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  中國水運歷史悠久。早在商朝就有了帆船。隋朝大運河(TheGrand Canal)爲南北水運帶來了很大便利。明朝時期,鄭和七次下西洋,在其中一次航行中,他到達了非洲東海岸。中國河流衆多,海岸線長,水運條件優越。長江是最重要的內陸航運(inland shipping)通道,其主流從四川宜賓到海洋,全長超過3000公里。重慶、武漢和南京是長江沿岸的重要港口。中國港口很多,適宜海運,如上海、大連、秦皇島、天津、青島、寧波、廈門、廣州等。這些港口的航線能通往世界上150多個國家和地區。


  1.歷史悠久:即“有着悠久的歷史”,可譯爲has a longhistory.
  2.隋朝大運河:即the Grand Canal in the Sui Dynasty.
  3.南北水運:可譯爲south-north water transport.
  4.鄭和七次下西洋:可譯爲Zheng He sailed across seasseven times.
  5.河流很多:可譯爲has plenty of rivers,或has a lot ofrivers,has lots of rivers.plenty of相當於a lot of或lots of,意爲“很多的”。
  6.適宜海運:“適宜”理解爲“有着有利的條件”,可譯爲has fovorable conditions.“海運”即“海上運輸”,可譯爲maritime transport.其中maritime意爲“海上的,航海的”。


甲骨文(oracle bone script)是中國現存最早的文宇。這些刻在龜甲(tortoise shell)或獸骨上的文字已相當成熟。沒認識甲骨文之前,人們都把這些甲骨當作藥材。清代(the QingDynasty)學者王懿榮偶然發現了這些龜甲和獸骨。在仔細研究之後,他認爲這些刻在甲骨上的符號是3000多年前商代(the Shang Dynasty)的文字。從這些文字中可以大致瞭解商代統治者的日常生活情況。甲骨文爲研究漢字起源提供了重要的資料。


  1.第1句中的“現存最早的文字”是兩個形容詞修飾一箇中心詞,其中一個爲最高級。在英語中,當比較級和最高級形容詞與其他形容詞連用時,比較級和最高級形容詞放在其他形容詞之前。故此處譯爲the earliest existing characters。
  2.在第2句中,定語“刻在龜甲或獸骨上的”較長,可將其處理成後置定語,用過去分詞短語carve on tortoise shells or animal bones 來表達,表被動。
  3.倒數第2句“從這些文宇……”爲無主語句,在翻譯時需補充其主語,此處應增譯“人們”,表達爲From these characters, people can...。
  4.在翻譯最後一句的“爲研究漢字起源提供了重要的資料”時,可以用provide... for...(爲……提供……)來表達,譯作 provide important materials for research into the origin of Chinese characters,也可譯作provide important materials for researching on the origin...。


在古代,轎子(sedan chair)被視作中國的特殊交通工具。人們用肩膀和手擡轎子。轎子在宋代最常見。實際上,它是固定在兩根竹竿上的可移動椅子,有的有帳篷,有的沒有。歷史上,中國的轎子在很多地方十分流行。在不同的時代和地區,轎子的名稱也不同,如篼子(douzi)、暖轎(nuanjiao)等。我們今天所說的轎子是暖轎。說到轎子的類型,可分爲三種:官轎,民轎和婚轎。就用途而言,轎子有兩種類型:山路轎子和平地轎子。


  1.特殊交通工具:可譯爲special transportation vehicle。文中的“工具”翻譯爲vehicle,是指“車輛工具”,這裏不要用tool, tool通常是指能拿在手裏、體積比較小的工具。
  2.人們用肩膀和手擡轎:用被動語態翻譯可使結構更顯緊湊,如譯爲主動句式 people lift it with shoulders and hands就顯得一般,而且這裏並不是強調 people,所以譯爲被動句It is lifted with shoulders and hands.這樣上下文銜接更流楊。
  3.固定在兩根竹竿上的:可譯爲定語從句which is fixed on two poles。
  4.有的有帳篷,有的沒有:可譯爲with or without a tent。
  5.不同的時代和地區:可譯爲in different ages and areas,也可以說in different times and places。
  6.說到...:可譯爲When it comes to…
  7.就用途而言:可譯爲regarding the purposes。其中regarding意爲“關於,至於”。





China‘s water transport has a long history.Early inthe Shang Dynasty,there were sailing boats.TheGrand Canal in the Sui Dynasty provided greatconvenience for south-north water transport.Inthe Ming Dynasty,Zheng He sailed across seas seventimes and reached the east coast of Africa during one of his voyages.China has plenty of rivers,along coastline and advantageous water transport conditions.The Yangtze River is the mostimportant inland shipping channel.Its mainstream,from Yibin in Sichuan Province to thesea,has a total length of over 3,000 kilometers.Chongqing,Wuhan and Nanjing are importantports along the river.China has fevorable conditions for maritime transport with manyharbors,such as Shanghai,Dalian,Qinhuangdao,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen,Guangzhou andso on.There are shipping routes from these ports to over 150 countries and regions all over theworld.


The oracle bone script is the earliest existingcharacters in China. These characters carved ontortoise shells or animal bones are quite mature.Before recognizing the oracle bone script, peopleregarded the shells and bones as medical materials.Accidentally, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, WangYirong, discovered these tortoise shells and animal bones. After careful study, he believed thatthese signs were the characters of the Shang Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. From thesecharacters, people can roughly understand the daily life of the rulers at that time. The oraclebone script provides important materials for research into the origin of Chinese characters.


In ancient times,the sedan chair was considered as a special transportation vehicle in China. It is lifted with shoulders and hands. The sedan chair was the most' common in the Song Dynasty. In fact, it is a removable chair fixed on two poles with or without a tent. The Chinese sedan chair was very popular in many areas in histoiy. In different ages and areas,the sedan chair has various names, for example,douzi, nuanjiao, etc. The sedan chair we know now is nuanjiao. As far as its kind is concerned, the sedan chair can be categorized into three types: sedan chair for officials, common people and weddings. Regarding the purposes, the sedan chair falls into two types: one for mountain roads, and the other for flat roads.
