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阿里巴巴10億美元控股東南亞同行 Alibaba buys controlling Lazada stake

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Chinese ecommerce group Alibaba has announced a $1bn deal to take a controlling stake in its Southeast Asian counterpart Lazada, as it looks to expand beyond China’s increasingly saturated market.

阿里巴巴10億美元控股東南亞同行 Alibaba buys controlling Lazada stake


As well as taking roughly $500m in new shares, the Chinese group is replacing big-name European investors such as Rocket Internet, the Berlin-based start-up incubator, and Tesco, the UK supermarket chain, which are selling down significant stakes in Lazada.

在出資約5億美元購買Lazada新股的同時,阿里巴巴將取代Lazada的歐洲大牌投資者,例如總部位於柏林的初創企業孵化器Rocket Internet和英國超市連鎖樂購(Tesco),這些投資者將減持在Lazada的大量股權。

The deal, announced yesterday, sees Alibaba join a number of large Chinese companies, including Anbang Insurance and Dalian Wanda, which are hunting for foreign acquisitions.

昨日宣佈的這項交易令阿里巴巴加入尋找境外收購目標的很多中國大企業的行列,包括安邦保險(Anbang Insurance)和大連萬達(Dalian Wanda)。

“Globalisation is a critical strategy for the growth of Alibaba Group today and well into the future,” Michael Evans, Alibaba president, said. “With the investment in Lazada, Alibaba gains access to a platform with a large and growing consumer base outside China.”

“全球化是阿里巴巴現在以及未來很長時間的一項重要增長戰略,”阿里巴巴總裁邁克爾•埃文斯(Michael Evans)表示,“通過投資Lazada,阿里巴巴在中國以外獲得了一個擁有大規模且不斷增加的消費者羣體的平臺。”

The relatively untapped Southeast Asia market is attractive to Alibaba as the Chinese ecommerce sector appears saturated with a slowdown in quarterly revenue growth. Ecommerce accounts for about 3 per cent of retail sales in Southeast Asia compared with 8-10 per cent in China.



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