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1. Am I Pregnant? Monthly Searches: 90,500
1. 月搜索量爲9萬500次的問題是:我懷孕了?
It looks like Google has replaced a pregnancy test for more than 90,000 women each month!

2. How Do I Get Home? Monthly Searches: 49,500
2. 月搜索量達4萬9500次的問題是:我咋回家?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, ask Google this question and you'll be met with a box which asks 'Where's Home?'

3. Are Aliens Real? Monthly Searches: 49,500
3. 月搜索量爲4萬9500次的問題是:外星人是真實存在的麼?
With NASA having claimed we'll find alien life by 2025, it seems that almost 50,000 people each month are eager to find out the truth!

4. Does Farting Burn Calories? Monthly Searches: 49,500
4. 月搜索量達4萬9500次的問題是:放屁能燃燒卡路里麼?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could burn calories from passing wind? Unfortunately, the claim that it burns 67 calories are false.

5. When Will I Die? Monthly Searches: 49,500
5. 月搜索量達4萬9500次的問題:我什麼時候會死?
Who knew Google was now able to foretell the future?

6. Why Do Men Have Nipples? Monthly Searches: 22,200
6. 月搜索量爲2萬2200次的問題:爲什麼男人們有乳頭?
We all know they have them but it seems a fairly large number of people each month waste a little bit of time trying to find out why men have nipples!

7. Do Penguins Have Knees? Monthly Searches: 18,100
7. 月搜索量達1萬8100次的問題:企鵝有膝蓋麼?
Does it really matter whether or not penguins have knee?

8. Why Are We Here? Monthly Searches: 8,100
Getting a little philosophical now, aren’t we?

9. Is The Tooth Fairy Real? Monthly Searches: 8,100
9. 月搜索量爲8100次的問題是:牙仙是真真切切存在的麼?
This is a little bit like asking if Santa is real… of course the tooth fairy is real! You’ve always had a coin left under your pillow in return for a tooth haven’t you?

10. Do Pigs Sweat? Monthly Searches: 8,100
10. 月搜索量爲8100次的問題是:豬會流汗麼?
Why, oh why, would anyone care or even want to know whether or not pigs sweat?

11. Does My Bum Look 40? Monthly Searches: 8,100
11. 月搜索量爲8100次的問題是:我的腚看着有40麼?
‘Of course it doesn’t!’ is the answer over 8,000 women each month want Google to tell them when asking whether their bum looks.

12. Is The World Flat? Monthly Searches: 5,400
12. 月搜索量達5400次的問題是:世界是平的麼?
Did these people not study geography at school?

13. Am I A Psycho? Monthly Searches: 5,400
13. 月搜索量爲5400次的問題是:我是神經病麼?
Good old ‘Dr Google’ strikes again… this time, in the guise of a psychiatrist.

14. Why Won’t My Car Start? Monthly Searches: 4,400
14. 月搜索量達4400次的問題是:爲什麼我的汽車不能發動了?
And now Google’s disguised itself as mechanic…

15. Do Men Have Periods? Monthly Searches: 3,600
15. 月搜索量爲3600次的問題是:男人們會來姨媽麼?
So it seems that the same people who paid no attention in geography at school also failed biology?

16. Do Worms Have Eyes? Monthly Searches: 2,900
16. 月搜索量達2900次的問題是:蚯蚓有眼睛麼?
Does it really matter if worms have eyes?

17. Can A Men Get Pregnant? Monthly Searches: 2,900
17. 月搜索量達2900次的問題是:男人能懷孕麼?
What on earth are they teaching (or not teaching as the case may be) kids in school these days?

18. What Happens If You Drink Blood? Monthly Searches: 880
18. 月搜索量爲880次的問題是:飲血的後果會是什麼?
We can only assume that Twilight is to blame for almost a thousand winnable vampires each month wondering about the safety of drinking blood!

19. Can I Marry My Cousin? Monthly Searches: 880
19. 月搜索量有880次的問題是:我能娶/嫁我的表姐(妹)/兄(弟)麼?
Really?! That’s 10,560 people each year considering popping the question to their cousin!

20. Why Does My Boss Hate Me? Monthly Searches: 170
20. 月搜索量達770次的問題是:爲什麼我的老闆不喜歡我?
Why don’t you ask him yourself?