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U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said his use of the term "anchor babies" to describe U.S.-born children of non-citizen parents was taken out of context and not derogatory, saying he was referring solely to activity he views as fraudulent.

The U.S. Constitution grants citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil, regardless of parentage. Immigration critics sometimes use "anchor babies" to describe U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, usually from Latin America.




文中的anchor baby就是“定錨嬰兒”的意思,也稱爲“錨孩兒”,而孩子的父母就稱爲“錨族”,因爲他們就像航行在海洋中的輪船,將子女誕生在異國他鄉就如同在海外放錨停泊,以便將來舉家移民美國。因爲這些“定錨嬰兒”在年滿21歲後就可以爲父母和兄弟申請美國綠卡(permanent resident status)。

第二段中的citizenship是名詞,意爲“公民權,國籍”,目前美國是世界上極少數提供無條件“出生公民權”(birthright citizenship)的國家,又如:dual citizenship(雙重國籍)。