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in the past year用什麼時態

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in the past year的時態用法是英語考試的一個考點,那麼你知道in the past year用於什麼時態嗎?下面是本站小編爲你整理的in the past year的時態,希望大家喜歡!

ing-bottom: 135.02%;">in the past year用什麼時態
  in the past year的時態

in the past years


  in the last year和in the past few years的區別

in the last year在過去的一年中 只用過去時態 很明確的指出時間狀態是去年;有時我們也可以直接說last year。

in the past few years是 在過去的幾年當中,如果語境中發生的動作能延續到現在,對現在有影響,是可以用完成時的。

  in the past years的例句

1. A dozen inmates have absconded from Forest Jail in the past year.


2. The cost of living had been racing up in the past year.


3. The shares have plummeted from 130p to 2.25p in the past year.


4. Real incomes have gone up by 10 % in the past year.


5. Peter has really sprouted up in the past year.


6. There have been scores of kidnappings by political extremists in the past year.


7. The number of adoptions has grown in the past year.


8. John has really sprouted up in the past year.


9. The shift to coal has been evident in the past year.


10. Under pressure from Brussels, however, matters have improved in the past year.

但是由於歐委會的壓力, 這些情況已於去年得到改善.


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