
首頁 > 英語口譯 > 初級英語口譯 > 每天10組詞彙,衝刺口譯考試(三十四)


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padding-bottom: 133.33%;">每天10組詞彙,衝刺口譯考試(三十四)
知識分子 intellectuals 知識化 (be) better educated 執法必嚴 the laws strictly enforced 執政爲民 exercise the state power in the interest of the people 執政之基 the cornerstone for its (the party's) governance 直轄市 municipality directly under the Central Government 職能交叉 overlapping functions 指導思想 guiding ideology 制定"十一五"計劃 the formulation of the eleventh five-year plan 制度創新 institutional innovation