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India's gender chore gap, the difference between the amount of housework done by women and men, is the largest of any country for which data is available, according to new figures compiled by the World Economic a ranks top, or bottom (depending how you look at it), in terms of the number of minutes women spend on housework each day versus the amount of time men dedicate to daily household tasks

Women in India on average spend 351.9 minutes every day doing housework, men spend just 51.8 minutes on such duties: a difference of 300.1 minutes. The next closest country is Mexico, with a gap of 260.7 findings are part of the annual Global Gender Gap Report 2014 published Tuesday. This year, India fell 13 places to 114 out of 142 countries in the latest ranking, which measures equality between the sexes in access to work, education and healthcare. The fall was caused by a drop in economic participation and opportunity for women, as well as a dip in female educational attainment.


“Indian women end up doing very badly in paid work and one of the reasons for that is that they are spending so much time in unpaid work,” said Saadia Zahidi, head of the gender parity program at the WEF and one of the authors of the decline in female participation in the workforce has fallen irrespective of the country's economic growth, according to a report by the InterNational Labor Organization in February een 2004-05 and 2009-10, a period of rapid economic growth in India, female participation in the work force fell from 37% to 29%.
“印度女性花了那麼多時間在無報酬的家務勞動上所以不可能在出去找工作,”薩迪亞扎西迪說(世界經濟論壇的性別平等程序主管和報告的作者之一)。女性就業的下降無關與國家的經濟增長,國際勞工組織的一份報告顯示。2004 - 05至2004 - 10年,印度經濟快速增長的時期,女性勞動力的參與從37%降至29%。

"Women have lost out in terms of employment in the growth story," said Indrani Mazumdar, a senior fellow at the Centre for Women's Development Studies in New rural areas, for example, increased use of machinery in farming has led to a reduction in jobs, and the jobs that remain usually go to men, Ms. Mazumdar the chore gap is most pronounced in cities, rather than villages. Among women surveyed by India's National Sample Survey Organization in 2011-12, around 39% in rural areas and about 50% in urban areas spent most of their time on domestic duties. Of those women, "about 60 per cent in rural areas and 64 per cent in urban areas did so due to the reason 'no other member to carry out the domestic duties,'" according to the survey.
“女性在經濟的增長之中失敗原因有很多“Indrani Mazumdar說(婦女發展研究中心高級研究員)。例如在農村地區因爲增加使用機械就會導致減少就業機會,但是仍然得有人幹活。所以家務差距最爲明顯是在城市,而不是農村。印度國家抽樣調查調查的女性組織在2011 - 12,大約39%在農村地區,約50%在城市花了大部分時間浪費在家務勞動上。

Cultural taboos about female employment makes the problem more pronounced in cities, said Ranjana Kumari, author of "Gender, Work, and Power Relations," and director of New Delhi-based think tank the Centre for Social Research. "Even if women are highly educated, they aren't allowed by in-laws and husbands to do any job outside the home," Ms. Kumari said. "Women are graduating to get a good groom not a good job," she what are women in India spending their time doing? The NSSO survey found that the majority spent time making cow-dung patties–used for cooking fuel–collecting firewood, sewing, tailoring, or collecting drinking water.
印度文化禁忌對城市女性就業是一個打擊,Ranjana Kumari表示“如何處理好印度社會的性別、工作與權力的關係“即使是女性受過高等教育,但是公婆和丈夫不允許她們在外面做任何工作,”庫瑪麗女士說。“女人上大學是爲了找好的新郎而不是爲了找一個好工作,”她補充道。所以女性在印度花費他們的時間是在幹什麼?NSSO(國家樣本測量組織)的調查發現,大多數花時間是把牛糞做成小餡餅樣子當柴火用,還有做衣服,或者收集飲用水(河邊打水)。

Urban Indian women also make cow-dung patties and walk to collect clean water, but in lower numbers. Other household chores performed by women included: fishing, grinding food grain, husking rice paddy, preserving meat and tutoring ing India's shortage of power and clean water could help get more women into the workforce, said Indu Agnihotri, director of the Centre for Women's Development Studies."Women spend so much time negotiating the lack of basic civic amenities, like water and power, that even though they have a desire for work there are obstacles to getting it," Ms. Agnihotri said.
印度城市女性也把牛糞做成餡餅,或者走到河邊收集乾淨的水,但是比較而言城市女性更喜歡去釣魚、磨糧食,剝稻殼,保存鮮肉和輔導孩子。如果能解決印度的電力短缺和乾淨的水的問題可以幫助更多的女性進入職場,婦女發展研究中心主任Indu Agnihotri說。“女人花那麼多時間去承受缺乏基本的市政設施,像水、電的痛苦,即使他們渴望得到一份工作也是有障礙的“Agnihotri女士說。