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I just remember that my dreams when I was younger appear to be more vivid than what they are now. Upon reaching adulthood, my dreams started to wane and at best I could not recall any dream upon waking up.

According to experts, in a typical lifespan, humans spend a total of six years dreaming. There is yet no consensus or established explanation why we dream. That is why, there are theories that try to explain this phenomenon.

I gathered some of these theories and came up with eight explanations why we dream:

Adler's Theory. Dreams were a way of addressing our insecurities. In a dream we can safely face things that would otherwise scare us. We can try out strategies for overcoming our shortcomings or simply compensate for them via wish-fulfillment.
Freud's Theory. Freud believes that we dream mainly because we want to fulfill our wishes. In other words, we dream mainly to fulfill our desires.

Jung's Theory. He suggested that dreams may compensate for one-sided attitudes held in waking consciousness.
Hartmann's Theory. Dreams, he said, function like psychotherapy. What someone cannot do during waking life, he tries to fulfill in his dreams.

Griffen's Theory. Dreams provide a venue to satisfy an emotional expectation. This lowers stress on the dreamer.
Hobson and McCarley's Theory. Dreams were simply the result of random electrical brain impulses that pulled imagery from traces of experience. Our brain tries to make sense of what these imageries mean and our mind creates stories out of it.

Hall's Theory. He argued that a dream was simply a thought or sequence of thoughts. Dream images are the dreamer's own personal construct.
Cayce Theory. More inclined on the spiritual explanations, he claimed that through dreaming, people are given access to their spirit. Well, these dream theories appear to point out that dreaming is a personal thing. Each one has a unique dream not dreamt by anybody else. And I would suggest that the best explanation to our dreams should come from ourselves.
Besides, we cannot dwell on our dreams. We have to face our everyday realities. If you dream good, enjoy it. If not, wake up!




1. 阿德勒的理論。夢是一種消除我們的不安全感的方式。在夢中我們能夠安然地面對在現實生活中會令我們害怕的事情。我們能夠通過如願以償的方式嘗試種種策略來戰勝我們的弱點或者只是簡單地對它們進行補償。

2. 弗洛伊德的理論。弗洛伊德認爲我們做夢主要是因爲我們想要實現我們的願望。換句話 說,我們做夢主要是爲了滿足自己的慾望。

3. 榮格的理論。他的觀點是夢是對清醒意識的片面態度的一種補償。

4. 哈特曼的理論。他說,夢的功能類似於心理療法。在現實生活中不能做的事情,他會在夢境中試着實現。

5. 格里芬的理論。夢提供了一個滿足情感期待的地方。這給做夢的人緩解了壓力。

6. 霍布森和麥卡利的理論。夢僅僅是隨機發放的大腦電信號把過往的經歷變成意象。我們的大腦試着弄清楚這些意象的含義和我們創造的故事。

7. 霍爾的理論。他認爲夢僅僅是一種想法或一系列的想法。夢的意象是做夢者自己的創造。

8. 凱西的理論。他認爲更多的傾向於精神上的解釋,他聲稱通過做夢,人們得到通向他們心靈的途徑。這些夢的理論指出夢是一件個人的事。每個人都有其它人沒有的自己獨一無二的夢。我認爲關於我們的夢最好的解釋來自我們自己。
