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Notice:1、vocabulary 2、Model Sentence 3、Shorthand(略) 4、Chinese

一、Geremonial Speeches


A:title:president總統,總裁,大學校長 Chairman主席,董事長 CEO/CFO headmaster中小學校長 vice副 premier總理(社會主義國家) Chancellor(德) prime (minister部長)首相(英) managing代理 mayor市長 Your Honor閣下 Your Excellency殿下 representative代表 participant與會代表

B:Expression of emotion:on behalf of,representing謹代表 express,extend表達 staff員工 board董事會 crew機組人員,船員,球員 faculty師資隊伍 delegation代表團 sincere,cordial,heartfelt誠摯的,由衷的 authentic,gunuine真摯的 hospitality熱情好客 gracious盛情的

Model Sentence:On behalf of (sb), I'd like to express (emotion) to (sb) (1)for sth. (2)who on the occasion of,at the joyous moment of值此之際

2、Making Toast

MS:(1)May I propose a toast(2)May I ask you to join me in a toast(3)May I aske you to raise your glasses to.. toCheers!


siminar,symposium專題討論 panel discussion小組討論

MS:(1)I regard it as my great pleasure/honor/privilege(2)It's my great honor(3)I'm honored to introduce you Mr.(title),who is delivering/addressing a speech on the topic of (sth).


1、International Politics

A:Displomacy;B:cooperation (1)Economy/Trade (2)Environmenal Protection (3)anti-terrorism

statesman政治家 politician政客 ambassador大使 embassy大使館 sovereignty主權 territory領土/空/海 integrity完整 declaim譴責 interfere with干涉 safe guard捍衛 internal affairs內政 state affairs國事 stand/stance立場 persistent一貫堅持的 advocate,call for主張 difference分歧 clash,conflict衝突 friction磨擦 contradiction矛盾 hegemony霸權主義 power politics強權政治

10個短語:相互理解,相互尊重,相互信任,相互平等,互惠互利mutual understanding, respect, trust, equality, benefits 求同存異seek commonground while putting aside differences 和睦相處,睦鄰友好,與鄰爲伴,與人爲善good neighbour policy(harmonius和諧 coexistence)

MS:插入語 subject,( ),v. object (1)which (2)doing (3)n. (4)with g (5)adj./adv. (6)because/when/if (7)noun/prep phrase (8)n.+(1)-(7)

WORDS(ADD):與會來賓guest present 光臨participation,presence,attandance 業績achievement 永久的everlasting,permanent,eternal,immortal 穩定stability,tranquility 國際大都市cosmopolitan city,cosmopolis 大都會metropolitan city,metropolis 活力energy,dynamism,dynamics,vigor 熱情enthusiasm,zeal 多樣性diversity 舉國同慶national celebration 良辰佳時good time 事業有成good career 吉祥如意luck 高度禮儀utmost courtesy 非凡的extraordinary 改革開放reform and opening up 計劃經濟planned economy 廣闊的extensive 前景prospect 萬能詞:most,gorgeous