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can 在英語中有一個特殊的名字,叫做情態動詞,表示“能夠”, “會”, “能力”後面要跟着表示動作的動詞。沒有時態和人稱的變化。表示不能做什麼的時候,後面加上 not爲can not,或者縮寫爲can’t。問別人“能…嗎?”要把can 放在句子前面,首字母要大寫,句尾別忘加上問號。


—I can swing.I can draw.

—She can can play .

—We can touch can run.

—I can’t can’t see.

—She can’t can’t hear a car.

—Can you hear a dog?Can he hear a bus?

—Can Lucy write?Can you do it?


句子基本是:簡單陳述句,由簡單陳述句轉變成肯定句,否定句,疑問句。疑問句是用來提出問題。英語中有四種疑問句: 一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、選擇疑問句和反意疑問句。我們現在已經接觸到了前兩種疑問句。


英語中要用 yes和no 來回答的疑問句叫一般疑問句。如:

1)Is it hot ? Yes, it is .No, it isn’t. —— be動詞引導

2)Is it a car ?Yes, it is .No, it isn’t . —— be動詞引導

3)Is this your ruler ?Yes, it is .No, it isn’t .—— be動詞引導

4)Do you like bananas ?——含實義動詞

Yes, I like bananas. No, I don’t like bananas.或Yes, I do. No, I don’t

5)Can Tom see a dogl ?——含情態動詞

Yes , Tom can see a dog.No,Tom can’t see a dog.或Yes , he can. No,he can’t。


1.肯定句:2.否定句:3. 一般疑問句及肯否定回答

1) 主語+be動詞+….1) 主語+be動詞+not+….1)be動詞+主語+…?

Yes, 主語+be動詞./No, 主語+be動詞+not.

I am a teacher.

I amnot a teacher.

Are you a teacher?

--Yes, I am./ No, I am not.

My mother is thin.

My mother is not /isn’t thin.

Is your mother thin?

--Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t.

They are friend.

They are not/aren’t friend .

Are they friend?

--Yes. they are./ No, they aren’t.

2) 主語+情態動詞can+… 2) 主語+情態動詞can+ not+….2)情態動詞can+主語+…?

Yes, 主語+情態動詞can/No,主語+情態動詞can+ not

He can jump. He cannot/can’tjump. Can he jump?

--Yes,he can./ No, he can’t.

3)助動詞do/does+主語+…. 動詞原形+….動詞原形?

Yes, 主語+助動詞do/does. No, 主語+助動詞do/does+not.

He likes to eat apples.

He doesn’t like to eat he like to eat apples?

Yes,he does./ No,he doesn’t.

2、 祈使句:表示請求、命令、建議或勸告等的句子叫祈使句,主語you常省略。

1)、肯定形式:一般以動詞原形開頭。 Open the door, please.

2)、否定形式:在句首謂語動詞前加Don‘t。 Don‘t be late for class.


用特殊疑問詞來提出問題的疑問句叫作特殊疑問句。特殊疑問詞一般要放在句首。常用的疑問詞有what、 who ,which 、how 等這些詞都以wh開頭(包括how)所以也叫作wh-question。特殊疑問句要求回答具體內容。不能用yes或no回答。

結構:疑問詞+一般疑問句。回答不能用yes / no(或相當於yes / no)回答的問句。答句的句式同肯定句句式:如:

What can you see ? I can see a cat.

What do you like ? I like playing football

How old are you ? I’m ten.


I用am;you、we、they 都 用are;is連着he,she,it;




疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑 。



第一人稱I+am (注意:“I”無論何時都要大寫,不管位於句首還是句中)

例:I am a beautiful girl. I am twenty.

第二人稱you+are; 一人稱複數we+are; 三人稱複數they+are 其他複數名詞+are


例:You are my good friend. We are in the same class.

They are on the road. The books are on the desk.

第三人稱he(男) +is ; she(女)+is; it(不是人)+is;其他單數名詞+is

例:HeShe is a good student. It is a white cat.

A dog is on that street.


例:I am(not) from London.

My eyes are(not) small.

My hair is(not) long.

Am I a Chniese?

回答: 肯定:Yes, you are.

否定: No, you aren’t.

Is the cat fat?

回答:肯定:Yes, it is.

否定: No, it isn’t.
