
首頁 > 英語學習 > 英語語法 > 虛擬語氣中常見提示動詞:要求篇


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1. He asked that the letter should be given to boss immediately. 他要求馬上把信件交給老闆。

2. He asked that she should call her father. 他要求她打電話給她爸爸。

3. Russia demanded that Unita send a delegation to the peace talks. 俄羅斯要求安盟派代表團參加和談。

4. the police demanded that he give them the names. 警察要他說出那些人的姓名。


1. She desires that he buy this house. 她希望他買下這所房子。

2. We had always intended that the new series would be live. 我們一直打算現場直播這部新的電視系列節目。

3. It was not intended that colleges should have to revise their current schemes. 並不打算讓各學院修改現行計劃。

4. We certainly did not intend that you should conclude that we were suddenly supporting the adverse comments against Obama. 我們當然不計劃你可能會做出此結論,認爲我們會突然支持針對奧巴馬的反對意見。


1. He urged her to come and stay with us. 他勸她過來和我們同住。

2. He urged that they go to France. 他敦促他們到法國去。


1. he directed that no picture from his collection could be sold. 他發出指示,凡他收集的圖片一律不得出售。
