
首頁 > 口語英語 > 口語英語學習材料 > 初級美語 Lesson 6:Asking for Directions 問路

初級美語 Lesson 6:Asking for Directions 問路

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Conversation A: In a City?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the museum?
FEMALE 1: The Art Museum? Go straight ahead. Then turn right at the Post
MARTIN: The Post Office?
FEMALE 1: Yes. That big white building straight ahead.?
MARTIN: I see. Thank you.?
MARTIN: Excuse me, please. Where is the Art Museum?
MALE 1: The Art Museum? Sorry. I don't know.?
MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is the Art Museum?
FEMALE 2: Hmmm. It's on the river.?
MARTIN: Where is the river?
FEMALE 2: Over there. The museum is on Adams Street. No no. Maybe, it's
on Jefferson Street. I'm Sorry. I don't know the street. Ask in that
MARTIN: Thank you.?
MARTIN: Good morning.?
MALE 2: Good morning.?
MARTIN: Where is the Art Museum?
MALE 2: It's on the river.?
MARTIN: I know it's on the river.?
MALE 2: Barbara, where is the Art Museum?
FEMALE 3: It's on Jefferson Street.?
MARTIN: And where is Jefferson Street?
MALE 2: You really are lost! Come, I'll show you.?
MARTIN: Thanks. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter. I want to write about your
MALE 2: Oh, I see. Welcome.?
MALE 2: OK. Go straight ahead. e. Go three blocks. Then turn left. That's Jefferson Street. Then go to the river.?
MARTIN: Thank you very much.?
MALE 2: No problem.

初級美語 Lesson 6:Asking for Directions 問路

Practice 1:當我們不知道怎樣才能到達要去的地方時,或者不知道要去的地方
在哪裏,通常要打聽:Where is ...? 即……在哪兒。如果有人問
我們這樣的問題我們通常可用這樣的句子回答:?Go straight ahead. 一直往前走。?It's on/at/in... 它在……?Turn right/left. 向右(左)拐
MARTIN: Where is the museum?
FEMALE: Go straight ahead.?
MARTIN: Where is the Art Museum?
FEMALE: It's on the river.?
MARTIN: Where is the river?
FEMALE: Turn right.?

Practice 2:當給別人指路時我們要用到一些參照物,例如:樓房、山崗、河流
MARTIN: Where is the museum?
FEMALE: Go straight ahead. Then turn right.?
MARTIN: Where is the Post Office?
MALE 1: Go three blocks. Then turn left.?
MARTIN: Where is the river?
MALE 2: Turn right. Then go two streets.?

會話A: 在一個城市裏?
馬 丁:對不起。博物館在哪??
女 一:藝術博物館嗎?一直向前走,然後在郵局向右拐。?
馬 丁:郵局??
女 一:是的,正前方那座白色大樓。?
馬 丁:知道了。謝謝你。?
馬 丁:請問,藝術博物館在哪兒??
男 一:藝術博物館?對不起,我不知道。?
馬 丁:對不起,藝術博物館在哪兒??
女 二:嗯,在河邊。?
馬 丁:河在哪兒??
女 二:在那邊。博物館在亞當斯街,不,不。可能在傑斐遜街。對不起,我不
馬 丁:謝謝。?
馬 丁:早上好!?
男 二:早上好!?
馬 丁:藝術博物館在哪??
男 二:在河邊。?
馬 丁:我知道在河邊。?
男 二:芭芭拉,藝術博物館在哪兒??
女 三:在傑斐遜街。?
馬 丁:傑斐遜街在哪兒??
女 三:你真是迷路了,來,我指給你看。?
馬 丁:謝謝,我叫馬丁·勒納。我是記者。我想寫寫你們的博物館。?
男 二:噢,我知道了,歡迎。?
男 二:好。一直向前走,走……一個……兩個……三個,走三個街區。然後向
馬 丁:非常感謝。?
男 二:別客氣。

Conversation B:In Art Museum?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Jefferson Street?
FEMALE 2: This is Jefferson Street.?
MARTIN: Wonderful! Where is the river?
FEMALE 2: Turn right. Then go straight ahead. You can't miss it.?
MARTIN: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner.?
DIRECTOR: Good morning.?
MARTIN: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America.?
DIRECTOR: I'm Elizabeth Gonzalez.?
MARTIN: I'm writing a story about museums in the United States.?
DIRECTOR: How may I help you?
MARTIN: First, I want to see the museum. Then I want to ask some questions. What do you do?
DIRECTOR: I'm the director of the museum.?
MARTIN: Good.?
DIRECTOR: I direct all of the work in the museum. What do you want to see
MARTIN: I like to write about people.?
DIRECTOR: Then you must see the American rooms. Come. I'll show you the
MARTIN: Thank you. Where are the American rooms??
DIRECTOR: First, go upstairs. Go straight ahead. Turn left in the second room.
MARTIN: Upstairs, straight ahead, turn left.?
DIRECTOR: Yes. The American rooms are upstairs.?
MARTIN: Excuse me. Are these the American rooms??
MALE 1: No. They are on the left. Look there. Do you see that door??
MALE 1: Go there. Turn left. Then go straight ahead.?
FEMALE 1: Excuse me, please. Where are the Native American rooms??
MARTIN: I'm sorry. I don't know. Ask that man over there.?
MALE 2: Hello. Where is the office??
MARTIN: Go downstairs. Then turn right.?
MALE 2: Thanks.
Practice 3:我們常用“go”這個詞來爲別人指路,例如:
? go upstairs 去樓上?
go downstairs 去樓下?
MARTIN: Where are the American rooms?
DIRECTOR: Go upstairs. Then turn left.?
MALE 2: Where is the office?
MARTIN: Go downstairs. Then turn right.?
會話B 在藝術博物館?
馬 丁:對不起,傑斐遜街在哪兒??
女 二:這就是傑斐街。?
馬 丁:太好了,河在哪兒??
女 二:向右拐。然後一直向前走,你一定能找到。?
馬 丁:謝謝。?
馬 丁:你好,我叫馬丁·勒納。?
館 長:早上好!?
馬 丁:我是“美國之音”的記者。?
館 長:我叫伊麗莎白·岡薩雷斯。?
馬 丁:我在寫一篇有關美國的報道。?
館 長:我能幫什麼忙嗎??
馬 丁:首先,我想看看博物館。然後我想提些問題。你做什麼工作??
館 長:我是博物館的館長。?
馬 丁:很好。?
館 長:我主管博物館的各項工作。你想先看什麼??
馬 丁:我想寫人。?
館 長:那你必須去看看美國人展室。來,我給你指路。?
馬 丁:謝謝,美國人展室在哪兒??
館 長:首先上樓,向前走到第二個房間向左轉。?
馬 丁:上樓,向前,向左拐。?
館 長:是的,美國人展室在樓上。?
馬 丁:對不起,這些是美國人展室嗎??
男 一:不,在左邊。看那兒,看見那個門了嗎??
馬 丁:是的。?
男 一:往那邊走,向左轉,然後向前走。?
女 一:對不起,請問美國土著人展室在哪??
馬 丁:對不起,我不知道。問問那邊那個男人。?
男 二:你好,辦公室在哪兒??
馬 丁:到樓下,然後向右拐。?
男 二:謝謝。

Conversation C Where Is the Coffee Shop?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?
FEMALE 2: Sorry. I don't know.?
MARTIN: Please, excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?
MALE 1: Coffee shop? Go to the Post Office. Then turn right. It's on Adams
MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Adams street?
FEMALE 1: Straight ahead.?
MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?
MALE 2: Go one block. Do you see that hotel? Turn right.?
MARTIN: Thanks.?
MARTIN: Excuse me, please. Where is the coffee shop?
FEMALE 2: Uhh. Coffee shop. Go over there.?
MARTIN: Oh, I see. Thanks.?
MARTIN: Hello. Coffee, please. Ahhh. wonderful.

馬 丁:對不起。哪兒有咖啡館。?
女 二:對不起,不知道。?
馬 丁:對不起,請問哪有咖啡館。?
男 一:咖啡館?到郵局向右拐。在亞當斯街。?
馬 丁:對不起。亞當斯街在哪??
男 二:一直向前走。?
馬 丁:對不起。咖啡館在哪兒??
男 二:走一個街區。看到那個旅館了嗎?向右拐。?
馬 丁:謝謝。?
馬 丁:對不起。請問咖啡館在哪兒??
女 二:哦,咖啡館,往那兒走。?
馬 丁:噢,我知道了,謝謝。?
馬 丁:你好。請來杯咖啡。啊!太好了。

New Words and Expression 生詞和短語

museum n. 博物館?
the Art Museum 藝術博物館?
post office n. 郵局?
building n. 建築物?
straight adv. 筆直地?
block n. 街區?
director n. 館長?
direct v. 指導?
upstairs adv. 在樓上?
native adj. 土著的,本地的?
downstairs adv. 在樓下?
coffee shop n. 咖啡館?
hotel n. 旅館

Language Points 語言要點?

1. Excuse me. 對不起。這是一句用以引起別人注意的話,以提醒對方有事相求。2. 動詞 go 的用法:go 是一個不及物動詞,不能直接加賓語。要與介詞連用。
常用的介詞是 to。例如:
go to school 去上學
go to the coffee shop 去咖啡館
go 的後面可直接加副詞。例如:
go upstairs 上樓
go downstairs 下樓
go straight ahead 一直往前走

Cultural Notes 文化註釋?

常說的一句道歉的話是 Excuse me. 即對不起。比如當你要從別人面前走過的時候,你要說聲 Excuse me. 當你就餐中要離席而去時,你要說聲 Excuse me. 但是,過多的道歉則是美國人難以接受的。在美國,一個外國人更不必爲自己講不好英語而向別人道歉。?