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Kate and Wills really DO call Princess Charlotte 'Lottie'! Mummy blogger reveals Duchess let the name slip while talking to her VERY cheeky toddler during visit to Belfast



Duchess of Cambridge revealed Princess Charlotte's nickname during Irish visit


After asking the age of a child, Kate said: 'oh, he's the same age as Lottie!' 


The royals often used nicknames and terms of endearment for one another. 


The Queen, 92, has perhaps the most unlikely name; with Prince William calling her 'Gary' when he couldn't pronounce grandma as a youngster. The hard-to-believe nickname has apparently stuck.


Prince George, it was revealed by his mother, called the Queen 'Gan-Gan' when he struggled to also say the word grandma.


In January Prince George took control of his own nickname, telling a passer-by his name was 'Archie'.




THE QUEEN: Gary, 'Gan-Gan', Cabbage. The first two nicknames come from both Prince William and Prince George struggling to say 'Granny' as children. The third is apparently an affectionate name given to the Queen by Prince Philip. 


PRINCE WILLIAM: Big Willy, Prince Baldy. These two rather blunt nicknames were apparently coined by his wife. At university Kate called William 'Big Willy' - and now, due to his somewhat thinning head of hair, she calls him the latter.

威廉王子:Big Willy(大威利)和Prince Baldy(禿頭王子)。這兩個率直的綽號顯然都是他妻子取的。在大學時凱特曾稱呼威廉“Big Willy”——而現在,因爲他頭髮稍稍變薄了些,她便叫他“Prince Baldy(禿頭王子)”。

DUCHESS OF CAMBRIDGE: 'DoD', or 'the Duchess of Do-little'. This cheeky moniker was given to the Duchess by none other than Prince William. 

凱特王妃:“DoD”,或是“the Duchess of Do-little(無所事事的公爵夫人)”,這一厚臉皮的綽號是由她的丈夫威廉王子取的。

PRINCE CHARLES: Fred. Charles and Camilla call each other Fred and Gladys - as revealed in Princess Diana’s interview tapes.


PRINCE HARRY: Flash, Gromit, Potter. Nicknames have followed the 34-year-old throughout his life, and he was dubbed 'Flash' in his wilder days, thought to be a reference to fictional army Lothario Harry Flashman.

哈利王子:Flash、Gromit和Potter。這些暱稱伴隨了他34歲的人生,在他年輕的時候被稱爲“Flash”,這一暱稱被認爲是對虛構軍隊Lothario Harry Flashman的引用。

Other, more endearing names for Harry include 'Potter', after J K Rowling's boy wizard and 'Gromit', referring to Nick Park's animated canine creation.


THE DUCHESS OF SUSSEX: Tungsten. Royal new-comer Meghan, 37, has been reportedly called 'Tungsten' by her father-in-law in reference to the strong metal. Prince Charles has apparently given the Duchess of Sussex the name based on her 'toughness'.


PRINCE GEORGE: PG Tips. When she was pregnant Kate referred to him as 'our little grape' but the five-year-old is now occasionally known as PG Tips or just 'Tips' after the brand of tea.

喬治王子:PG Tips。當凱特王妃還在懷孕的時候,她就稱他爲“Our little grape(我們的小葡萄)”,但是這個五歲的小朋友現在偶爾被稱作PG Tips或者乾脆就是“Tips”。這個暱稱的由來是一個茶的品牌。

PIPPA MIDDLETON: Squeak. Classmates at St. Andrew's in Pangbourne, Berkshire, came up with the name "Squeak" for Kate, and "Pip" for Pippa - names that were also bestowed upon the school's pet guinea pigs.

皮帕•米德爾頓(Pippa Middleton,凱特王妃的妹妹):Squeak(吱吱聲)。伯克郡潘伯尼的聖安德魯斯大學的同學們爲凱特取了“Squeak”這個名字,也爲皮帕取了“Pip”這個名字 - 這些名字也被用在學校的寵物豚鼠身上。