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Microsoft's graphics program Paint has been included in a list of Windows 10 features that will be either removed or no longer developed.

微軟的繪圖程序Paint已經被列入一張Windows 10的功能清單中,這些功能要麼會被移除,要麼將不再開發。

Paint has been part of the Windows operating system since its release in 1985 and is known for its simplicity and basic artistic results.


Paint's successor, Paint 3D, will still be available.

不過,Paint的接替者Paint 3D仍將可以使用。


The list was issued as part of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, which rolls out in the autumn.

該清單是作爲將於秋季推出的Windows 10秋季創意者更新的其中一部分發布的。

Other features facing the axe include the Outlook Express email client, which is replaced with the built-in Mail app, and the Reader app, which will be integrated into Microsoft Edge.

其他面臨被刪除的功能還包括Outlook Express電子郵件客戶端,它被內置的郵件應用程序取代,而Reader應用程序將被集成到微軟的Edge中。

People have expressed disappointment at the news on social media, with many tweeting "RIP" messages.
