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英語口語練習小對話 第550期:瞎猜

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SubjectI was only a shot in the dark.

ing-bottom: 100%;">英語口語練習小對話 第550期:瞎猜


A: Do you know when we will have the summer vacation?


B: Maybe in two weeks. I was only a shot in the dark.


1. 解釋

Shot是“開槍”的意思。“I was only a shot in the dark.”是“我是瞎猜的。”的意思。想像一下有人在漆黑的夜裏,到處是伸手不見五指的情況下開槍,那肯定是打不中目標的,除非是蒙中的。 A shot in the dark的字面意思是“在黑暗裏開槍”,引申爲“瞎猜”。 其英文解釋爲:an attempt to guess something when you have no information or knowledge about it。

2. 例句

e.g. It was just a shot in the dark, but I got the right answer to the teacher's question.


e.g. We had nothing to go by. It was a shot in the dark, but it turned out right.

我們是沒有根據的, 只不過瞎猜, 可是結果卻猜對了。