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教學內容:新目標七年級下冊 Unit 3Why do you like koalas? Section B (1—3) [教學目標]

知識目標:1.學習並掌握What, Why引導的特殊疑問句,

2.用Because句型和形容詞“ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy ”表示


能力目標:Describe animals; Express preferences

情感目標:瞭解自然,樹立自覺保護動物的意識,談論喜好,展示個性。 [重點難點]

重點:1. Words: ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy, other 2. Target Language:

What animals do you like?

What other animals do you like? Because they’re…and…

難點:How to describe animal and express preferences.




1. 目標明確,重、難點把握準確,知識主線提煉精確。

2. 教學設計體現了“聽說課”的教學模式,從複習熱身、感知體驗、強化鞏固到語言應用,設計的思路清晰,步驟明確,體現了“層層遞進”的教學原則。

3. 設計的流程遵循了學生的認知規律,由感知體驗到語言應用,注重了知識獲取,能力形成的學習過程。

4. 能夠突出學生的主體地位,面向全體,每個學生有任務,且每個學生都有展示的機會。

5. 通過小組間的合作,引導學生進行自主、探究學習,敢於質疑,善於解惑,學會總結,大膽評價。

6. 教學效果良好,學生參與面廣,參與機會多,參與的積極性高漲,興趣濃,知識與能力、過程與方法、情感態度價值觀得到了很好的落實。




初一英語聽課記錄範文 第2張


1. T leads Ss to read aloud the dialogues in unit 1 to review what they learned in last class.

2. T starts teaching the new words on page 7 in unit 2. T stresses on the pronunciation and spelling of the words by showing the connection between the similar words, e.g. father, mother, brother etc.

3. T leads Ss to read aloud the words and let them read by themselves.

4. T checks Ss’ learning by saying the Chinese meaning of the words and asks Ss to say it in English.

5. T asks Ss to take out their exercise books and practicing writing the new words and stresses the pronunciation and spelling again, and checks Ss’ understanding.

6. T leads Ss to read aloud the new words again.



十月十日 七三班第二節


1. T greets Ss using the sentences they learned in the starter units, e.g. How are you today?/I’m fine, thank you. And you?/I’m good, thanks.

2 T presents two photos of her family members and teach Ss to say the words they just learned, e.g. father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother etc. And T writes them and their Chinese meaning down on the Bb.

3. T points the person on the picture and asks Ss to say the words about the family members by using the sentence pattern: Who is this/that? This /That are… and write them down on the Bb.

4.T leads Ss to read aloud the key words and sentence on the Bb again.

5.T asks Ss to stand up and read the key words on the Bb individually.

6. T starts Unit 2 and leads Ss to do the exercise in 1a: match the words with the people in the picture.

7.T writes the nine words on the Bb and checks the answers, and repeat the Chinese meaning of the words and read them out loud.

8. T explains that’s=that is, she’s=she is and the differences between is and are when they use this sentence pattern.

9. T leads Ss to read the dialogue in 1a repeatedly.

10.T starts 1b and asks Ss listen to the tape according to the demanding: circle the words you hear.

11.T plays the tape again and checks the answers and asks Ss to listen it once again, making a pause when the key words appear.

12. T suggests Ss to take a photo of their family members next class and learn how to introduce them to the other classmates. 評價

這堂課上老師開始了新的一個單元Unit2: This is my sister.通過對於重點單詞和基本句型的反覆朗讀和練習,來幫助學生學習和鞏固新的知識。本單元的重點單詞是關於家庭成員的英文名稱,以及人際交往的禮貌用語。學生需要學會區分使用單複數時系動詞的變化( this/that is…these/those are…),以及縮寫的用法(this’s=this is, that’s=that is)等。這堂課上學生掌握得比較快,需要在後面的課程中持續地複習和鞏固。 十月十一日 七二班 第四節


1.T guides Ss to review the words they learned last class by leading them to read out loud twice.

2.T guides Ss to recite the words by saying their spelling and Chinese meaning orally, and stresses on the connection and similarities of the pronunciation again.

3.T leads Ss to read aloud the dialogue in 1a on page 7 and asks Ss to make up their own dialogues according to the picture in 1a. T instructs them while Ss are doing it.

4.T starts 2a and firstly leads Ss to read aloud the words inside the column and check if the Ss are clear about their Chinese meaning one by one.

5. T plays the tape and check Ss’ answers.

6.T starts 2b. and T guides Ss to distinguish the identity of the family members in the picture on 2b according to the letters.

7.T leads Ss to read aloud the English names inside the column and helps Ss to distinguish the names for male and female.

8.T plays the tape and write the words inside the column on the Bb and check Ss’ answer.

9.T leads Ss to read aloud the dialogue in 2c and asks them to read It by themselves with roles.

10. T gives the homework.

評價:這節課延續了上節課的重點內容:有關家庭成員的介紹,教師通過教材上新的環節的開始進一步鞏固了上節課所學內容。並且這節課帶領學生複習了在starter units中接觸過的英文人名的常識。在這節課的教學過程中,我發覺初中英語課堂上帶領學生反覆鞏固和複習所學核心知識的重要性,即抓住每一個環節與學生所學知識的聯繫,指導學生反覆地



1.引語爲一般陳述句,變爲間接引語時一般由that引導(可省略) 2.如果直接引語中的主語爲第一人稱,變爲間接引語時人稱要隨主語作適當變化

3.如果引述動詞爲一般過去時,間接引語中動詞的時態一般推移到過去時間 4.其他變化 指示代詞 時間狀語 地點狀語 動詞 this—that today-that day here—there come--go these--those now-then Read the passage. Describe the sentences are from the radio review (R) or the newspaper review (N) 1. “ It’s an excellent film, with terrific special effects.” 2. “ Although the special effects are fantastic, it’s a disappointing film.” 3. “The film is very long, and becomes boring.” 4. “Elijah Wood’s scenes are boring. 5. “Ian Mckellen is much better and his scenes are great.”

Read the passage then answer the questions

1. Read Paragraph 2 and answer the following questions 1). What did Chen Huan say the type of Pirates of the Caribbean? 2). What did Chen Huan say about the actors? 2. Read Paragraph 3 and answer the following questions 1). Why are Depp and Bloom sailing around the island? 2). Who do they meet? 3). Why is there lots of action in the film? 4). Who does Keira Knightley play? 3. Read Paragraph4 and check the sentences 1) The film is really true to our life. 2) Chen Huan thought there was too much fighting in the film. 3) Chen Huan didn’t like the film at all Students can practice like this: Jane: Did you hear Chen Huan’s culture report yesterday? Adam: No, I didn’t. What did she say ? Jane: It was about Pirates of the Caribbean. He said it was on at the student cinema. Adam: What did he say about it ? Jane: He said that… Write a short report about the film Chen Huan thought of,Ask some students to show it. 重點詞組:

1. keep out不讓......進入 2. out of style不時髦的;過時的 3. call sb. up打電話給...... 4. pay for付款 5. ask for要求 6. the same as與......同樣的 7. in style時髦的;流行的 8. get on相處;進展 9. as much as possible儘可能多 10. all kinds of各種;許多 11. on the one hand, ......(在)一方面,...... 12. on the other hand, ......另一方面,......



en and read after the tape for 15 minutes.(P50-2) 初中英語課聽課記錄中學英語評課筆記




StepPre-taskpreparation ctoneofthelisteditemsandtrytosolvetheproblem.





uragethestudentstoexpresstheirdesireofcherishtheanimals. (接下來,通過看一段福娃的錄像,讓學生學習五個單詞




(讓學生集體問,全體教師回答,以此方式來進行操練,同樣在其他的公開課上及其少見的。雖然利用聽課教師的這一資源,但是學生之間的操練非常少。) StepAssignment

Makeachantandchantittogether. (然後將這些串成一個說唱,在說唱的結束再加上了中文。也是少見的chant. 整堂課讓所有的學生和老師都互動一起了。充分利用做到了教學資料的整合。)初中英語課聽課記錄中學英語評課筆記聽完x老師與衆不同的英語課,感想頗多,該教師良好的素質,是有目共睹的,他對英語課堂的大膽顛覆的勇氣是值得大家欽佩的。雖然這不是一節完美的課,但是x老師在教學中所折射出的教學理念是先進,這點是毋庸置疑的,是非常值得我們學習的。聽完課,他讓在場的老師真正感受到了“教無定法”。該教師打破常規,選擇了人與動物和諧關係的話題。在進行課題引入是的時候,讓學生看一段錄像,創設了無聲勝有聲的情境。接下來不失時機的讓學生用學過的英語進行交流。利用最好的環境(在場的英語老師)來進行教學。讓英語老師們把自己很靚麗的部分展示出來。這樣自然的引入就非常的合時宜。該教師能準確把握三年級的學生的特點,準確把握時代的脈搏,該教師選擇了奧運,選擇了福娃。

雖然該教師教學的時候沒有什麼特別的目標,但是正如一位資深的英語教研員所所的,語言的教學的最終目標不僅僅是讓學生學會運用,該教師達成的是教育的大目標,這就是是塑造人,培養人,薰陶人。而這些,x老師都做到了。 . 課前朗讀,複習單詞

2. Greetings ---- What's the weather like today? Sunny.

緊接着複習其他表示天氣的單詞。cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然後,啓發學生說出另外一些表示天氣的單詞:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc.

啓發的方法是通過師生問答開展的。教師問:What's the weather will be like if it's rainy? 然後學生回答說:It'll be wet.

3. 由 It's a fine day. 複習感嘆句的表達形式。

How fine the day is! 當這一句話學生表述存在問題的時候,教師及時通過 What a fine day it is ! 啓發,並最終讓學生順利說出下面的句子: How fine it is! 接着,進一步問道:如何讚揚一個人呢?引出下列單詞:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然後說: He is a hard-working student. I'll learn from him.

4. 朗讀Lesson 60 課文內容,之後,通過看幻燈片,談論圖片內容;(感覺在這一過程中,教師中文組織教學太多。如:首先,我們見到圖畫中有什麼?像這樣的句子完全可以直接用英語組織進行。教師通過幻燈片呈現故事,在故事的呈現中滲透語言知識,形式很好。如果能就圖片提出一些目的性更強、有效性更高的

問題就好了。)接着,教師繼續由圖片、話題引出。The dog is our best friend. We should take good care of it. 這兩句話可否連起來呢?讓學生說出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it.

5. 檢查上次作文情況並步入正題----初三升中專題複習 --書面表達


6. 朗讀範文




1. 書面表達是語言學習過程中語言輸出的部分。它不是被動的語言輸入,而是積極的主動輸出。可以說,書面表達對於初三的同學來說,是最難的一個能力項目了。

2. 思考:如何提高學生作文或書面表達能力呢?



聽課記錄時間:Dec. 8. 2006



授課內容:Module 8 Unit 1 Tom always likes parties.

教學過程: 1、 上課開始師生問候---stand up. 2、 集體背書一遍 3、 集體讀書一遍

初一英語聽課記錄範文 第3張

Do you have breakfast in the morning? Yes, I usually have breakfast in the morning. How often do you have breakfast in the morning? No, I never have breakfast in the morning. 口頭操練,然後教師板書以上句型,學生進行pair work,全體朗讀,再次操練,學生表演對話內容

5、 教師出示一些生日禮物,並用英語向學生介紹基本情況。My birthday is in ……My friends and family usually give me some birthday presents. 然後問學生When is your birthday? Do you usually get birthday presents from your friends? 6、 和同學們一起進行Unit 1的Part One. ----Match the pictures with words.(birthday, card, present, party, cake) 再聽另一段對話,明確任務。回答下面兩個問題。

? When is Tony’s birthday?

? When do they usually play basketball? 9、 檢查上面兩個問題的答案之後,組織同學們聽音朗讀。 10、 閱讀對話內容,判斷下列句子正誤。 11、 進一步進行朗讀練習。但是朗讀時間明顯不夠, 12、 全班分組分角色朗讀對話內容。 13、 再次操練朗讀。 聽課意見: 1、 教師英語情況 2、 良好的師生之間關係是學生英語學習的情感基礎 3、 課堂調控能力---紀律和習慣是學習成功的有效保證 4、 課前充分的準備是課堂教學成功的基礎(認真備課,精心進行教學設計,課前做好板書設計等 5、 學生在進行第四部分判斷正誤的時候,回答問題的方法挺好。先朗讀原句,然後給出自己的判斷。It’s true/false. 但是,在判斷學生答案到底正確與否的時候應該可以有更好的操作方式。 6、 教學設計情況:上課的時候教師首先通過圖表進行問答幫助學生複習always, usually, often, never. 然後操練句子。之後板書操練的句子。感覺操練的句子提早板書會更好。 7、 聽力練習的處理,需要明確聽力的主要目的。到底是精聽還是泛聽。一旦明確了我們的目的,那麼在聽力處理的時候就可以有的放矢,避輕就重。而不至於耗費太多時間。 8、 板書課前準備很好,能夠解決沒有多媒體帶來的不便。但是,板書的設計第一要明確板書的目的,不是所有的東西都寫在黑板上,它應當是一節課的知識要點與語言精華。通過板書,幫助學生識記、掌握、運用。第二,板書的版面設計應當清晰、美觀,書寫規範。






