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首先,學生在雅思口語考試中不必要使用自己無法駕馭的複雜句和從句。事實上,歐美人士在平時交流中也不經常使用複雜的句子結構,因此考生們只需要表達清楚自己的意思即可,而不要因爲害怕自己的表達能力不夠完美而不敢開口說話。對於part 1而言,一般來說每個問題說個3、4句話即可,並不要求學生一下子展示出很強的擴展能力,這部分主要留到第3部分再表現和出彩。我們舉一個近期經常考到的話題來做part 3的擴展:A book you read when you were a child。與這個話題相關的part 3擴展問題可以有很多,比如What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading­ What books do Chinese kid read­ What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading­ What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV­ 等等。事實上,這些問題也許看起來有些無從下手,但考官對考生的考察並不是針對考生所表達的內容,而是他們應用英語來表達自己意思的能力與方式。

舉例而言,關於“What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading­”這個問題:當考官向學生提出這個問題之後,可能一下子想不起來很多想說的東西,例如只想起來一點,“①The parents could use interesting materials, such as fairy tales or short stories with beautiful illustration pictures, to inspire their children to start reading.”在構思和表達這個句子的期間,考生可以儘量快速地在腦子內構思其他的幾點,比如說“②Parents could read interesting stories to their children, which could gradually encourage the kids to adopt the habits of reading .”一旦想到第二點之後,不要着急開始闡述,這時候最好先儘量充實第一點的內容,打造出整體敘述內容和表達既準確又充實的印象,同時又爲自己營造出寶貴的時間,從而進一步構思下一步的表達。在闡述第1點的時候,可以講一些“看似”無關,但實際上又可以充實語言內容並進行詳細解釋的話語。例如在第①點中,可以解釋採用帶插圖的書籍的益處:“Considering the focus periods for little kids are usually quite short, beautiful pictures could be a good way to attractive their attention and help them to understand the storyline. This kind of books could effectively inspire them to cultivate their own interest in reading. Actually, I myself started reading through this kind of method, which I'd like to say, worked out pretty well.”通過這樣的論述,既可以通過展開和解釋來擴展一個思路點,又可以爲論述的下一點贏得時間。至於第②點的內容,同學們可以自己進行練習,自己主動地訓練擴展表達能力。
