
首頁 > 英語詞彙 > 英語單詞 > 不定冠詞有哪些重要用法


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  1.不定冠詞表示“同一”,相當於the same。即: be + of + a/an+n= be + of + the same+n 如:

The two boys are of an age.那兩個男孩同歲。

Cotton of a kind was stored together in a house.同類的棉花儲藏在一座房子裏。


? 不定冠詞用於單數可數名詞前表示身份、職業,尤其用在作表語或賓語補足語的名詞前。

? She is a high school name is Li Fang.她是一位中學教師,名叫李芳。

? The Whites wanted their daughter to be a musician.懷特夫婦想要他們的女兒成爲音樂家。

? 注意:獨一無二的職位名詞在句中做表語,補語和同位語時,一般不用冠詞,但是如果做了句子的主語或是賓語時候,要在前面加冠詞。

? He is captain of the team.他是球隊隊長。

? Zhang Fei,monitor of their class,is good at English.張飛是他們的班長,英語很棒。


? We have three meals a day.我們每天吃三頓飯。

? They met each other once a month.他們每月會面一次。

? The car moved 100 miles an hour.這輛小汽車以每小時100英里的速度行駛。

? The envelopes are one yuan a dozen.信封一打是一元錢。

? Amily goes to see her grandmother twice a week.愛米莉每週去看奶奶兩次。


have a cold/ rest/ quarrel/awim/fever/toothache/dance/try/look/

have a word with sb.同某人談話 have a try 試一下have a good time 玩得高興 have a look 看一看;have a headache 頭痛 ; have a good sleep 好好睡一覺

go for a walk 散步take a bath 洗澡 tell a lie 撒謊wait a moment 等一會

with a light heart 愉快地with a smile 微笑着with an effort 努力地

as a result 因此 once in a while 偶爾for a moment=for a while 一會兒

make a face 做鬼臉in a hurry 匆忙地do sb. a favour 幫某人忙

take an active part in 積極參加 at a time 每次as a whole 作爲整體all of a sudden 突然 once upon a time 從前in a word 總之


有一部分不可數名詞當表示具體的概念時可以在其前加a,表示一個什麼樣的人或一件什麼樣的事,如:success做成功講時是不可數名詞,a success:一個成功的人,一件成功的事。但是也有一些不可數名詞不論其前有無形容詞,也不論譯爲什麼意思其前都不能加不定冠詞,如:work, fun, information, weather, news, advice, progress等。但是這些詞彙當表示特指的意思時可以在前面加定冠詞the。如:the weather of Beijing.



? The birds are flying to the north.這些鳥向北方飛去。

? He stood at the back of the door.他站在門背後。


①. 方位詞用作副詞時前不用任何冠詞

Fly south; turn right

②. 方位詞成對使用構成平行結構時,不用定冠詞。

? The river is two thousand kilometers long from west to east.這條河自西向東2 000公里長。

? They traveled through the country from south to north.



? 如:She can play the piano.她會彈鋼琴。

? He plays the violin very well.他小提琴拉得很好。

? He played the guitar for the children.他給孩子們彈了吉他。

? 注意:但樂器名詞表示具體的器物,或表示課程時,不加the.

? 例:He bought a piano last month.他上個月買了一架鋼琴。

? She taught piano in the school.她在學校裏教鋼琴。

3.用在表示計算單位的名詞前,即:by + the +n 含有“每,每一”的意思如:

? Jim is paid by the hour.吉姆的工資按小時付。

? Eggs are sold by the kilogram.雞蛋按千克出售。


by +weight中的weight前不加任何冠詞;另外,in +n(pl.)也可以表示按什麼計量,如:be measured in meters按米測量。

4. 動詞(hit,pull,pat,strike,catch,hold,take,lead)+sb.+介詞(in,on,by,across)+身體部位或衣着

? She touched him on the shoulder.她碰了碰他的肩。

? He took the girl by the hand.他拉着小女孩的手。

? He hit her on the nose.他打了她的鼻子。

? The stone struck the man in the eye.石頭擊中了那人的眼睛。



5.用在表示自然現象的名詞前。如:the rain 雨,the wind 風,the fog 霧,the snow 雪,the air 空氣,the storm 風暴,the snowstorm 暴風雪Don’t stand in the rain.不要站在雨中。

? The wind blew down the trees.風把樹颳倒了。

? The rain has cleaned the air.下雨淨飛了空氣。


? (1)這類名詞前有形容詞修飾時,可用不定冠詞,表示“一場,一陣,一種”。如:

A cold wind is blowing from the north.冷風從北方吹來。

? There was a heavy rain last night.昨晚下了一場大雨。

? A heavy snow is falling outside.外面正下着大雪。

? (2)這類名詞表示一般物質時,不用冠詞。如:

Rain falls in summer;snow falls in winter.夏天下雨,冬天下雪。

? Man can’t live without air.沒有空氣人不能活。


for the most part 大多數by the way 順便說一下;all the time 始終

in the middle of 在中間;go to the concert/cinema/theater 去聽音樂會/去看電影/去看戲

at the moment當時,此刻;all the year round 一年到頭;

on the one hand 一方面;on the other hand 另一方面

in the afternoon/morning/night/evening;in the year 2008 在2008年

all the same 依然;on the whole 總之 ;at the same time 同時;the other day 在不久前某

at the bottom of 在……底部;in the end 終於;in the daytime 白天


at dawn 在黎明at night 在晚上at noon 在正午 at dusk 在黃昏


1. 名詞前有指示代詞,物主代詞,不定代詞或名詞所有格修飾,不用冠詞.

I like this picture better. Is that your book

Take their chairs away! I do not have any money on me.

As time went on, Einstein's theory proved to be correct.

用作系動詞(變成)後的單數名詞作表語時用零冠詞,與之相反的結構是become +a+n。

? His brother has turned writer.

? Did he become a scientist?


The warmth of the sweater will of course be determined by the sort of wool used.



?如:Hero as he is,he has some shortcomings. 儘管他是一位英雄,但是他也有缺點。


arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牽手); side by side(肩對肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨門挨戶); from beginning to end(從頭到尾); from morning till night(從早到晚)等。






? (1)the 指的是整個類別,這個類別是可以區別於另一個類別的。如:

? The compass was invented in China,but the computer was not.羅盤是中國發明的,


? (2)a(n)側重於指類別中任何一個的特點。如:

? A tiger is a type of very large fierce wild cat that has yellow fur with black

bands across.老虎是個子很大而且兇猛的野貓類動物,毛黃色,有黑色斑紋。

? (3)不用冠詞的複數名詞側重指類別的許多個體。如:

? Children usually start walking around the age of one.小孩子一般一歲左右開始走路。

? Do you like horses?你喜歡馬嗎?

? (4)在類指時如何使用冠詞要根據所要表達內容的具體情況而定。

? The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.老虎正瀕臨滅絕的危險。

? (不能說A tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.瀕臨滅絕指的是整個虎類,而不是任何一隻老虎都面臨



1. 定冠詞用在序數詞前,也用在表示序列的next,last等前。如:

The first man to land on the moon is an American.第一個登上月球的人是美國人。

? This may be the last chance.這可能是最後一次機會。


1. the+ last +n 有兩種含義:“最後一個”和“最不可能或最不樂意”。

He is the last person to say such words. 他是最不可能說這樣的話的人。

He is the last person I wanted to see.他是我最不樂意見到的人。

2. “不定冠詞+序數詞”,表示又一,再一。如:

? Can you give me a second chance,please?(a second chance=another chance)

? We played two draws(平局) the other day,but when I tried a third time,I was beaten.

? (a third time不是有計劃地從前兩次排下來的。)

3. 序數詞表示名次時, 前面一般不用任何冠詞

Zhou Lan was first. Zhou Lan came out first. 周蘭是第一名。

He came first in the race.在這場比賽中他第一


1. “ a/an +姓氏單數”表示某家族的一個成員。例如:

His wife is a Kennedy (= a member of the Kennedy family ) .


2. “ a/an +作家、畫家的姓氏單數”表示其作品。例如:

Have you got a complete Lu Xun (= a set of Lu Xun's complete works ) ?


3. “ a/an +姓氏單數”表示“某個叫……的人”、“某位姓……的人”。說話人只知道其姓氏,不知道名字,或者是說話人內心有所指,但又不十分明確或者是說話人有意隱瞞。例如:

Our music teacher is a Miss White.


4. “ a/an +姓+名”表示與該人(多指名人)有類似性格特徵的人,可譯成“一個像……一樣的人”、“一個和……相似的人”。例如:

Only a Lu Xun (= a great writer like Lu Xun ) could have written that.


He is a Lei Feng in our class.


5. “ the + 姓氏單數”表示特指“某位姓……的人”,常用來區別同姓的兩個或兩個以上的人。例如:

I don't refer to the Lao Wang who works in this company.


6. “ the +姓氏複數”表示某一家人,或一家人中的夫妻倆、姐妹倆、兄弟倆。此結構在句中作主語時,謂語動詞爲複數形式。例如:

The Greens are at table.



March, May Day, National Day, Children’s Day, Women’sDay

Have you had supper?你吃過晚飯了嗎?

Spring is the best season of theyear.春天是一年中最好的季節


1. 農曆節日前用the: the Spring Festival; the Mid-autumn Festival

2. the Autumn of 2008; the May of 2007; a Saturday; the English language= English;

  八、 專有名詞前的冠詞使用對比:


人名:Shakespeare 地名:Paris



the Yellow River 黃河 the Red Sea 紅海

the Indian Ocean 印度洋 the Taiwan Straits 臺灣海峽

the Sahara (Desert) 撒哈拉大沙漠 the United States 美國

the Times 泰晤士報 the Great Wall長城

the Great Cultural Revolution “” the New York Times紐約時報


①Mount Tai 泰山

②表示湖泊的專有名詞前通常不加定冠詞,Lake Success成功湖 Dongting Lake洞庭湖。但個別湖前也有加the的,如:

the Lake of Geneva日內瓦湖 the West Lake西湖 the Great Salt Lake大鹽湖

2. 多數街名、廣場名、車站、機場、公園、橋樑名前多不用冠詞

Fleet Street艦隊街 Marston Road 瑪斯登道 Riverside Avenum濱河大道

Park Lane派克街 Rodeo Drive羅狄歐

Sunset Boulevard日落大道

但the High Street;the Red Square;the Golden Gate Bridge

3. 地名前用a 可以表示具有和該地名同樣特徵的另一地方。

As is known to us all, Su zhou is a Venice in Chind.

4. 由專有名詞+普通名詞構成的專有名詞前不用任何冠詞。

Zhongshan Park; Beijing University


at table 在進餐 at the table 在桌子旁邊

at desk 在讀書 at the desk 在課桌旁

at school 在上學 at the school 在學校裏

by sea 乘船 by the sea 在海邊

in class 在上課 in the class 在班級裏面

in bed 臥牀 in the bed 在牀上

in prison 坐牢 in the prison (因事)在監獄

in hospital 住院 in the hospital (因事)在醫院

go to school 去上學 go to the school (因事)去學校

go to sea 當水手 go to the sea 去海邊

go to bed 上牀睡覺 go to the bed 在牀上

go to church去做禮拜 go to the church 去教堂裏

go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去醫院

take place 發生 take the place 代替

in place of 代替 in the place of 在...的地方

in case of 萬一 in the case of 就...來說

out of question 毫無疑問 out of the question 完全不可能

sb. be in charge of sth. 某人負責某事物 sth. be in the charge of sb. 某事物由某人掌管



1. such/what +a+adj+n

This hospital is a pattern of what a good hospital should be. 這家醫院就是好醫院的榜樣。

2. how, however, so, too, as+adj+a+n

She could not forgive so terrible an insult to her pride.


He has too mild a nature to get angry, even if he has good cause


3. rather, quite+a+n

若單數可數名詞前有rather, quite 修飾,則不定冠詞必須常放在這些詞之後。如:

Your daughter is quite a beauty. 你的女兒真是個大美人。



He was rather a [a rather] naughty student. 他是一個相當淘氣的學生。(from )

isn’t enough room for all the furniture. 沒有足夠的地方放置全部傢俱。

● 經典易錯題透視(包括:①錯在何處?②爲什麼錯?③錯誤屬什麼性質?該3點,要避免前後的重複)

【經典易錯題1】Who do you think will take ____ office next month and become ____ president of that country?

A. the; a B. a; / C. the; the D. /; /

[答案] D

[廣角思維點悟] 解答該題的關鍵是要準確把握固定短語中名詞前冠詞的使用及表示獨一無二的名詞或表示職務的名詞前冠詞的用法。

[難點?方法指津] 第一空take office爲固定短語,意思爲"上臺,當權、執政",名詞 office前不用任何冠詞;第二空 president 表示獨一無二職務的名詞,用作表語、補足語、賓語、同位語,在此用作表語,前面不用冠詞。答案D。

【經典易錯題2】(2009唐山市高考模擬試題)The party was ____ success. We sang and danced until it came to ____ end at midnight.

A. a; an B. a; the C. the; an D. /; an

[答案] A[廣角思維點悟] 解答該題的關鍵是要把握抽象名詞與抽象名詞具體化代指某一個人或事物時,前面冠詞的用法以及一些固定短語中冠詞的使用。

[難點?方法指津] 第一空抽象名詞success在此具體化,代指 the party,意思爲"一次成功的晚會"。 故應該用不定冠詞a限定;第二空come to an end爲固定短語,意思爲"結束"。答案A。

【經典易錯題3】(2009年江西高考卷)Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world. Ks5u

A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a [答案] A