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Vacations are a chance to take a break from work, see the world and enjoy time with family. But do they make you happier?

Researchers from the Netherlands set out to measure the effect that vacations have on overall happiness and how long it lasts. They studied happiness levels among 1,530 Dutch adults, 974 of whom took a vacation during the 32-week study period. The study showed that the largest lift in happiness comes from the simple act of planning a vacation. In the study, the effect of vacation anticipation lifted happiness for eight weeks.

After the vacation, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels for most people. How much stress or relaxation a traveler experienced on the trip appeared to influence post-vacation happiness. There was no post-trip happiness benefit for travelers who said the vacation was “neutral” or stressful.”

Surprisingly, even those travelers who described the trip as “relaxing” showed no additional jump in happiness after the trip. “They were no happier than people who had not been on holiday,” said the lead author, Jeroen Nawijn, tourism research lecturer at Breda University. The only vacationers who experienced an increase in happiness after the trip were those who reported feeling “very relaxed” on their vacation. Among those people, the vacation happiness effect lasted for just two weeks after the trip before returning to baseline levels.

One reason vacations don’t increase happiness after the trip may have to do with the stress of returning to work. And for some travelers, the holiday itself was stressful. “In comments from people, the thing they mentioned most referred to disagreements with a travel partner or being ill,” Mr. Nawijn said.

The study didn’t find any relationship between the length of the vacation and overall happiness. Since most of the happiness boost comes from planning and anticipating a vacation, the study suggests that people may get more out of several small trips a year than one big vacation, Mr. Nawijn said.

51. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. Post-vacation happiness B. Pre-vacation planning

C. Influence to vacations D. Research on vacations

52. The study implies that _________.

A. The longer the vacation is, the happier the travelers will be.

B. The better you get your vacation planned, the more happiness you will get.

C. It will make you happier if you divide a big vacation into small ones.

D. None of the travelers were happier than those who had not been on holiday,

53. Which of the statements is not mentioned in the passage?

A. People never have additional jump in happiness after the trip.

B. For most people, happiness quickly dropped back to baseline levels after the vacation.

C. The largest lift in happiness comes from the simple act of planning a vacation.

D. Vacations are a chance to get relaxed from work.

54. Which of the following is NOT the reason for not increasing happiness after a trip?

A. You got different ideas with your partners on holiday.

B. You caught a bad cold during the trip.

C. The worry about whether could return to work or not.

D. The holiday itself could get you stressed.

55. During the 32-week study period _______of the people involved took a vacation.

A. about one seconds B. about two thirds

C. more than one third D. less than three fifth

答案:51-55 ACACB



Congratulations on being 12! Wow, your 11’s are over and after this year you will officially be a y Birthday boy! I’m so excited for you.

Last night at the dinner table I told you about how clearly I remember the day before you were born.I sat in front of that fireplace in our very first house in Rowlett, Texas, in 1996 and cried my eyes out before God.I cried because potentially, something could have been wrong with you, but even more than that, I believe I cried out to him because of the gift he was giving are incredibly special Hayden will make your mark on the world in amazing ways.I’ve always known that.I’m glad to be your father.

The gifts you receive today will give hints(暗示) of our first big trip that will take place in y quarter there will be a special, secret trip you and I will take times you won’t know what’s to come; I want you to trust t that I’m doing what’s right for you and planning events that will be memories for years to come.

Every month I will sit down with you and talk to you about what it takes to live in this world and how to navigate life in a good during these months my closest friends will teach you the most valuable lessons they’ve learned in will also become your friends and confidants (知己).

I will always believe in you and I’ll always be right by your side cheering you on through each and every stage of your life on this Thanksgiving Day.I couldn’t be more thankful to have you in my life.

I love you!

is most probably a letter _______.

a father to his son a mother to her son

a father to his daughter a mother to her daughter

57.“ Over this year we will go on a few journeys.” is a sentence from the letter and should be put at the beginning of _______.

graph 1 graph 2 graph 3 graph 4

h of the following statements is NOT right about the writer?

writer will arrange a secret trip every two months.

writer wrote this letter in 2008.

writer’s child was born on Thanksgiving Day.

writer’s friends will help to educate his son.

the writer “cried his eyes out”, he felt _______.

anxious and terrified terrified and surprised

delighted and surprised anxious and delighted

答案:56—59 ACAD


Three years ago, a study of overfishing led to sharp warned that the world’s ocean fish could be almost gone by the middle of the , a new study Offers more shows that the risk of fisheries(漁場) collapse has recently decreased in some areas-some, but not all.

BORIS WORM: “This means different regions are heading in different directions and some regions have indeed begun to eliminate overfishing.”

Boris Worm at Dalhousie University in Canada and Ray Hilborn at the University of Washington in Seattle were lead authors of the new study.

Professor Worm also led the earlier study published in essor Hilborn publicly disagreed with those result: the two scientists agreed to work together on a new study.

They led a team that studied ten five of them, the rate at which fish are being taken out of the sea has dropped to a level that should let the populations e areas still had overfishing, but corrective measures have begun.

Yet, in all, almost two-thirds of fish populations studied worldwide still need rebuilding.

Only two areas did not have an overfishing problem in either the new study or the earlier are New Zealand and the American state of Alaska.

The new study found that overfishing has been reduced in Canada’s Newfoundland-Labrador area and in Iceland and southern also found improvements in the northeastern United States and the California Current that flows south along the West Coast.

The study found that better controls are still needed in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.

The findings from two years of research appear in the journal Science.

Using nets that let smaller fish escape and agreeing not to fish in certain areas can help reduce study showed that these measures helped fish populations grow in Kenya.

But one of the authors of the study, from the Wildlife Conservation Society, says fisheries in Africa face another countries in Africa, he says, are selling fishing rights to industrialized nations which catch large amounts of seafood.

The study shows what happened when industrialized nations increased restrictions on fishing in their own ood companies moved their boats to developing countries with fewer restrictions.

g the ten areas surveyed in the new study, _______ of them were not so overfished as they used to be.

-thirds e

to the new study, which of the following statements is Wrong?

found that two of the areas studied showed improvements.

lasted two years in all.

showed that many areas still needed improving.

was conducted not only by Boris Worm and Ray Hilborn.

underlined word in paragraph 2 eliminate most probably means________.

at ce rid of ove

h can be the best title for the passage?

y Finds Some Ocean Fisheries Are Recovering

s Worm and Ray Hilborn’s New Study

Findings about Overfishing Offer Hope

fishing Is Decreasing

答案:64—67 BACA






