 51 million by 2030.


18. 哈爾濱國際機場年旅客吞吐量達600萬人次,有通往70多個國內外城市的航班。

Harbin International Airport is capable of handling six million passengers every year and connects to over 70 domestic and international cities.


19. 黑龍江省下轄13個地級行政單位,包括12個地級市(一個副省級市哈爾濱)和一個地區(大興安嶺地區)。

Heilongjiang is divided into thirteen prefecture-level divisions: twelve prefecture-level cities (including a sub-provincial city) and one prefecture.


20. 13個地級行政單位又分爲128個縣級行政單位,包括65個市轄區、19個縣級市、43個縣、1個自治縣。

The thirteen prefecture-level divisions of Heilongjiang are subdivided into 128 county-level divisions (65 districts, 19 county-level cities, 43 counties, and one autonomous county).


21. 這些縣級行政單位又分爲1284個鄉鎮行政單位,包括473個鎮,400個鄉,58個民族鄉和353個街道。

Those are in turn divided into 1,284 township-level divisions (473 towns, 400 townships, 58 ethnic townships, and 353 subdistricts).


22. 黑龍江的農業受到寒冷氣候的限制,農作物以大豆、玉米、小麥和土豆爲主。經濟作物包括甜菜、亞麻和向日葵。

The agriculture of Heilongjiang, heavily defined by its cold climate, is based upon crops such as soybeans, maize, wheat and potatoes. Commercial crops grown include beets, flax, and sunflowers.


23. 黑龍江還是中國的一個重要木材產區。森林主要位於大興安嶺和小興安嶺,這兩個地方也是東北虎、丹頂鶴和山貓等受保護動物物種的棲息地。

Heilongjiang is also an important source of lumber for China. Forests are mostly to be found in the Greater Khingan Mountains and Lesser Khingan Mountains, which are also home to protected animal species such as the Siberian tiger, the red-crowned crane, and the lynx.


24. 黑龍江畜牧業以馬和牛爲主。黑龍江的奶牛數量和牛奶產量位居中國各省市區之首。

Herding in Heilongjiang is centered upon horses and cattle; the province has the largest number of milk cows and the highest production of milk among all the province-level divisions of China.


25. 石油對黑龍江具有重要意義,大慶油田是中國重要的石油產地。黑龍江其它的主要礦產包括煤炭、黃金和石墨。

Petroleum is of great importance in Heilongjiang, and the Daqing oilfields are an important source of petroleum for China. Coal, gold, and graphite are other important minerals to be found in Heilongjiang.


26. 黑龍江還擁有巨大的風力發電潛力,平均風能密度爲每平方米200瓦。Heilongjiang also has great potential for wind power, with an average wind energy density of 200 watts per square metre.


27. 黑龍江位於中國東北地區,東北地區是中國的傳統工業基地。黑龍江憑藉自身的區位優勢,也是中俄貿易的重要門戶地區。

Heilongjiang is part of northeast China, the country's traditional industrial base. Due to its location, Heilongjiang is also an important gateway for trade with Russia.


28. 上世紀90年代,私有化浪潮導致許多沒有競爭力的工廠關閉,東三省經濟陷入停滯。於是,政府開始實施“振興東北”計劃,在推行經濟改革時重點發展私營部門。

Since a wave of privatization led to the closure of uncompetitive factories in the 1990s, Manchuria has suffered from stagnation. As a result, the government has started the Revitalize Northeast China campaign to deal with this problem, promoting the private sectors as the preferred method of economic reform.


29. 黑龍江自2003年以來經濟一直在穩步增長,20032007年間,經濟總量增加了37%

Its GDP has been rising steadily since 2003, growing 37% from 2003 to 2007.


30. 2006年私營經濟產值達到2340億元,佔到經濟總量的37.6%。同年,私營企業稅收收入達到205億元。

The value of the private economy reached RMB234 billion in 2006 and accounted for 37.6 percent of the GDP. In that year, the tax revenue from private enterprises hit RMB20.5 billion.


31. 黑龍江省的整體經濟增長主要靠私營企業帶動。現在該省涌現出了許多領先的私營企業。

Private enterprises in Heilongjiang lead the overall economic growth of the province. Many leading private enterprises have begun to emerge.


32. 2007年該省的三大私營企業上繳稅收都超過了1億元。

The province's three major private enterprises each contributed more than RMB100 million in tax revenue in 2007.


33. 按照中央政府振興東北的政策規劃,黑龍江也對六大支柱產業進行了結構調整,即,設備製造、石油化工、食品加工、能源、醫藥、林業和木材加工。

In line with the central government’s policy to revitalize the Northeast, Heilongjiang has also restructured its six pillar industries, namely equipment manufacturing, petrochemicals, food processing, energy, pharmaceuticals, and forest and timber processing.


34. 2013年,黑龍江的名義GDP2608.7億元,年增速爲12.2%

In 2013, Heilongjiang's nominal GDP was 260.87 billion Chinese yuan, with an annual growth rate of 12.2%.


35. 該省人均GDP21,640元,第一、第二、第三產業產值分別爲1089億元、4366億元和2855億元。

Its per capita GDP was 21,640 yuan (US$3,168). Its primary, secondary, and tertiary industries were worth 108.9 billion yuan, 436.6 billion yuan, and 285.5 billion yuan, respectively.


36. 黑龍江省城鎮居民人均可支配收入達11,581元,同比增長13%

The per capita disposable income of urban residents in Heilongjiang reached 11,581 yuan (US$1,667), a rise of 13% from the previous year.


37. 黑龍江省人口主要由漢族構成,少數民族包括滿族、朝鮮族、蒙古族、回族、錫伯族和赫哲族。

The majority of Heilongjiang's population is Han Chinese, while other ethnic minorities include the Manchus, Koreans, Mongols, Hui, Xibe, and Hezhen.


38. 黑龍江的大部分居民要麼不信教,要麼信仰道教等本土宗教。

Most of Heilongjiang's residents are either non-religious or practice Chinese folk religions, including Taoism.


39. 許多滿族人信奉滿族薩滿教。在該省漢傳佛教和藏傳佛教也有很大影響。Manchu shamanism is practiced by many Manchu people. Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism have an important presence in the province.


40. 漫長寒冷的冬天爲該省聞名遐邇的冰雕展創造了條件。2007年第八屆冰雪大世界在哈爾濱向遊人開放。這一年一度的活動共展出了2,000多個冰雕作品。

The long, cold winter is the backdrop for its famed ice sculpture exhibitions. In 2007 already the 8th Ice and Snow World opened to visitors in Harbin. More than 2,000 ice sculptures were on display at the annual event.


41. 遼寧是中國率先進行工業化的五個省份之一。例如,鞍山市有中國規模較大的鋼鐵工業區。

Liaoning was one of the first provinces in China to industrialize. The city of Anshan, for example, is home to one of the largest iron and steel complexes in China.


42. 近年來,隨着許多大型國企陷入經濟困境,早期以重工業爲重的發展模式成爲了一種包袱。

In recent years, this early focus on heavy industry has become a liability, as many of the large state-run enterprises have experienced economic difficulties.


43. 中央政府意識到作爲重工業傳統基地的遼寧和其他東北省份面臨特殊的困難,於是最近啓動了“振興東北”的發展戰略。

Recognizing the special difficulties faced by Liaoning and other provinces in Northeast China because of their heritage of heavy industry, the Chinese central government recently launched a "Revitalize the Northeast" Campaign.


44. 遼寧中部地區包括一個由遼河、大遼河和支流衝擊而成的盆地。這一地區地勢低窪平坦。

The central part of Liaoning consists of a basin drained by rivers such as the Liao, Daliao, and their tributaries. This region is mostly flat and low-lying.


45. 遼寧屬於大陸季風性氣候,年均降雨量爲440-1130毫米。夏季多雨,其他季節乾燥。

Liaoning has a continental monsoon climate, and rainfall averages to about 440 to 1130 mm annually. Summer is rainy while the other seasons are dry.


46. 遼寧的經濟總量位居東北地區各省之首。2011年遼寧省的名義經濟總量爲2.2萬億元,在中國31個省市區中位列第7

Liaoning has the largest provincial economy of Northeast China. Its nominal GDP for 2011 was 2.20 trillion yuan (ca. US$348 billion), making it the 7th largest in China (out of 31 provinces).


47. 2009年,遼寧保持了13.1%的經濟增速,繼續成爲經濟增速最快的一個省份。自那時起,遼寧經濟增速開始放緩,2015年經濟增速爲3%2016年第一季度出現了1.3%的負增長。

Liaoning maintained its GDP growth rate of 13.1 percent in 2009 and held its position as the province with the highest economic growth. Economic growth has since slowed down, with the economy expanding 3% in 2015 and contracting 1.3% in the first quarter of 2016.


48. 從全國來看,遼寧是生鐵、鋼和金屬切削機牀的生產大省,產量均居全國前三。

On a national level, Liaoning is a major producer of pig iron, steel and metal-cutting machine tools, all of whose production rank among the top three in the nation.


49. 遼寧除了擁有豐富的礦藏外,還有大量的原油資源。

Along with Liaoning's rich mineral reserves, the province also has abundant deposits of crude oil.


50. 大連、丹東和營口已經發展成爲東北地區的主要港口和經濟門戶。在國務院正式認可的開發區中,有56個位於遼寧,其中14個屬於國家級開發區,42個屬於省級開發區。

The cities of Dalian, Dandong and Yingkou have been developed as major ports and economic gateways to all of northeast China. Of the development zones formally recognized by the PRC State Council, 56 are located in Liaoning, including 14 on the national level and 42 on the provincial level.